ok here is what I did today...and this is my CBM...
(Image removed from quote.)
whats up with the red square in the CBM? this represents the window on on left?
the grid lines in the large window on left...they don't represent the grid lines on the map?
something is not clicking for me
The left window is the editor working window.
The red grid line you see there are all 1 mile square in size.
The white grid lines you see in your CBM are sector lines they are 25 square miles in size.
The reason your clipboard map does not match the the image on the left is because you have
the grass texture or which ever it is you used, painted under the water.
So the TE is picking this texture up from the gndtype.bmp file.
You can solve this by choosing the deep ocean texture in the Terrain tab and painting that where your water devids the land masses.
Then make a new CBM and it should match what you see in the editor working window.
P.S. replying to your PM also.