Author Topic: In the Heat of Losing! Why not just change sides?  (Read 2762 times)

Offline Westy

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In the Heat of Losing! Why not just change sides?
« Reply #15 on: February 05, 2000, 08:29:00 PM »
Hey Mino, what Gadfly said.  
I am a free spirit in these things. I've never felt allegiance to any country or color in any sim I've ever flown. Most times I check the numbers when loging on and I usually choose the under dog. Unless the under dog is being baldy kicked to death. Then I join another country, besides the top dog, and start a little ruckus with them elsewhere.
 The only time I ever get into loyalty and "patriotism" is in scenarios. For me the arena is practice for them. Tune or learn ACM and try and keep the SA sharp.
 But do what it is that makes you have the most fun. For each of us it may very well be something different. If you're not having fun, logoff and read a book.  That always works for me after getting my head handed to me on a platter in a scenario frame.  


[This message has been edited by Westy (edited 02-05-2000).]

Offline Hangtime

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In the Heat of Losing! Why not just change sides?
« Reply #16 on: February 05, 2000, 09:45:00 PM »
Wow.. an interesting virtual loyalty concept! and a Moral Dilemma! Made fer TV Movie Script material!  

I'm with 'ol AKWabbit here in principal.. and share for the most part the same views. Sadly; here's a typical case of the Moral Highground being the tuffest to defend. And; I'm wize enuff to know that like Religion, Politics, Gunnery and Chute Shooting; this is a hot tamale.

Yep; I fly pretty much exclusively bish.. I had one evening when I allowed myself to become annoyed & logged on to the other side. Made a kill on a guy I usually clear sixes for.. and felt like doggy doo fer two days. Never switched again. Frankly; I like and respect the guys I fly with, and would much rather fly with them, than against them.

I also respect the guys I routinely encounter on the other teams; great talents, excellent adversaries.. and I don't see them switching sides much either. Sure there are exceptions; special events or tactical considerations notwithstanding, the enema remains the enema.. for the most part.  

Of course, it becomes tuff for me to respect an enema that swaps sides just for a rest from 'being beat upon'. Sure; he's just flying for fun.. and so am I. It's unfortunate I don't find that kind of scorecard flying as much fun as others apparently find it. But that's ok.. they don't really affect my game; and I tend to not effect theirs either.  !

Likewize; its tuff for me to respect a friendly that hops to the other side for a convienient 'change of pace'.

Further, I can't say I'm comfortable with the guys that country hop several times an evening.. have seen situations pop up where plans were made for an attack only to find a 'bish' has swapped sides; and is gleefully involved in busting it up from the other side. No big deal.. this kinda stuff seems to be part of arena play everywhere. I don't squeak about it.. I just remember names.  

I realize that it's nuts for me to expect others to fly the sim the way I do; and I try not to allow their different attitudes regarding playbalance or 'loyalty' affect my judgement when I see one of these guys in a jam when they fly on my side.

Certainly; everyone here has the right to fly the sim the way they choose. it's like freedom of speech in a way... I'd defend yer right to say what yah want; but that don't mean I agree with what you say. If yah wanna hop from team to team; well; that's ok I guess. Who am I to tell somebody who's paid his money how to take his chances?

With most guys I fly with; when they need help; there's no dilemma; no hesitation.. down I go. With these 'others'.. well if there's a dilemma; there may be some hesitation, some moral juggling to be resolved.

"...hmmm; mebbe this ain't a 'for real' friendly and well; maybe the guy is gettin what he wants or asked for.. after all; I didn't send him down there; certainly; if he's liable to be on the other side next sortie; mebbe I shouldn't be in such a hurry to go down there and probably get my bellybutton shot off tryin to help him... "

SYSTEM: Dolomite has shot down NUTTZ

...whups, too late. He's dead. Dilemma solved.  

I love this sim.  


