To use the "Mino's Jabo Gunsight"........
OK, center dot = self explanatory.

You will notice 2 notches along the vertical line below the center dot.
The first notch is the "rocket notch" as I like to call it. Make your attack at about a 45 degree AOA or better, place that notch on your target, get fairly close and personal and launch away.

The second notch, nearer the bottom of the sight itself is the "bomb notch". Same routine, although greater than 45 degree AOA is preferable for better accuracy.
Practice with it some, get used to it and it will provide you with a pleasurable JABO experience. So, in a nutshell, thats pretty much it
Happy Jabo'ng

[This message has been edited by rob53 (edited 05-12-2001).]