I personally don't think that cheating will be the end of AH, FA, WB, or AW.
I have seen a film of a Yak-3 doing 400+ vertical for tens of thousands of feet, and I also had the url for the cheat. I never went to the site and tried it for myself because I don't trust hacker sites.
In truth, FA cheats *have* been dealt with (it really takes time for go through the red tape). The most recent 500+mph Hurricane incidents are an example. These people are now either off the game or don't use cheats anymore.
Of course any hacker with enough sense (is that actually possible?) would hack with subtle cheats, but multiple films and different viewpoints, and enough time, would even disclose those cheats.
I have no idea about hacking any other games, I suppose it could be true but I highly doubt it is widespread. People will eventually get caught.
While I may not agree with the "hysteria" tone of this report, I do agree with parts of the last paragraph: I hope most online sims do have a way to detect cheats.