Author Topic: 2.08 Sucks!!!  (Read 1038 times)

Offline croduh

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2.08 Sucks!!!
« Reply #15 on: June 02, 2006, 11:46:09 AM »

Was jk about the quote:D
You are probably right about the keyboard layout, but i was thinking more about the mouse flying itself.
Some even said that they like mouse over sticks because they can control the plane faster(something like that).
BTW, about an hour of flying and fighting i started feeeling pain of constantly pressing the left mouse button:D

Offline 819RedHorse

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Mouse Help
« Reply #16 on: June 02, 2006, 12:13:40 PM »
I use mouse because with 3 young kids I have very little time to play and  when flying a fighter I have great difficulty hitting even a bomber and always get shot down, I must not be very good. After the update my mouse did not have any control over the plane. What do I need to do to get the mouse to control flight? All those who fatten their stats on me will appreciate you helping me:)


Offline max63

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2.08 Sucks!!!
« Reply #17 on: June 02, 2006, 01:33:09 PM »
i'm basically new to the game (1 month) and have been using a mouse , since it appears the new format is setup to use a joystick , what would be the least technical/best stick for a joystick newb

Offline bkbandit

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2.08 Sucks!!!
« Reply #18 on: June 02, 2006, 02:21:32 PM »
is there any way i can fix this,i used to press one button, it would take my engine from full pwer to idle and when i take my finger off the button it would go back to full power.  I cant fly with out this.  Corsairs and mustangs pack on to much speed in the dive to be without this and the p47d needs this to get any use out of the dive flaps.  I dont noe how i had this setup before, it was always like this.  Please help me out, i have come a long way in the game for somethin this small to keep me grounded, this is one of the things i hate about computers.  Again i have a logitech ps2 controller, it got the job done before so there no reason it shouldnt work now. I want to end this tour at least in the top 1000, every day i spent offline will kill my rank:mad: , please guys help me out, i want to get back in and get busy.

Offline Hawco

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2.08 Sucks!!!
« Reply #19 on: June 02, 2006, 02:23:45 PM »
Originally posted by Ghosth
Well Schatzi normally I agree with you, however this time finds us on opposite sides of the fence. AH  is a WWII "flight" simulator, with some very good gameplay.  As such it really demands the minimum of hardware to fly well. That includes a joystick, flying with just keyboard is simply not possible. Flying with the mouse while possible is not easy,  intuitive, or supported, and takes much time and attention to detail to master.   It would be like trying to drive a car with no steering wheel. Only the brake & throttle. Yes you can make the car move with just those 2,  but your really not driving it.

Same can be said for 95% of those who try to fly with a mouse.
Yes they are making the plane move, but can they really FLY?

Considering that we have between 600 and 1500 $ tied up in a computer.
15$ a month for AH plus internet at another 15 - 40 $ a month.

Paying 50$ for a joystick so we can get the most out of the game we love really isn't unreasonable. Especially not when you consider most good joysticks will last 3 - 6 years with no real problems. Thats less than a dollar a month and makes a HUGE difference on your flying.

Trying to run AH without a joystick should be like trying to run AH without a sound card. Should get an error msg telling you AH won't run without it.

Saves their time, your time, trainers time, and everyone has fewer headaches.

Because we are all on the same page from the start.

I see where your coming from Ghosth, belive me I really do, but, mouse users are customers/consumers first and foremost, I use a mouse here in my office and a stick back at the homestead, I have no real issues in being able to shoot people down or whatever in using a mouse or the stick,  I'm still flying, either by using a mouse or a stick, if by really "flying" you are reffering to getting into a position to shoot someone, then I fail to see how using a stick only acheives this?
New versions/patches are usually created to enhance the experience of the product, but in this case, it looks like it's been rushed in with minimal amount of testing and working with the community, to decide to include a new procedure for mouse users without thought or care to mouse users is ignoring the wishes and demands of consumers, The end effect for HT is that this program is not a public service or a domain for a few individuals to hang around in with the right equipment, It's a business, it has to make money, to sell, Ask yourselves, If you ran a business and you disenfranchised a significant number of your customer base, would that be a smart business move? I think not.
All they have to do is fix the left button issue on the mouse, won't take long and would solve a lot of these debates, Consumers don't change to business demands, Business changes to Consumer demands, otherwise, Consumers have choices and I'm sure a lot of people out there will be weighing up their options and looking around for an alternative product.

Offline croduh

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2.08 Sucks!!!
« Reply #20 on: June 02, 2006, 03:06:49 PM »
Someone today said that this was introduced to help joystick guys with the CB??

Offline Schatzi

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2.08 Sucks!!!
« Reply #21 on: June 02, 2006, 05:17:14 PM »
Originally posted by max63
i'm basically new to the game (1 month) and have been using a mouse , since it appears the new format is setup to use a joystick , what would be the least technical/best stick for a joystick newb

Best is you do a search for "joystick" in this forum as well as hardware/software forum. Youll find plenty info on all different kinds of JS.

It really depends on how much money you want to spend.

What you NEED is:

8-way hatswitch
rudder control (rocker or twisty or even pedals)
Throttle control
as many buttons as you can stand ;)

Stay away from Logitech sticks. While some have been lucky, they generally dont last long.

A very good beginners stick is the Thrustmaster After Burner II (rocker rudder), Saitek Evo (twisty), or Speedlink Black Widow (rocker).

If you can spend a little more money think about Saitek X45 (rocker) or Saitek X52 (twisty and more loose springs).

If you want to stick with flight sims in the long run and dont mind spending a few hundred bucks: CH Setup (Throttle, Stick and Pedals).

PS: Rocker rudder or Twisty is a matter of personal preference, even though the twisty has a lot more danger of involuntary (and innappropriate) rudder input.
21 is only half the truth.