I flew 90 minutes in VR today. Go owned all over the place. Went back to TIR and suddenly I can fly lol
I will say this, the feel and immersion of VR is amazing. Gunnery is much easier but for the life of me I cannot track bogies the way I can with TIR.
Gotta be flexible? Ok, just for you guys and in the spirit of full disclosure....I did update to a Swivel Chair with a springy back plate. Gamey? Maybe! It works though! Its nothing REALLY drastic but it does cut down on the "Chair Yoga" enough, so that it is at least less taxing on me. I do have MS, so any crutch to save energy and mobility comes in handy. Fess, I find that as I play, I tend to know where the con will show up again after I loose him in a maneuver. So I can cheat a bit and get turned to that direction. Sort of like a "lead Turn" in ACM. It did take me quite some time to get used to VR though. I am at the point now, cant fly without it. Even tried the other day. WAIT a minute!!!! What am I doing

You own me enough as it is, now....ignore my previous statements

Oh,one more thing...I had been using a "Look back" button, but got to where I didnt need it. I know you have an issue with this and its hit to the immersion of having VR but trust me. A player with your skills could wean himself off this crutch in NO TIME! DANG IT, did it again

Ignore that