Originally posted by Toad
No, no, no, no, no!
It was the EViL WeSt that tried to poison him!
Get your facts straight... or wait for Boroda to tell you himself.
Dear Sir,
Your intuition about this poisoning may be quite right. The bull's eye shot.
Imagine two top Ukrainian KGB officers not able to effectively poison the US puppet while dining with him. This looks exactly like the inability of top Russian masons to effectively poison that defrocked monk Rasputin.
As far as I know the KGB of the mid XX century was killing Ukrainian nationalists using very effective poison-firing hand gun loaded with cyanide capsule. The cyanide fumes prooved to be deadly to the victim, Stepan Bandera who died immediately after being fired at by the KGB agent in Munich in 1957.
Is it so that modern KGB officers lack practicing in their deadly skills, or behind-the-scenes operatives from some other agency used the situation to their advantage ?
And what a sympathy magnet the half-poisoned opposition leader can be for the masses, especially with all that voting fraud going on. Democracy rules !