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Offline bloom25

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In the Heat of Losing! Why not just change sides?
« Reply #17 on: February 06, 2000, 02:46:00 AM »
This is a tough one, while on one hand I like it when someone switches sides to help the Knights when we are the underdogs, I don't like it when people bail out on us when the going gets tough.  I personally have only flown Knight since I started back in .36, but that's because my squad is Knights only and I enjoy talking/flying with the same people night after night.  I guess this is one of those issues where it's up to the individual to decide what they enjoy doing the most.  There is no clearcut black/white answer to this problem.  The bottom line is that this is only a game (no matter how realistic it may become), and being a game, the point is to have fun playing it.  If you find it fun to fly with one team exclusively, go for it, but if you like to switch sides and help the underdog, I have no problem with that either.  I must say that in the time I've been here, I have met very few people that I wouldn't enjoy flying with.

IMO this is really a decision that each individual must make for themselves.



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In the Heat of Losing! Why not just change sides?
« Reply #18 on: February 06, 2000, 02:47:00 AM »
Well in here we don't choose teams, we are stuck with them.  If my teammates are flying like idgits then I reserve the right to desert them!

Offline pzvg

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In the Heat of Losing! Why not just change sides?
« Reply #19 on: February 06, 2000, 06:24:00 AM »
Really it ain't that important, (slow day someone?) I've changed once to go with guys I know, I don't want to jump around the map,
and don't really care if we are getting our tulips kicked, hell IMHO, being down to 3 fields means I don't have to go hunting a fight   but that's me, You do what you want
it's your dime.

pzvg- "5 years and I still can't shoot"

Offline MiG Eater

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In the Heat of Losing! Why not just change sides?
« Reply #20 on: February 06, 2000, 11:33:00 AM »
My rule for which side I fly...  I look for my squad mates and join that country so that we are all flying together.  Thats what make the AH experience a worthy one for us rather than flying for any particular country.  It is interesting changing sides and flying with people that are normally your enemies.  Gives a real appreciation for the wide range of flying skills, talents and styles of fighting in the sim.

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Offline popeye

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In the Heat of Losing! Why not just change sides?
« Reply #21 on: February 07, 2000, 07:26:00 AM »
I ususally fly Rooks, but will switch when they are getting double teamed.  Got on early yesterday, and Rooks were down to 3 fields, with both B and K attacking, and ignoring each other.  I switched to Knights, and attacked a nearby Bishop field.  At first it was just me stooging around, but in a half hour or so, I had created a nice little BvK war to take some heat off Rooks.  


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Offline Kieren

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In the Heat of Losing! Why not just change sides?
« Reply #22 on: February 07, 2000, 07:39:00 AM »

Speaking as one who bounces around a lot, let me tell you, each side is capable of incompetence.  


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In the Heat of Losing! Why not just change sides?
« Reply #23 on: February 07, 2000, 04:44:00 PM »
I'm with hangtime on this one. Back in beta tour 1 I changed alot... but was still trying to take off without crashing so I chose the side which gave me a helping hand.

Everybody knows the names of certain people regarding of country, but that's just because they are well known and get their names alot in the textbuffer (Mitsu, dolomite, cavemanJ, leonid, hristo,etc) .Others you know because they've teached you things and you owe them  ...(like lephturn who flies evil rook)...  

And then their is of course 'the family'. This goes further then squaddies. People who cleared your six, who always buff, who always take up the goon on a suicide attack... simply put... your country... when I get online I always check the roster... and most of the time I see the same guys flying bish... the same names... I feel right at home.

I know this is a 'game' but it's also a community... sometimes I feel like I miss out on alot of the community-activity cause you always read one side of the story(e.a. country channel)... but that's just the way it is... and I like it  

Greets bishops, nice flying with ya

Nits, riks, check six  


ps: Leph... if you come to the dark side... I'll be your eternal wingie...  

Offline Mighty1

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In the Heat of Losing! Why not just change sides?
« Reply #24 on: February 07, 2000, 09:46:00 PM »
I have no loyalty to any side but to the low #...which is normally Knights.

I've only switched sides once after I had been on for awhile and that was to go after a loud mouth who wouldn't fly close enough for me to get him.

I really don't care who I'm fighting against ..even if it was someone I was just winging with. It doesn't bother me a bit if anyone changes sides. Just more to kill.

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