Author Topic: RIP Captain Phil  (Read 1125 times)

Offline Shifty

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Re: RIP Captain Phil
« Reply #15 on: February 10, 2010, 06:20:44 PM »

One of the guys that has made Deadliest Catch such an outstanding program.

His humor and personality will be missed.

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Offline Phaser11

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Re: RIP Captain Phil
« Reply #16 on: February 10, 2010, 08:03:48 PM »
This has allways been one of the best shows on TV.  :salute capt Phil All my best to tour family.

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Offline -tronski-

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Re: RIP Captain Phil
« Reply #17 on: February 10, 2010, 11:50:27 PM »
Read this on another website earlier...Never miss an episode, Capt Phil and the F/V Cornelia Marie was my fav on the whole show - wow i really feel sorry for his boys
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Offline fudgums

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Re: RIP Captain Phil
« Reply #18 on: July 09, 2010, 09:44:26 PM »
I didnt think starting a new thread would be good.

Tuesday is the 2 hour special on Phil Harris, the last few episodes were just so sad.

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Offline BoilerDown

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Re: RIP Captain Phil
« Reply #19 on: July 09, 2010, 09:57:41 PM »
I didnt think starting a new thread would be good.

Tuesday is the 2 hour special on Phil Harris, the last few episodes were just so sad.


Yup, he was my favorite captain too.  The only one that seemed like a genuine good man at all times.  I respect Sig a lot too but he acts like a Captain Ahab way too often.  Its been real weird watching this season knowing what was going to happen at some point, and the last few episodes have been emotional to watch.

The part where Freddie gives the sage advice was incredible.

This is the Captain.  We have a lil' problem with our entry sequence so we may experience some slight turbulence and then... explode.

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Offline Captain Virgil Hilts

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Re: RIP Captain Phil
« Reply #20 on: July 09, 2010, 10:35:04 PM »
Phil's passing reminds me a lot of the day Dale Earnhardt died. My mother called me, and said she felt like a friend had died, "he was in my living room every weekend". It's the same with Phil, he was in my living room all the time. He was a real man, fishing at 17, and a captain at 31. And Phil bought his half of the Cornelia Marie on his own nickel, too. The definition of the American dream. I've known guys like him, guys who were always pushing, always going somewhere, and usually in a hurry. I think somehow they know that they're not going to be here as long as most of us, and they have to get things done, and get 70 years of living crammed into 50 years.

It's been rough watching it, but Phil told them not to stop filming, no matter what, he wanted everyone to see what was real, and see him as he was, right to the end.

I'm not a fan of Keith at all, I grudgingly respect him. But Phil, Sig, and the Hillstrand brothers are a different story. Their whole philosophy is different than Keith's, all you have to do is look at their turnover rate compared to Keith's. Look at how Sig treats his crew, he took Matt in when it cost them a bunch of money, and he took Jake in when his sister died. Remember Jonathan saving the guy who fell off the other boat? He was watching over that guy, he just knew he'd fall in, and he did. Jonathan had the Time Bandit right there in time to save him, when 4 minutes in the water will kill you. And then how he reacted when they were able to save the guy. He broke down and cried, because he lost the last guy they fished out. I wish Phil had done a book, like Sig and the the Hillstrand brothers did. I have both books, and read them cover to cover the day I got them.
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Re: RIP Captain Phil
« Reply #21 on: July 10, 2010, 09:05:09 AM »
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Offline OSU

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Re: RIP Captain Phil
« Reply #22 on: July 10, 2010, 10:20:52 AM »
 :salute to Captain Phil. I don't catch every episode of Deadliest Catch, but I jump at the chance to see it when its on. My heart really goes out to his two sons. I know that they must be taking this very hard.

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Offline fbWldcat

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Re: RIP Captain Phil
« Reply #23 on: July 10, 2010, 11:32:01 AM »
I was always a huge fan of Phil. The whole incident with the clot and the fractured ribs and everything just tore me up. I knew he was getting worse by the minute. I logged into MSN one day and there was the news... Never thought someone I never even knew would have such a great impact.

I love how he taught Josh the secret grounds, too. At least his legacy will live on.

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