Author Topic: Hardware questions for alpha  (Read 457 times)

Offline icepac

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Hardware questions for alpha
« on: July 28, 2015, 06:57:36 PM »
How many cores does the alpha use?


Are there any suggested windows settings to get maximum performance such as setting one core for the operating system "housekeeping" and others for the game?

Has the alpha changed which is more important concerning graphics processor power vs system processor power?

Surely one is more important than the other but was wondering if that has changed from aces high 2.

Many of us are putting together systems specifically for this next leap and we don't want to come up short.........or do something stupid like get a bunch of cores at lower power per core when fewer cores with higher speed might be better.

In the case above, a 4 or 6 core processor might show up on performance charts around the net with "high performance numbers" because all the cores are "summed" when, in reality, a fast 2 core processor will clearly smoke it in game.

HTC.......please feel flattered that we are willing to purchase and set up systems with your sim in mind and that any other program comes a distant second!

« Last Edit: July 28, 2015, 08:18:33 PM by icepac »

Offline Bizman

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Re: Hardware questions for alpha
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2015, 01:12:03 AM »
The Alpha uses two cores just as AH2 does. The number may or may not rise during the process.

Yes, the Alpha is more GPU dependent. AH2 relies on the CPU.

The question about requirements has been answered multiple times and the best answer still is "wait until the product gets finished". Some base lines can be given, but they apply to any game. Something like a CPU of two or more cores running above 3 GHz, a mid to high end video card with 1 GB or (rather) more of GDDR5 memory, 4 GB or (rather) more of RAM, Windows7 or newer, a good quality power supply.

Offline hitech

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Re: Hardware questions for alpha
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2015, 10:01:38 AM »
At the moment AH uses 2 threads, one for texture loading 1 for the game.

I may add 2 other  threads for tree and clutter loading, not to increase FPS , but to eliminate occasional stutters.

So I would say, speed would be better then 2 cores.
