This idea could use an overhaul in a lot of respects, but the concept wouldn't be bad for those who WANT to play this way. The game is what you make of it, anyway
Say during peaktimes (nights) a "pop-up" would come onto your screen, asking whether or not you would be interested in playing an immersive strategic "war". Simply click yes or no, and if you click no, you simply do not participate. If you click yes, you will be brought into a channel automaticaly and a vote will be held between all the players on who would be commander for that evening. Once the commander has been voted, he would then select a task and those players would accomplish this task, whether it be defending there own bases or attacking the other teams, ot both.
To make this system work, it would be an alternating system for the 3 countries. Say on Monday night, the Rooks and Bishops would have a strategic war, while on Tuesday night, the Rooks and Knights would have a strategic war, and on Wenseday, the Bishops and Knights would have their strategic war. I, personally, would be apart of these types of events, as I enjoy stragetic play, as well as many other players. An area would be alotted to the commanders where they would have free rain over its uses. Maybe on the pop-up, when you clck no, put up a "restricted zone" for all those not participating so no conflicts occur between peoples fun. All those flying in that area would allow to continue to fly there until there death/ditch/landing. The area for the war would be picked in a quieter area of the map so it does not conflict with others.
This makes the strategy junkies happy and allows a "flowing" player base, where players could choose to participate on some nights and not on others, and keeps those who do not want to participate flying the way they want to fly.
All ideas for the thinkers, not the ignorant (not that anyone has been already, but for those that might be)