Author Topic: Squad, Arena  (Read 1306 times)

Offline Kev367th

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« Reply #15 on: October 30, 2006, 09:33:58 AM »
Same old Lazs same old BS.

Hoards -
a) Yes they very rarely meet because usaully they are at opposite sides of the map.
b) When they do collide it's a lot of fun, especially if it's two NOE raids.
c) A few squads (mine included) will actually up from a close base and try to stop them at their destination (while one goes goon hunting), sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

Lets see - "suicide the dar and sneak in"
a) Loss of field dar only disables con dots
b) Sector dar bar is still visible

How exactly does a hoard "sneak in"?

If it's NOE there's no need to hit the dar.

Either you haven't a clue on dar, or are deliberately trying to mislead.

Oh and you've just found out about landing gear - I haven't used it for years.

Strat players - Well whats good strategy?
a) Hitting the enemy face on
b) Hitting him side on

Until you realise there is more than the one narrow minded view of playing the game you have, you'll NEVER get it.
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Offline lazs2

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« Reply #16 on: October 30, 2006, 09:44:49 AM »
kev... If I am being narrow minded then it could be said that your ridgid gameplay is.... well... the same.

I think that anyone here reading these posts is laughing at you saying the whordes meet.

You are correct that they are on oppossite sides of the map... a big circle jerk of whordes hiding from each other.

Radar... I think I understand it.   Maybe not.   Why is it that it is the first thing that goes down?  again... people reading you are laughing at that one if they have been around...  the reason you kill the dot dar is because there are often two or three possible fields that will be attacked when you see a bar only dar...if you see a clump of dots...

NOE misssunzzz.. a polite word for milkrunning.  possibly more fun because if discovered.. the defenders actualy have a chance.   I have seen maybe one of them a year at a field that I was at...again.. they go for the milkrun.

All good strat... all bad gameplay.

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Offline Mr No Name

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« Reply #17 on: October 30, 2006, 09:53:35 AM »
Originally posted by lazs2
When the reality is.... all of us know.... the whordes don't seek each other out... they suicide the radar and then sneak into a field with overwhelming numbers... they do everything they can to avoid running into another whorde and call...

Flat out wrong... We LOOK for the inbound gang and repel them OR take away their tools to attack us.

4 to one odds good strat...  they alterntely deny and defend the way they play... the strat guys seem positively schitzo to me.

On the one hand they are the readers and of sun.. and "strike where the enemy is weakest" and on the other... they deny milkrunning... laughable...  we all see what they do and did to the old MA..   No one seen great epic battles of whordes clashing....

If you saw an opprotunity to grab an advantageous spot on the map, wouldn't you?  BTW a side-product of this is usually a big fight.

The only real good fights the furballers made and the people who griefed em were the followers of the whorde strat and some easy mode fluffer griefers.

yeah.. the strat guys want a fight... we have seen their idea of a fight...  a dozen of more guys runway diving on newbies trying to up from a deacked field.  That is their idea of a fight.  

My only beef with furballers is that their numbers count against ours on the ENY system when they generally provide nothing toward winning the war.

The game is DESIGNED for base capture, you would be stupid to let anyone up a plane from that field if you can avoid it

The early war arena I have been playing...  Well...  most of my deaths are in the air now instead of the old MA where....if you wanted any fight at all... you were probly gonna have 75% of your deaths either landing or taking off.  

Glad the new arenas work out for you.  The EW and MW arenas should be called what they are, Early Furball Arena and Mid Furball Arena.  But I have stated all along that the furballers and GV guys SHOULD get their own arena without the threat of bombers or base capture.

Hell... Out of habit from these heros arena rule....I don't even use my gear anymore... takes too long to land.. you will have 3 lalas and a 16 or two on you before you can shut off the engine in the old MA.

Even a modest, token perk on the Lgay and SpitXVI (which I have always wanted) would reduce such occurences.  BTW The reason I campaign so hard for larger arenas is because I routinely hunt for those bombers that you hate so much.  I fly the A8 except when we have a field under vulch or in threat of capture.  We have one arena where my A8 can be flown... LW.

And... I am not ashamed of my handle of my squad mr no name of the... whatevers.  and... most of our guys been on for more than 5 years and we were sick of it

I have but one reason for my anonymity on this board which I have stated before on this board and i will not discuss here because i do not wish to hijack the thread... But I am far from ashamed of my squad name... I fly with Grim's Reapers.  We were the USMC squad going back toWB and AW... Before that I flew with "The Airheads" From 92 or 93 to 01 In RedBaronI DOS and AW.

There is a clear disconnect between traditional win the war types (like me) who have squad and country loyalty.  Yeah I know... next comes the comments about  'cartoon chess piece' loyalty... But when you fly with your squad in one spot, meet other squads, know who they are and work with them awhile you understand what it takes to win the war... TEAMWORK.

I do feel the furballers SHOULD have their own arena setup, I am all in favor of that.  I do not feel that turning every arena into a furballers arena is the answer.  This games largest asset WAS the giant MA.  The newbs should have been welcomed better, that point is agreed upon but we also have a training arena they could make better use of.  I also submit that a number of new guys have flown with our squad and we have helped them adjust to the game and learn how it is played.  Some of them have joined us, some have gone on to other squads (as working with a team also affords the new guy a measure of protection)
Vote R.E. Lee '24

Offline Mr No Name

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« Reply #18 on: October 30, 2006, 09:57:37 AM »
I can personally vouch for everything that Kev says to be the truth... There have been numerous times our squads have clashed... and it is ALWAYS a fight!  

