Author Topic: 10-year vet won't return to Iraq  (Read 1096 times)

Offline Airhead

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Re: Re: Re: 10-year vet won't return to Iraq
« Reply #30 on: January 19, 2005, 02:21:14 AM »
Originally posted by Red Tail 444

Frankly, since God gave us all the ability to engage in Free Will, I respect his decision to change his mind.

...And change his mind he DID, once the bullets started flying.

You can't just quit the military, dude- you sign a contract and they train you, feed you, clothe you and tell you what to do until your contract is over. He's a friggin volunteer, for Christ's Sakes. He benefited when the PX ran specials on Marlboros and now he's refusing to deply- And you "respect" his decision to change his mind?

I'll tell you what- my tax money paid for his training and his ten year free ride during peacetime, and now when the spit hits the fan it's OK for this POS to beg off? OK, then pay the Government back the money WE invested in you and live the rest of your life with the stigma of being the POS you are- it's all good.

You know what's wrong with America today? It's too damn easy to quit. If life gets too tough you just quit....SOMEONE will pick up your slack. The only thing that kept this 10 year Vet from being the quitters we see panhandling on streetcorners was the military- we all rise or sink to our own levels, he has sunk to his.

The same attitude of acceptance and pity for those who quit is evidenced by the number of apparently  able bodied males holding cardboard signs begging on streetcorners. Today I saw two panhandlers on the same corner, each one trying to look more pathetic than the other- the other three corners were occupied by bigger, and tougher looking, panhandlers.

So I called my Legislator to complain about the fact there were so many panhandlers at the streetcorners that they had to share them, and my Legislator said they were introducing legislation to build more streetcorners so it would no longer be a problem.


Don't quit and don't condone those who quit. Life is about responsibilites, and don't enable those who have abandoned theirs.

Offline Gixer

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Re: Re: 10-year vet won't return to Iraq
« Reply #31 on: January 19, 2005, 02:44:08 AM »
Originally posted by wombatt
No problem.
For everyone of these guys there is a hero like yourself to take there place.

When do you ship out?

My thoughts exactly, always a laugh to hear comments from those who have probably never done anything more adventurous then Boy Scouts.


Offline wombatt

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10-year vet won't return to Iraq
« Reply #32 on: January 19, 2005, 02:48:40 AM »
Originally posted by weaselsan
I receive a nice retirement from the Navy...I'm a multi Million dollar lottery winner...and have been informed by letter from the Soc. Sec. Admin that I am now eligible for benifits. You needn't thank me for anything, but thanks for the thought. I served in the Navy because I liked the life. I stayed in the extra time to train crews on Gearing class Destroyers as they where sold to Allied Countries.

Man I have been trying to win the lottery for years LOL.
Good for you man I mean that now you and your family are secure
and your kids can have a great education.

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Re: Re: Re: 10-year vet won't return to Iraq
« Reply #33 on: January 19, 2005, 02:56:35 AM »
Originally posted by Gixer
My thoughts exactly, always a laugh to hear comments from those who have probably never done anything more adventurous then Boy Scouts.


Well Gixer I meant to say that although I might not agree with what this guy did I can in some way understand it.

We only have this one life on earth and really how many of us here would be willing to die for some Iraqi?

Frankly I would not .
I served my country and was lucky enough to be in during peace time but I would have followed orders just the same.

But If I was in now and was told I had to go back and do a second tour in the chithole of a country I don't think I would be real happy about it would you?

I mean what do we really owe these freekin people anyways?
Have we not given enough young lives?

I guess I am saying I would not judge any man for what ever decision he makes about his own life it is simply his choice his life not mine.

If he can live whith himself then so be it.
Personaly I would have a hard time knowing my buds where over there and I was here safe and warm.

You bond with people in your platoon or company they become like family and It would be very hard to turn away from them in a time of war.

Offline mechanic

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10-year vet won't return to Iraq
« Reply #34 on: January 19, 2005, 03:01:22 AM »
I think he has shamed himself and his unit by this action.

in military terms its a disgrace, but humanitarianism might argue that point.

on the other hand, its not like his country is in much danger of being overthrown....

i would have gone to the first and second world wars gladly.

but something like vietnam/iraq/bosnia i wouldnt because all i would do is kill people that wernt a threat to my family or friends.

and give them the chance to kill me...
And I don't know much, but I do know this. With a golden heart comes a rebel fist.

Offline Airhead

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Re: Re: Re: 10-year vet won't return to Iraq
« Reply #35 on: January 19, 2005, 03:12:55 AM »
Originally posted by Gixer
My thoughts exactly, always a laugh to hear comments from those who have probably never done anything more adventurous then Boy Scouts.


