Author Topic: The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men.  (Read 250 times)

Offline Shuckins

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The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men.
« on: February 02, 2005, 06:02:13 PM »
Well, I had this plan, see.  THE PLAN.  

For two years I'd been kinda flying in the MA with a slap-dash approach to improving my flying and scoring.

Oh, I had read up on fighter acm on several web-sites, and watched levi's films religiously.  Lately much of my time online had been devoted to improving SA and perfecting the rolling reversal.

Attempting to perfect it, anyway.

The fruits of these efforts had been modest.  So I decided to have a bull session/committee meeting with myself and try to determine what specifically was the problem.

After an acrimonious debate, during which I was almost forced to eject myself from the meeting, the committee concluded that a more scientific approach to the problem was needed.

Hell, I was a college graduate for Pete's sake!  I was the proud holder of both the bull-shat and monkey shat degrees earned from some Arkansas' most prestigious ivy-league universities.  Time to put all that knowledge to work.  Yup, I could do this.

So after much study of Tour 60's stats, THE PLAN was developed, which contained the following points:

1.  Kill/death ratio of 1.94 suggested that I still took too many chances in combat.  Time to fly smarter.

2.  Kills/sorties ratio of 0.975 suggested that I wasn't aggressive enough when the situation called for it.  Again, time to fly smarter.

3.  Kills/hour ratio of 3.67....well, ditto the conclusions for point number 2.

4.  Hit percentage...actually not bad at 10.471...but could also probably stand some improvement.

5.  Perfect the rolling reversal and other maneuvers to insure that I...

6.  Survive the sortie to land the kills.

So, THE PLAN called for me to fly smarter, more aggressive,  and survive my sorties.

First night of Tour 61;  time to put THE Plan to the test.

Took off from a cv to defend nearby base.   Got six kills, including one after a nice reversal.  Superior numbers trapped me near the fleet after the cv was sunk.  Got shot down...but not a bad start.

Next sortie, this time from another base, began well enough.  Downed nme stang, then tangled with another F6F.  Pulled reversal, causing overshoot, but nme went vertical.  Tried to follow but he had too much smash.  I rolled over and dove to rebuild e, nme Cat following.  Attempted to repeat reversal at lower altitude, but he shot me up and set me on fire.  After he passed me I attempted to follow and reverse my fortunes before I blew up.  Almost had him, but my time ran out and my F6F exploded.

Text buffer read:  

Next sortie, tangled with a lower Lag-7.  Passed over him while tilted up on my right wing.  He appeared to be going 180 degrees to my path, his right wing tilted up.  No nose to nose situation, but just as he passed...WHAMWhamWham!  Pieces of aircraft flying everywhere! How he turned quickly enough to make that shot I'll never know!

Text buffer read:  

Third sortie, dove into a low-level furball with lots of buddies around.  Enemy cv's planes were attacking knight base.  One of those dangerous and fluid situations.  Shot down a spit.   Looked back to check 6 and discovered that my fellow knights were no longer nearby.  The sky behind me was filled with red icons, with two spits closing in.  Got into a frantic, low-level scissors with the two spits, trying desperately to get a killing shot on one of them before the other nailed me.  No luck.   Blangblangblang!  Wing came off and I kissed the waves.

Text buffer read:  


Aaaarrrggghhh!!!    What's a man to DO??    Come on guys!    How about a little cooperation here!!  If Ya'll keep this up, I'm liable to take up knitting!

 Oh well....back to the ole drawing board.

Offline streetstang

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The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men.
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2005, 06:25:13 PM »
I'm not sure I understand what your deffinition of success is.

Is it a good rank?

Is it... Well you tell me.

Rank means basicly nada. Even fighter rank means diddly.

Certain things like Hit% and Kills per hour/Sortie ect ect can mean something but they dont paint a really good picture of your flying ability.

If you take a guy, say.. Like Leviathn. Who just plain old sucks. HE's ranked like in the top 10 for fighter so that in itself tells you how much rank means. :P

Offline Guppy35

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« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2005, 06:29:28 PM »
I think I must have been at that same meeting :)

Went up last night, all fired up and promptly got shot down.... numerous times.  Couldn't hit the broad side of a barn with my guns and had to let myself up in a Spit V just to prove I could kill something.

Felt guilty about it and logged off.  

Came back in for a bit today and did better.  Guess it was just one of those nights :)

8th FS "Headhunters

Offline Octavius

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The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men.
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2005, 06:37:35 PM »
Originally posted by streetstang
I'm not sure I understand what your deffinition of success is.

Is it a good rank?

Is it... Well you tell me.

Rank means basicly nada. Even fighter rank means diddly.

Certain things like Hit% and Kills per hour/Sortie ect ect can mean something but they dont paint a really good picture of your flying ability.

If you take a guy, say.. Like Leviathn. Who just plain old sucks. HE's ranked like in the top 10 for fighter so that in itself tells you how much rank means. :P

Shuckins mentioned stats, not rank. :)  

I think k/d stat is a good measure, not k/d rank overall.  It's just a number.
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Offline streetstang

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The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men.
« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2005, 06:41:41 PM »
Flying the 38 I got use to 600yrd defflection shots and making them on a regular basis. The nose mounted guns and good over the nose visability in a 38 allows for that. They're just like a Chainsaw.

I started flying the spitV more regularly in the MA for whatever reason and down went my Hit% lol. Badly too.

I forget about the importance of convergence from time to time. Yes, 38 Also has covergence but its not nearly as amplified as a spitV would be once the bullets zing past the convergence. Much bigger spread, at a much more rapid pace with wing mounted guns.

So now I just shoot at 200yrds and ram the person if I dont hit them will my bullets. :P

BTW, stats/rank/ks blah blah blah. BLEH.

Just have fun and fly! Kill red guys as fast as you can and as many as you can before you die.