I cant even count the number of times we have foiled each others squads plans of conquest!
Vote R.E. Lee '24

Offline Kev367th

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« Reply #19 on: October 30, 2006, 09:58:27 AM »
Hoards do meet, just very rarely.

Fun ones are the NOE hoards/missions that run into each other.

If people actually paid attention to the map very few NOEs would succeed, and you don't need a hoard for an NOE.

Darbar - well considering that most sectors have one field only it's usually easy to guess which field the hoard is going to.
In fact its usually easy to guess before they get anywhere close to the sector the field is in.
Only reason I kill the dar is when porking, it always comes up about 15 mins before the strats.
Another reason I suppose would be if you had a non NOE goon so his dot doesnt show up.

Unlike you I think I have 'played', and do play all aspects of AH2, so who exactly is narrow minded.

Me who recognizes everyone right to play the game the way they seem fit
You who constantly whines/denigrates anyone who is not a furballer.

Yup Mr_No_Name
Shame it doesn't seem to happen anymore, probably stuck in opposite LW arenas.
It's the MAJOR problem with the current setup - squads who could help balance numbers can't get in because of the caps.

If anything the latest version (the rolling cap) is worse -
One arena gets a high number of one country.
The other arena gets a high number from one of the other two countries.

This is more than likely due to countries having high numbers of players from differing time zones.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2006, 10:06:01 AM by Kev367th »
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Offline lazs2

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« Reply #20 on: October 30, 2006, 10:04:08 AM »
"most" is not allways.. and if I am not correct then why kill the radar first?

You are right tho in admitting that the whordes seldom if ever meet... if they do they mostly give up and run away.   Think about it...if your whole way is based on overwhelming odds... why bother?

As for telling people how to play...  It is not I who is telling people how to play....  all those people on misssunzzzz and people in a squad doing the strat are the ones being told EXACTLY what to do.... and it isn't by me..

I am not the little strat general here who forces people to play my way or....out..

no... you confuse making fun of that as being coerce.... I use peer pressure... nothing wrong with that in my opinion... if you had a leg to stand on then peer pressure would not bother you.

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Offline Mr No Name

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« Reply #21 on: October 30, 2006, 10:12:22 AM »
Lazs it is NUTS to say we run away from each other... There is nothing more exciting in the game than either trying to fight to take a base or fight defending it!

When we see a huge DAR bar forming we head for it... In force!  We win some, we lose some but we do NOT run.  If you fight a 'horde' with even a smaller number of organized players you can usually take their momentum away from them, if you are willing to do so.
Vote R.E. Lee '24

Offline doc1kelley

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« Reply #22 on: October 30, 2006, 10:16:45 AM »
Originally posted by lazs2
kev... If I am being narrow minded then it could be said that your ridgid gameplay is.... well... the same.
Public Relations Officer for the BK's

But all you offer in almost every post is your style of "ridgid" gameplay isn't it?  You only want folks to fight endlessly and change countries multiple times during their session so they will play your way.  Just claiming it's to "balance the sides" doesn't wash.  The bottom line is you have your mantra of "Let's to to BK land where we can have it our way".  You have no tolerence for a different style of gameplay and if you paid for my account you would have a right to demand us to play your way but you don't.    Take a hint... Not all of us wanna play like you do nor care that you are displeased of the way we want to play.  Put up or shut up!  You pay my online bill every month and I'll play like you want me to.

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Offline Kev367th

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« Reply #23 on: October 30, 2006, 10:21:37 AM »
Originally posted by lazs2
"most" is not allways.. and if I am not correct then why kill the radar first?

You are right tho in admitting that the whordes seldom if ever meet... if they do they mostly give up and run away.   Think about it...if your whole way is based on overwhelming odds... why bother?

As for telling people how to play...  It is not I who is telling people how to play....  all those people on misssunzzzz and people in a squad doing the strat are the ones being told EXACTLY what to do.... and it isn't by me..

I am not the little strat general here who forces people to play my way or....out..

no... you confuse making fun of that as being coerce.... I use peer pressure... nothing wrong with that in my opinion... if you had a leg to stand on then peer pressure would not bother you.

Public Relations Officer for the BK's

Like I said as long as people play your way, and your way only its OK.
Any other forms of gameplay are not acceptable or welcome because they don't fit into your own little view of the AH world.

I'm glad the EW arena has worked out for you, but you have to realise for a much greater number of people this current setup (hopefully more tweaks to come) has created more problems.

Even HT has to realise (he's tried all sorts) that most people aren't going to changes sides, for whatever reason.
All it needs now is a way to balance the numbers in the LW arenas, bearing the above in mind.

Missiunz are a way of concentrating forces, something HT is all for.
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Offline E25280

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« Reply #24 on: October 30, 2006, 09:50:16 PM »
Originally posted by lazs2
As for telling people how to play...  It is not I who is telling people how to play....  all those people on misssunzzzz and people in a squad doing the strat are the ones being told EXACTLY what to do.... and it isn't by me..
Public Relations Officer for the BK's
Yeah, I had a gun put to my head telling me to join the squad or die.

Then, after joining, I have been absolutely prevented from doing anything I want to do.

And I am fearful that if I ever decided to furball, the ninja death squads would be out to get me in an instant.

The EEEEEVIL squad is FORCING me to be this way!! I want to be a furballer, but I CAN'T!!  THEY WON'T LET ME!!!


:rofl :rofl :rofl

The enjoyment of being a part of a team is so obviously lost on you . . . so sad.
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