Author Topic: Lee Atwood and P-51 radiator design  (Read 1633 times)

Offline Widewing

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Lee Atwood and P-51 radiator design
« on: January 12, 2002, 05:57:19 PM »
Shortly before his death, Lee Atwood (head of the P-51 design team) spoke to an audience at the Yorkshire Air Museum. This is a portion of his address.


"In 1940 we had a young, energetic, and first-class engineering department with competence in aerodynamics, structures, materials, and thermal technologies as developed up to that time, and the factory had a nucleus of expert machine shop, tooling, and production personnel. We gave the Mustang design credit to Edgar Schmued who led the design room effort and brought the components together under the direction of Raymond Rice, who succeeded me as a chief engineer, and the technical specialists.

All these and many others contributed significantly to the project, including Colonel, now General (Retired), Mark E. Bradley who directed the installation of the 85-gallon fuselage tank. He then demonstrated that the longitudinal instability created by this weight behind the pilot could be managed by the combat pilots, and the effective endurance could be increased by some two hours.

In considering the speed performance of the Mustang, which is really its primary advantage and distinction, it is necessary to adjust one's thinking and point of reference to a rather early period in the science of aerodynamics. In the 1930s, there was no jet propulsion, and by any measure of comparison, the technical resources, personnel employed, test equipment and financial expenditures were really insignificant when compared to the aerospace establishment of today. Of course, the basics were there--which involved derivations of Newton's laws and Bernoulli's hydraulic principles--and aero sciences had been basically defined by Prandl, von Karman, and many other mathematical and scientific authorities, but applications to actual aircraft were relatively crude and empirical. Wind tunnel models were the primary proving element in design, and there were still many elements of such testing that had to be estimated or extrapolated with opinion and hope.

In these circumstances it is not very surprising that, among these early practitioners of aeronautical engineering, there were discontinuities of information and differences of opinion on various fine points in the application of general aerodynamic science, as then known, to actual airplane design. This was most apparent in one of the critical aspects of airplane design during the period of reciprocating engines and propeller-driven airplanes. The liquid-cooled designs favored in England and Germany--and also used in the United States and other countries--were generally considered of lower drag because of their in-line cylinder configuration. Air-cooled engines were generally of radial design, with all cylinders facing the cooling air stream, and the diameter was considerably larger.

The well-known radiator became the automobile standard early on, and everyone in the pre-war era had various experiences with these installations and their belt-driven fans. The common experience usually involved adequate cooling at cruising speeds, with frequent over-heating on mountain grades or slow traffic, and the fans were not always adequate to control the temperature. Generally, most people had an occasional bad experience with an overheated engine.

Airplane radiators had a lot of the same troubles, and while separate cooling fans were not seriously considered, ground cooling from propeller circulation alone was frequently inadequate. Basically, the radiators were designed to cool the engines at full power in a climb--which was usually something like half the maximum possible level flight speed with the same power--so at high speed, the cooling capacity was much more than needed.

Now it is clear that we were then quite sure that, as in an automobile, there was no reasonable dynamic use for the warm air discharged from a radiator, and a low and medium speeds, up to say 200 miles per hour, that was quite true. The temperature rise was small, and the expansion was correspondingly modest, and heat energy recovery was insignificant.

However, as engine power increased and better aerodynamic shapes were developed in monoplane designs, we were all slow to realize that, with a normally ducted radiator at high speed, we had at our disposal a really remarkable air pump.

This air pump, like all pumps, had three elements--a compressor stage, a metering or valving stage (radiator core), and a discharge function through an air outlet. This began to be a considerable pumping action as speeds approached 300 miles per hour--and at 400 miles per hour, it had a large potential and could be a considerable fraction of the airplane's total power equation, since the pumping pressure increases as the square of the speed. To make this automatic pump effective, only one thing was required, and that was to choke the outlet enough to keep the pressurized airflow through the radiator just adequate for cooling and to discharge this compressed air at the highest speed possible.

This intuitively easy to follow and was also logical from a general streamlined design point of view--which all designers tried to follow as a matter of course. The potential magnitude of this effect was more difficult to appreciate, however, and since little or no data were available, these possibilities were overlooked in most cases.

In the case of the Mustang, the air duct pumping system at full speed at 25,000 feet was processing some 500 cubic feet of air per second, and discharge speed of the outlet was between 500 and 600 feet per second relative to the airplane. This air jet counteracted much of the radiator drag and had the effect of offsetting most of the total cooling drag. To offer some approximate numbers, the full power propeller thrust was about 1,000 pounds and the radiator drag (gross) was about 400 pounds, but the momentum recovery was some 350 pounds of compensating thrust--for a net cooling drag of only some 3% of the thrust of the propeller.

