Author Topic: 'Playing at Nazis' - Interesting New York Times article  (Read 1297 times)


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'Playing at Nazis' - Interesting New York Times article
« Reply #15 on: January 04, 2002, 06:46:00 PM »
DoD rules!

I play as Allied 90% of the time in DoD, guess im not a Nazi, yea!

BTW there are Waffen-SS  modeled in DoD, the Scharfschutze and the Scharfuhrer.

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'Playing at Nazis' - Interesting New York Times article
« Reply #16 on: January 05, 2002, 04:30:00 AM »
That guy got it so wrong.

Everyone knows you go for the German side for the leather g-strings and "uniforms".


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'Playing at Nazis' - Interesting New York Times article
« Reply #17 on: January 05, 2002, 05:17:00 AM »
Old Man Murray's Perspective:

The one piece of news that did emerge from Germany back in the late nineties is that, evidently, the German government has forbidden the use of Nazis in games. It's tough to decide what's worse: being the country that invented and then decided to actually try out Naziism, or being the country that prohibited the best video game villains ever.  It's a tie, I guess.  

I wish we lived in a world where all games were required to include Nazis.  Though, now that I think about it, I'm describing a world where Germany won World War 2, such as the one portrayed in every novel, play, tv show, and movie about time travel.  So let me qualify that:  I want to live in a country that prohibits games that feature any type of enemy other than Nazis.  Soldiers, robots, dogs  - anything goes as long as they're Nazis or, in the case of dogs, German Shepherds.  And this is exactly the type of harebrained law a few hundred thousand dollars can buy you in Charles Taylor's Liberia.  So it's not just a crazy dream.  If we take up a collection, we could probably get this legislation passed and still have enough left over to save Something Awful during its next Fred Sanford-esque "big one".

The law will also state that any game featuring Nazis - which is every game in my proposed Israel for gamers, Liberia - should have Hitler as the final boss.   Because, seriously, making a game about Nazis and not having you somehow fight Hitler - whether he lives in a robot suit or flies around in a jet or maybe he's an armored dracula now or whatever - is retarded.  If a game doesn't let you fight some form of Hitler - for instance, a giant Hitler - then that game will receive a warning sticker, in much the same way that the U.S. Goverment currently requires awful games to display on their box the universally understood symbol for unnacceptable quality, "Anne McCaffrey's".

With that out of the way, here's a picture of Return To Castle Wolfenstein's final boss and a nice painting of Hitler and a promotional photo of the best reason for a strictly religious mother to let her kids get Halloween out of their systems early,

<pictures of Rob Zombie, Wolfenstein Boss, and Hitler>

Now, I'm not a big man.  In fact, I'm a small man attached to a big man's noodle.  But small as I am, even I'm not afraid of Rob Zombie.  I guess someone over at Gray Matter confused being dirty with being scary.  Believe me, dreadlocks and a sleestack helmet don't make you the Predator.


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'Playing at Nazis' - Interesting New York Times article
« Reply #18 on: January 06, 2002, 01:31:00 AM »

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'Playing at Nazis' - Interesting New York Times article
« Reply #19 on: January 06, 2002, 03:52:00 AM »
Originally posted by Kratzer:
[QB]Lazy bastards.

......where the dissemination of Nazi thought and symbols is banned..........


 This is one of the scariest things I've read in years.  If I didn't know any better, I'd think it likely those freekin people still use the exact same "thought process" that brought the Nazi's to power in the first place.

  I can't see how having german uniforms...even swastika's in a game should be considered illegal.  If it's offensive to someone, perhaps the options to "turn it off" should be added but still, it's stupid.  I personally don't believe the government, or some bleeding heart liberal dork should be deciding whats good for me, and they damn sure shouldn't have the right to tell me I can or can't "view" what I deem appropriate.  

  On a more positive note, don't anyone take this wrong or anything...but, the German military machine...ALL of'em ...MAN they had a way with "looking sharp".  I mean really, even by today's standards they had the sharpest lookin military in history ..err IMHO.

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'Playing at Nazis' - Interesting New York Times article
« Reply #20 on: January 06, 2002, 10:53:00 AM »
The fact of the matter is this. People like this are trying to dumb down games because we are afraid we might "offend" someone. I've seen it happen. We are trying to sheild our children from the past, becasue they contain "bad" things. Day of Defeat is my favorite game of all time, and I could care less if I see swastikas in game or on uniforms. What are we supposed to do? Have the Germans wearing not historical uniforms, but "politically correct" uniforms? Remove the swastika from history books and games alike, so as our children cannot be alienated by their "influence"? Bullcrap, through and through. If a game is going to be historically accurate, then make it so. Remember when the old Castle Wolfenstein came out? It had Nazi propaganda all over it, but I didn't see such an uproar over that. What's the deal now? Frankly, I don't care if DoD or RTCW offends someone, I like the game as it is, and if someone changes that because someone got a bug up their butt, I'd be angry...

