Originally posted by Saintaw
I met some pple from here IRL, they are all great pple, even Stringer whoom I almost had to cary back to his hotel
I also had a date with a nun once... I have to thank Orel for that. *mumbles something inpolite...*
Youuu bastige you were hiding like a girl when i came to umm... was that Brussel ?
It were supposed to be a surprise but ... ohh well.. never mind i will kick your balls next time.
However when we did play Diablo 1, i meet like 3 ppl in real. 1 of them bought 5 computers from me, second was his girlfriend, that time she were just zero, but today she work in top management of mobile telecomunication company.
Thrid guy had a lot of new games, so i sometime meet him to get some of them. it were in mid 90s. Later when i served at university instead of my millitary duty, i found that one of my colegues from university is friend with the boy who were burning CDs for me.
One day i got mad idea, that we could go and gang bang our AH squad leader, Mr. tresky plesky Airmessovsky. So i packed 2 pairs of underwear, Mbirdcz and we went to Italy by car. We did stay there for 2 days, then we went to Swiss.... We meet mr. Airmess and had a great time with him. he is cool guy. however im not sure what time he had with us, coz when we were leaving, he gave me some 2.5Kg of cookies
No i spoted that Nexx is living right next to us in Germany, so i playing with idea to visit him with Mbirdcz.
We also invited some of our squad mates to the Czech, but non of them had balls to come yet... they simply fear those 3rd world countries
oohhhh.. and i meet something like 3 Iranians trough internet whitch i meet in real as well. We still friends for past 3 years.