Author Topic: Text stopped working in game  (Read 785 times)

Offline SIK1

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Re: Text stopped working in game
« Reply #15 on: January 02, 2012, 10:23:47 AM »
Papy if you feel that you were wrongly muted then contact HTC like Tigger recommends.

All you can do is call or email them... it'll probably be Monday before they can fix it though (possibly even Tuesday if they are closed for new years)

So what *DID* you do?  You must have said something to cause yourself to be reported.  We can't tell you this only you and whoever reported you (and hitech) can know and I don't think we're allowed to talk about details here.

Send an email here:

The people at HTC will be able to tell you what you did wrong, or if you didn't do anything wrong they will restore your chat privileges.
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Offline Tigger29

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Re: Text stopped working in game
« Reply #16 on: January 02, 2012, 10:39:08 AM »
The reason you're not told who reported you is because HTC doesn't want retaliation attacks.  If it worked like you want it would go like this: Bob, John and Greg all play together as a squad.  John says something about about religion or government (which is against the rules by the way) and Billy overhears the conversation and reports John.  John gets the message "Billy has reported you" as a warning because it's only a single report.  So now John gets mad and tells Bob and Greg to report Billy.  Since Billy has two reports against him not he's automatically banned because two people reported him as retaliation.  This would be even more wrong than the current system and I completely understand why HTC won't give out details as to who reported someone else.

HTC has a strong policy against discussing this kind of a matter on the BBS which is why we keep telling you to email them and take it private.  If you did something wrong HTC will tell you what you did ONCE THEY GET A CHANCE TO INVESTIGATE IT.  If you did nothing wrong the HTC will most likely restore your privileges and probably ban the guy who reported you but you will never know who did it.  US law might give you the right to "face your accuser" but since this game is a privilege and not a right (let alone a private entity) those rights don't apply here.

I'm sorry you're angry for being muted and for spending so many hours trying to troubleshoot a problem that wasn't there but don't take it out on HTC or even us.  Just let it go and move on.  If you can't get past it then by all means cancel your subscription and go play Disney Online or something.

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Re: Text stopped working in game
« Reply #17 on: January 02, 2012, 11:14:48 AM »
.. I have even been muted and recieved the courtecy of a message stating so and understood what i did to get the "slap on the wrist". Some nights i have taken it well.. others.. not so much.  :furious

So you're saying you're a repeat offender?   :O

I feel a modicum of care and politeness, along with some sort of notice to the accused offender of his infraction and reason for punishment would be in order here.  I do not feel that is asking too much.

You want the modicum of care and politeness that you can't be bothered to give other players who might find your behavior offensive when you intentionally and repeatedly break the rules.   :bhead

And now you feel like you're a victim of injustice...  :cry


Happy New Year!

Try to behave.


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Re: Text stopped working in game
« Reply #18 on: January 02, 2012, 11:20:22 AM »
Fact of the matter is, I have seen much worse language on 200 from all countries and nothing was done to those guys. Someone is playing favorites here.... Just saying!

You can't catch everybody every time, and you don't want to, so what you're "just saying" is both wrong and stupid.

Offline PAPY

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Re: Text stopped working in game
« Reply #19 on: January 02, 2012, 01:52:59 PM »
Thanks Tigger. I agree with what you say and understand wholeheartedly, and I also understand the reasons for not going into the whole he said/she said thing. You are right, that would NEVER work out well, I do not need confront my accuser(s). I have done what you suggested and am waiting for a reply eventually. On another note, until you told me HTC does not wish discussion on these matters here, I was not aware of that fact. I am not what you would consider a regular on these boards. In 12 years, I may have posted 5 times.

FLS, I think you missed my point, I don't feel persecuted or similar ( i feel slighted) you might say, as I was never informed of the rule I broke or that a punishment had been metted out. Now that Tigger has clearly explained the process for finding out, (get muted, then email and ask why) I have followed those directions.  If i offended someone and i am doing it repeatedly, then all I would want is to know WHAT I did wrong, punished or not, "just let me know" so i can stop offending or leave if i feel I need to and play Disney on-line as tigger suggests.  I admit, I have not read all of the TOS which would probably help give me have a clearer understanding regarding all of this, I will be endeavoring to correct that omission on my part in the future, so as i do not breach areas which the TOS wishes us to follow. As for repeatedly doing something that offends others, i wasn't aware i was, other than the normal every day chiding between others on 200 about who killed who, cheap kills, etc., and that sort of stuff, and on occasion allowing myself to get aggravated by losing a perk plane, or some other thing to an extent I lost my temper. (I do not think anyone losses their temper on "prupose"). Those who know me in the game, know that when i have let this game, make a 51 year old man, lose his temper THAT much, I log off immediately any more. I realize i had just became too immature to continue to play if i let a game upset me THAT much. (And yes, i am embarrased enough to know I have the ability to get THAT upset about a game, you need not point out that flaw in my temperment). There are times i have found many people lose their temper, and heard or read things which might offend, but I am one who is not offended by that. I can count the fingers of one hand the amount of times over 12 years that I have ever called someone out on that fact by reporting them in any way.

Again, thanks for all the input, i have sent the email request, and await an answer. I have learned a valuable lesson on the need to abide by "the rules". I am anxious to learn specifically which rule I broke to get to where I am now, so that I can correct the issue immediately.

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Re: Text stopped working in game
« Reply #20 on: January 02, 2012, 01:54:59 PM »
And with that, i will leave this post alone as tigger has suggested.
Thanks to all of you for your input and suggestions AND for making me think.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2012, 02:05:52 PM by PAPY »

Offline fuzeman

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Re: Text stopped working in game
« Reply #21 on: January 02, 2012, 06:51:04 PM »
CMs can ONLY mute people in Special Events Arenas and we have a protocol to follow.
We usually do unless you jump across that line with something flagrant.
And there is usually good reason for them to step in if something happens.

Example- during KOTH I stopped practice recently as someone vulched a player.
I grounded everybody and said "if we don't practice nice, we wont practice at all."
I was accused of being on a power trip.
I got back "but it's my friend." That may be fine and dandy to you and your friend but you don't see the bigger picture.
Everyone who didn't know it was a friend thinks it's OK to vulch and that's a can of worms NO CM wants to open.
It's better to Barney Fife it and 'nip it in the bud'
That's the same thing Trainers have to deal with and why the TA has rules.
Most of the time you try to explain that to the offender they will not see your point of view.
Far too many, if not most, people on this Board post just to say something opposed to posting when they have something to say.

"Masters of the Air" Scenario - JG54