LOL Whereas your buddy here, Wombatt, got kicked out of the service for being a drunk- by his own admission, BTW, so don't start up with that personal attack BS. ;)

And actually the people critisizing his choice to not deploy are vets, many retired-  hardly boy scouts.

If you wish to coddle this copout POS then sponsor his immigration to New Zealand- Land of the Boy Scouts.

Offline Gixer

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Re: Re: Re: Re: 10-year vet won't return to Iraq
« Reply #36 on: January 19, 2005, 05:05:28 AM »
Originally posted by Airhead
And actually the people critisizing his choice to not deploy are vets, many retired-  hardly boy scouts.

Coming from Vets is one thing but coming from those who have never served and would rather sit at home and call coward while comfortably letting someone else serve is another.


Offline Creamo

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10-year vet won't return to Iraq
« Reply #37 on: January 19, 2005, 05:39:31 AM »
I uncomfortably and without my choice send $520 to the United States every 2 weeks Gixer. If that man does not want to serve, fine, no benefits, and jail him for the remainder of his service. ***** should start a webpage with polls on how many times Weaselsan mentions he's a lottery winer, and if wombatt will actually blow him just because he did, lol.

Offline Glas

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10-year vet won't return to Iraq
« Reply #38 on: January 19, 2005, 06:20:39 AM »
Originally posted by weaselsan
Fine.... as long as he repays the US taxpayers 10 years salary.
You see when the time came to earn that pay, he claims he's unqualified,

The guy was a mechanic.  I would imagine that in the last 10 years, he was working pretty hard at what he does.

No other job would expect you to hand your salary back if you left them, especially after 10 years service.

He was a non-combatant in the first place, so basically he just carried on doing the job he had been doing for the last 10 years, but in a different place.

He didnt like that place.  He seen stuff that he had never quite expected, and basically he doesnt want to see them again.

Call him what you wish, but imo the guy is brave for standing up and speaking out.  It would have been so much easier to just shut up and get on the flight, only to then cause problems for your fellow soldiers over there, cos you didnt want to be there in the first place.  Ask any soldier, I bet they would rather have no one beside them, than only a half commited person.  At least you know exactly who you ca rely on when your on your own.

And about waiting for the call-up to come before calling off sick (or claiming CO) - perfectly understandable imo, if you believe the rest of his story.  Had he came right out and said it as soon as he had come back, people would have told him to sit on it for a while anyway.  So he did just that - he sat on it, tried to fight the objections he was having, discovered he couldnt, and said he wanted out.

Yeah, the timing is f*cked up.  But his train of thought seems perfectly reasonable to me.

Offline Airhead

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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: 10-year vet won't return to Iraq
« Reply #39 on: January 19, 2005, 10:30:18 AM »
Originally posted by Gixer
Coming from Vets is one thing but coming from those who have never served and would rather sit at home and call coward while comfortably letting someone else serve is another.


Gixer, I see this sentiment alot here, and frankly I don't buy it. Personal history has little to do with our opinions, and military service should not be a prerequesite for expressing an opinion about a deserter. And before anyone asks, yes, I'm a Vet, and although I gained experience from my service it didn't make me any wiser necessarily.

Offline Maverick

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10-year vet won't return to Iraq
« Reply #40 on: January 19, 2005, 10:50:01 AM »
I'll vouch for Airhead not being wise.

A Veteran - whether active duty, retired, national guard or reserve - is someone who, at one point in their life, wrote a check made payable to "The United States of America", for an amount of "up to and including my life."
Author Unknown

Offline Airhead

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10-year vet won't return to Iraq
« Reply #41 on: January 19, 2005, 10:54:56 AM »
Originally posted by Maverick
I'll vouch for Airhead not being wise.


LOL Exactly my point, Mav. :aok

Offline Suave

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10-year vet won't return to Iraq
« Reply #42 on: January 19, 2005, 10:56:32 AM »
It's a volunteer army. When my military profession became a dead end job that precluded me from being a soldier I walked into my commander's office and asked for my walking papers. The Army paid me what they owed me, and I paid the army what I owed her, and we were square. I left with a sense of gratefullness for the privledge of being allowed to serve among the warrior class.

He should've chosen a way to get out that wouldn't have thrown a wrench in the works for his unit. The manner he chose displays disrespect for his colleagues.  He got out because the Army called him on his pledge to be a soldier. The Army is better without him. This is a case of extreme malingering.