oh... and people my age usually started shooting when they were 9 or ten... I was nine... by the time I was twelve I had probly put 100,000 rounds through an old High Standard Sport king with 6' barrel... we all got merit badges in the boys scouts for markmanship before we were teenagers. One of my 44 mag super blackhawks has more than 50,000 rounds through it before I quit counting .... sooo.... maybe you shouldn't tell me how to shoot either.
my guns are 20 feet from me right now and I have a good variety and factory and reloads for all of em.... plus..
I am not bored with shooting. In fact... I have at least 3 guns and 6 loads that I haven't gotten around to checking out yet... it will be fun.... run em trough the chrono... or maybe shoot paper first and then... just blow stuff up. if the load is good.... great... if not... we will just burn em up and try something else next time.