Author Topic: 'Knock Knock"  (Read 1805 times)

Offline lasersailor184

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'Knock Knock"
« Reply #105 on: June 17, 2006, 02:35:10 AM »
Originally posted by Nash
Hmm.. I wasn't aware that there was a court high enough to overrule the Supreme Court.

There actually is.  Though I'm not surprised you haven't heard about it in Canada.

It's the Court of 30-06 .
Punishr - N.D.M. Back in the air.
8.) Lasersailor 73 "Will lead the impending revolution from his keyboard"

Offline Nash

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'Knock Knock"
« Reply #106 on: June 17, 2006, 02:59:43 AM »
Wow - that explains everything.

Okay this is all very nice. Mr. Johnson will be heading up the remedial class, but we're moving on.  

The Castle Doctrine and the NRA hyped "Stand Your Ground" law, versus this latest SC ruling.


Scratch and claw your way out of this one.

Offline lasersailor184

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'Knock Knock"
« Reply #107 on: June 17, 2006, 03:01:06 AM »
Wouldn't expect a canadian to fight for what he really believes in.

And no, arguing and whining is not fighting.  Nor is legal action.
Punishr - N.D.M. Back in the air.
8.) Lasersailor 73 "Will lead the impending revolution from his keyboard"

Offline Nash

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'Knock Knock"
« Reply #108 on: June 17, 2006, 03:09:14 AM »
Yeah, 'cuz Canadians never fight for what they believe in.

We were in WWII well before you...  uhm, we're fightin' and dying in afghanistan, and our Edmonton Oilers are scrambling for their very lives.

What is wrong with you people tonight?

It's a moon thing..... must be.

Offline lazs2

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'Knock Knock"
« Reply #109 on: June 17, 2006, 10:17:28 AM »
give it up nash... mav is explaining it to you as it is... you are sensationalizing and talking out your butt.

No example you gave pointed to any loss of freedom for anyone... the bartender warrant didn't specify patrons so was thrown out for instance.

The bad guys in the original post were.... bad guys.  the cops had a legal warrant.   They found what the warrant said they could look for.

Cops with a warrant to search for a stolen car can't go through your medicine cabinet for instance unless it specifies that they can (looking for keys or lockpicks etc.)

Warrants and the process of getting them needs to be looked at however..

I do not believe that a persons house should be able to be searched except in the case of the most grave crimes.

Oh.. and so far as cops... they also have to submit to lie detector tests with no right to refusal.   IA takes away allmost all the cops constitutional rights.

To sumarize... it is the warrant itself that bothers me not how many seconds the cops wait after knocking.... Or... if the knock at all.  They need to anounce their presence for obvious reasons and.... Anyone who shoots a cop because they don't believe the person/s breaking into their home is a cop.... they should go free unless it can be positively proven they really did know.

Harsh?  nope... if you break into peoples homes you better have a damn good reason and you better be prepared and willing to accept the consequences of all the confussion that you yourself caused.

Again... I don't want cops getting warrants for anything less than a VERY good reason.


Offline lazs2

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'Knock Knock"
« Reply #110 on: June 17, 2006, 10:26:09 AM »
Oh.. and the "stand your ground law"

"The Florida law is a self-defense, self-protection law.  It has four key components:

It establishes that law-abiding residents and visitors may legally presume the threat of bodily harm or death from anyone who breaks into a residence or occupied vehicle and may use defensive force, including deadly force, against the intruder.

In any other place where a person “has a right to be,” that person has “no duty to retreat” if attacked and may “meet force with force, including deadly force if he or she reasonably believes it is necessary to do so to prevent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another to prevent the commission of a forcible felony.”

In either case, a person using any force permitted by the law is immune from criminal prosecution or civil action and cannot be arrested unless a law enforcement agency determines there is probable cause that the force used was unlawful.

If a civil action is brought and the court finds the defendant to be immune based on the parameters of the law, the defendant will be awarded all costs of defense.
Florida’s law, like countless others from legislative sausage grinders, could have been better drafted.  It unquestionably will be challenged in court, over and over again, by those who abhor even the concept of applied individual self-defense or by legal gadflies with nothing better to do with their time.

It is a tough law — on those with criminal intent.  As is often the case, its ultimate goal is as much to deter as to be used.  Whether it ever results in much change remains to be seen.  But by removing ambiguities regarding legal responses to imminent threats to life and property and removing an obligation to retreat, the law attempts to rebalance justice on behalf of innocent, law-abiding Floridians, as well as the state’s numerous law-abiding visitors, specifically included.  Whether those visitors are comforted or frightened by the law should be based on accurately understanding it, not blatant attempts by a faltering advocacy group to harm Florida tourism"

Again... I don't understand what nash is going on abourt.. The Florida law is a good one.   I don't understand how waiting 2 sec or 2 minutes would in any way negate that.  

Yelling "police we have a warrant" to someone who does not think they have done anything wrong and has read all about home invaders and is armed.... well... waiting no seconds or 15 seconds isn't gonna matter..

If the person is a violent criminal intent on shooting cops it won't matter either....

Sooo.... can the liberal hystrionics and....Explain to me how 15 seconds is gonna help anyone.  How the 15 seconds is the real problem here.
