Very well balanced analysis Getback. I'll provide one thing you missed though, and you can't be blamed for it because you obviously don't share this sentiment.For people who enjoy FSO and "realism" flying, myself included, the fun is in the experience. I can fly a two hour long FSO or scenario, see the enemy only once, and have more fun than if I would have spent that time in a deck furball in the MA racking up, like, 40 kills. It's difficult to explain this type of fun to those who don't feel the same, I guess you could call it "action dilution". The MA's are so action packed that everything becomes diluted, and it's not until you get that pure, close to realism experience that the real fun is found in strength again.People who prefer this realism flying are proportionately small compared to HTC's entire customer base, so you will NEVER have to worry about the MA becoming like FSO. I wish it would, but it won't. People simply would not cooperate. I guess my point is that for us people who like FSO's and scenarios, it really IS fun for us, we are not just trying to push an agenda of boredom and realism on everyone else.
I understand. FSO is a nice break from the usual MA stuff.
Not quite... He's saying he'd always fly FSO over the main arena if he had a choice.