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'Playing at Nazis' - Interesting New York Times article
« Reply #21 on: January 06, 2002, 12:28:00 PM »
Originally posted by Tumor:

I mean really, even by today's standards they had the sharpest lookin military in history ..err IMHO.


That's because they got professional costume designers to design 'cool' uniforms for them - seriously.

Offline BenDover

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'Playing at Nazis' - Interesting New York Times article
« Reply #22 on: January 06, 2002, 01:52:00 PM »
Originally posted by Kratzer:
The problem is that the majority of players are white males in their teens or early 20's, so the dynamic is about the same as in any boys' locker room."

problem?? why's it a problem?? it's not the teens and young adults, it's the retarded 7 year olds that pretend to be teens.

Offline Redwing

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'Playing at Nazis' - Interesting New York Times article
« Reply #23 on: January 06, 2002, 02:51:00 PM »
Tumor, just to clarify:

According to german law displaying swastikas and NAZI symbols is legal as long as it's done for documentary purposes. I kinda doubt that RTWC is meant to be educational, however I agree that banning things that people can choose to do/read/play can't be any good.

[edit]last sentence was screwed, whoops

[ 01-06-2002: Message edited by: Redwing ]

Offline Vulcan

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'Playing at Nazis' - Interesting New York Times article
« Reply #24 on: January 06, 2002, 04:12:00 PM »
Interesting, my 2 cents...

First, in early AH versions I flew the 190 a lot. I was suprised by the number of people that called me a Nazi, oh they were the Gunman26/42 types, but still, I got private msgs on several occasions labelling me a Nazi. Thankfully this seems to have died down as this trash has been cleared out.

Second, in the WW2OL "beta" I logged in a few times as Axis. I was offended by what I saw, several guys, like Nifty said, called names like Jewkilla, on the radio shouting stuff like "lets kill some blacks/jews/fill in your favourite minority". This was one thing that immediately put me off WW2OL.

Third, how many of you live with someone that survived a holocaust, I'm not talking just WW2. Theres plenty of others (Cambodia, Somalia, Bosnia). If you don't, I suggest you talk to someone who has, ask them to tell you what they saw. You may change your mind about Nazi symbols. My wife lost her sister and father to the Khmer Rouge. Most of my friends have lots of stories they can tell me - like babies being split in half with machettes in front of them.

Think twice about why some people are so sensitive to this stuff. The slaughter goes on, different places, different reasons, but it still happens.

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'Playing at Nazis' - Interesting New York Times article
« Reply #25 on: January 06, 2002, 09:00:00 PM »
I GOTTA get the Jew gassing, Horst Wessel lied singing, Black boot wearing, I love hitler boxer short using, SS-Scharfuhrer (Staff sargeant to you pilgrims) Dachau skin for DOD~!

 Was that article headlined " An article every parent should read" parked next to the " How Oprah made the internet safe for 10 yr olds" story?

The japanese are finding out that by denying history, you bring up a generation of poeple completely ignorant of the mistakes of the past.

I think more damage is done by sensationalist journo's than by 'baaaaaaaaad' video games.


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'Playing at Nazis' - Interesting New York Times article
« Reply #26 on: January 06, 2002, 11:08:00 PM »
Originally posted by Tah Gut:
[QB]OTOH the guys flying those planes, or commanding those tanks were doing their damndest to maintain the power of the NAZI party. Remember, wars are almost always political. I know, some were not members of the party..yada yada what?

Many soldiers, pilots, tank commanders, naval personel, etc expressed pro-nazi feelings.  Many were providing a service to their nation.  They simply were doing their job.  My uncle served in North Africa under Rommel, he also did his job.  He didnt agree with the party's views.  Today, those in uniform perform their duty whether they agree or not.  Perhaps some American soldiers in Afghanistan do not agree with our actions, but they still perform what is asked of them.  just my opinion
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'Playing at Nazis' - Interesting New York Times article
« Reply #27 on: January 06, 2002, 11:10:00 PM »
Originally posted by Vulcan:
Interesting, my 2 cents...

First, in early AH versions I flew the 190 a lot. I was suprised by the number of people that called me a Nazi, oh they were the Gunman26/42 types, but still, I got private msgs on several occasions labelling me a Nazi. Thankfully this seems to have died down as this trash has been cleared out.

Wish more people would do that to me  :D  Gives me an excuse to let them have a piece of my mind.  :cool:
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'Playing at Nazis' - Interesting New York Times article
« Reply #28 on: January 08, 2002, 08:03:00 AM »
I know lots of people really lookig forward to this game

Can't wait until AH's FPS element is all worked out.