Author Topic: .squelch changes, and plane invites  (Read 148 times)

Offline Vortex

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.squelch changes, and plane invites
« on: January 05, 2002, 02:46:00 PM »
I'd like to suggest a few rather easy changes to both .squelch and how the requests to join your plane work.


AH _really_ needs the ability to both keep the settings you set and then load them on login. This is extremely easy to do and quite common with other online games. The entire thing can be run out of a simple text or ini file and loaded every time you log in. This allows two much needed features. First, I don't have to type .squelch 6 and .squelch 1 every time I log in. The first 100 times it an annoyance. After that its a royal pain in the butt.

Second, one needs to be able to add players to this squelch list as well, not just channels. There's people in my own country that I regularily .squelch once I see them login. This should be done automatically. I wouldn't see it as being that difficult a feature to implement, and it would be VERY handy.

Requests to join your plane:

This one is nuts and is driving me to drink. Part of the problem is my handle...0Vortex0. It means I'm usually at the top of the roster and, accordingly, every dweeb in the game sends me requests to join my plane. Without fail I get 1-2 of these a flight...always, every night. I wouldn't really care though if it was something that came up in the text window and I could simply type .yes or .no when convenient (or preferably just ignore the spam entirely). However that big GUI screen that pops up is a killer. Getting that in the middle of a furball or when on final approach is at the very least a huge annoyance, at the most deadly. Its a great tool for folks to grief you with as well, and I've had that happen too when asking people nicely not to send me anymore join requests.

There's several things that can be done here. The easiest would simply be to allow me the ability to disable plane invites entirely on my end. I rarely fly buffs anyway so I don't need to have the option open 99% of the time. On the rare occassion i do, I can enable and then disable as needed.  This might force some folks might to show a modicum of courtesy and ask first before spamming the populace with their join requests. I don't see that as a bad thing however. Alternatively move the function to the comms window, or allow that as an option in conjunction with the above (i.e. use GUI, or use comms based invites) and require some .text response to accept. Perhaps that latter part is already in place even, I dunno. That GUI screen HAS to go though...or at least give me the ability to toilet it.

Both of these are pretty simple changes that would add some very handy features to the interface. Heh, I've been around these games long enough to realize the likelyhood of either seeing the light of day is probably nil though. Accordingly does anyone know how I can change my handle? The ingame command only allows case, which does me no good. I need to get off the top of the roster list. Paying to be griefed ain't my idea of fun.


[ 01-05-2002: Message edited by: Vortex ]
The Musketeers, circa 1990

AH In-Game Handle: Vort

Offline sling322

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.squelch changes, and plane invites
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2002, 09:34:00 PM »
As far as the join requests go Vortex...type in .showjoin and you wont get the pop-up box.  The request will show up in the text buffer where you can just ignore it.  

And as for changing your in-game name, you will need to contact HTC directly to do that.  Send them an email or preferably give them a call and they should be able to sort you out.   :)

Offline Vortex

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.squelch changes, and plane invites
« Reply #2 on: January 05, 2002, 10:05:00 PM »
Fantastic Sling! Thanks kindly for the info. That dot command should go a long way to help maintain my sanity.  :)

The Musketeers, circa 1990

AH In-Game Handle: Vort

Offline Vortex

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.squelch changes, and plane invites
« Reply #3 on: January 07, 2002, 09:22:00 PM »
Unfortunatley this command doesn't seem to work Sling. One can use it and you do get a response from the server that join requests will be via the text window only. upon the next join request though, up comes the GUI again.

HTC folks,

Please pull the plug on this asap. I can only assume this is a relatively new "feature" as I'd think most players would have quit by now if this was something they had to put up with day in and day out for any period of time. I know I've about had it.

I was even lucky enough to get hit with about 3 of these in a row mid-flight yesterday (I was just diving in on an UberB26 as well), promptly followed by another pair from some other mental midget a few minutes later. "No" can be a pretty difficult concept to grasp for some I guess. Basic English via the direct messages I sent asking them to stop is a toughie too it seems. *sigh*

I have just started to "accept" the requests now though and promptly follow it with a .squelch <username>. Not the best thing to do with new people in game I'm sure. But then again I wasn't the one who coded a griefing tool into the game either, and I've about had it with this one. This way they're with me for the ride...and if they've spammed their way in I leave them there, set autopilot, throttle way back, and go watch a movie.

Also, as noted in my original post, there really needs to be some basic features in this game that allow me to save online settings. To load a few basic commands every login (.squelch Channel, .squelch Player(s)) is very easy to do and a pretty basic and common feature of any MMG these days.

The Musketeers, circa 1990

AH In-Game Handle: Vort

Offline sling322

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.squelch changes, and plane invites
« Reply #4 on: January 08, 2002, 01:53:00 AM » used to work.  Not sure when it quit working.

Offline Reschke

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.squelch changes, and plane invites
« Reply #5 on: January 08, 2002, 01:40:00 PM »
I agree with the part on loading for squelched players and channels when you login. However I don't usually have to worry about people requesting to join the plane I am flying due to my name being so far down the list.
Reschke from March 2001 till tour 146
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Offline 2Late4U

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.squelch changes, and plane invites
« Reply #6 on: January 08, 2002, 02:27:00 PM »
Let me just say, I seem to be 2nd on the list   :D

Please HT, fix the .showjoin bug

Offline Blue Mako

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.squelch changes, and plane invites
« Reply #7 on: January 08, 2002, 04:54:00 PM »
Join requests usually start occuring for me when I get 5 or more kills in a sortie.  In other words, I don't get many join requests.  :)