I am waiting for another Big Week. If I can get a strike force, Wing, or Squadron to target then I am certain of a good raid.
I can, now, make a raid against a town with 3 or 4 B-17 3 ship formations and level the town. At least 90% down if all buff's have a good calibration and aim point. I have seen 100% and 99% raids.
This strike is a true raid. No hanging around and trying to effect pin-point bombing with gravity bombs. One pass, all bombs salvo'd with a single pickle. RTB. Leave the clean up to JABO and tactical forces.
With numbers, which was what was needed and used in WWII, I could raid a town and base and render both closed or catastrophically damaged.
If target hardness was set to realistic settings it would be marvelous! Realisticaly a 100 lb bomb hit on a WWII hanger would render it unusable for a day. 300 lb's would destroy it for a week or longer. I have been to UK, I was stationed there, and I have seen the actual hangers used. Wood, sheet metal, and shingles. No hardened concrete hangers were in use.
Talk to me Jordi.
Secundum mihi , urbanus resurrectio (After me, urban renewal) - 2Slow's Raiders