I still have no clue why this happens. only thing i remember was 3 days ago, some guy keeps texting and privating me with caps about "turn the cv turn the cv" insestently. So I texted out STFU. Got a warning from a cm to tone it down. i replied, yeah, i understand, just hate these people who have so much to say about a cv, yet are not on it, or know anything about which they speak. rest of the day went fine.
the next day, all si fine, everyone starts talking aboutltown being muted. i quiped. "yeah, probably another 14 year old cm on playing god" rest of that night, texting and chat just fine.
next day, I can not use chat, yet i can speak on vox just fine. took me a couple hours of relogging, rebooting, re-downloading game etc etc before i finally notice the first host message when loggin in to arena. " HOST: your chat privlages have been temporarily suspended." BAM that's all i know.
if you ask me, it is some 14 year old CM playing god, and HTC should not allow this sort of crap. My language was not THAT bad in the statements i brought up. And if the personalities of people in this game are THAT effected by things I said, then please, do not suspend my chat privlages, Please, by all means, simply cancel my account instead.