This air discharge had what can actually be called a regenerative effect. Maximum aircraft speed is the point where the line of power available, created in the engine and delivered by the propeller, crosses the line of power required to propel the plane through the air. Since the propelling force of the pressurized air from the radiator discharge increases as the square of the speed, we have the favorable situation where the faster you fly the more help you are getting from this regenerative air pumping system.

Since this high speed phenomenon could not be effectively measured by regular wind tunnel model test, it was viewed as ephemeral or even imaginary by many in the engineering practice. Actually, it is quite real and has a close relationship with jet propulsion.

Regarding the Mustang, I have always referred to the work of F. W. Meredith of the RAE, whose report (RAE No. 1683) of August 1935, greatly influenced me as chief engineer for North American Aviation to offer the British Purchasing Commission the ducted radiator design configuration in 1940. That report showed how the momentum loss in the cooling radiator could be largely restored when excess cooling air was being forced through the radiator at high speed. As noted before, this involved closing the air exit enough to get a substantial back pressure behind the radiator which largely restored the momentum loss--which was quite large as described above. This was possible, in Meredith's words, because the outlet was "adjusted to suit the speed,o and back pressure was available accordingly.

Here again, while Meredith's analysis was coherent and mathematically instructive, he failed to convey the practical aspects through an example or two, although he did offer a chart showing drag reduction for various discharge area ratios and conditions. The point I am making was that his work was generally in unfamiliar mathematical terms and was poorly understood. In fact, in two cases I know about, it was described in terms of mild ridicule. In any case, some if not most of the designs of wartime aircraft, including the Spitfire, failed to get the full advantage of this available air pump.

It should be pointed out here that the controversy and misunderstanding of the Meredith Effect on the performance of the Mustang developed largely because it was essentially impossible to get a reasonable measure of the effect from wind tunnel models at the time. The mass flow and momentum could not be accurately measured on a scale model, and no large tunnels were fast enough--200 to 400 miles per hour--to get meaningful results.

It has been reported that Messerschmitt made extensive efforts to determine the reason for the low drag of the Mustang, but his wind tunnel measurements did not disclose the restoration of momentum to the radiator cooling air, and most probably could not have done so with the wind tunnel equipment available at the time.

At this point I would like to interpolate what is , to me, a most fascinating element in Meredith's 1935 report. As you may have noted, I have made no reference to the thermal element in the momentum recovery of the radiator cooling air and at the temperatures involved, the air expansion was relatively small and could be neglected. Real jet propulsion, however, involves fuel burning, and the velocity of the gases and heated air is greatly augmented by this high temperature.

In his report, undoubtedly independent of Whittle's jet engine work, Meredith suggests piping the engine exhaust heat and gases to discharge behind the radiator to heat the discharged air just as burning fuel would do. This would have increased the volume and velocity of the discharged air at the same back pressure and increased the favorable thrust force.

My regards,

« Last Edit: January 12, 2002, 06:00:07 PM by Widewing »
My regards,


YGBSM. Retired Member of Aces High Trainer Corps, Past President of the DFC, retired from flying as Tredlite.

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Re: Lee Atwood and P-51 radiator design
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2002, 05:59:19 PM »

"Of course, the thrust of the short stack exhausts had been recognized by Sir Stanley Hooker of Rolls-Royce in his book, NOT MUCH OF AN ENGINEER, and others, but Meredith's suggestion might have produced a much more powerful effect, but it involved complications and practical difficulties. As far as I can determine, it was never tried on any airplane.

This brings me to the Spitfire comparison, although that is probably a poor choice of words. That airplane was in a class by itself and at the top level of defense against the Luftwaffe in 1940, and was undoubtedly the most important defensive weapon in history. It was some 1,000 pounds lighter than the Mustang and was at the peak of interceptor efficiency and was essentially in classic conformity with the objectives of the RAF fighter command. It overmatched its opposition and was there when most needed.

In the cold illumination of hindsight, however, and probably for reasons I have outlined above, it missed the opportunity to restore much of the air flow momentum to the radiator cooling air and, with it, a possible speed increment of more than 20 miles per hour. The late Jeffrey Quill, Supermarine test pilot, describes the incorporation of the Meredith Effect in the Spitfire in his book, SPITFIRE, A TEST PILOT'S STORY, and that the radiators were enclosed in ducts under the wings. Here I would like to quote from an article "The Mustang Margin" I wrote for the AIR POWER HISTORY JOURNAL which involves some background and detail on the subject. It will, of course, be glad to try to answer any questions you may have at the end of my presentation.

"The most notable and probably the first application of the Meredith Effect was incorporated in the Supermarine Spitfire, one of the world's most successful airplanes. Over 20,000 were built in various models, but the Mark IX, with the Merlin -61 engine, was typical of the later wartime production, and a sketch of this model with detail of the radiator installation is shown. Two aspects of this design are significant. First, the radiator outlet has two positions--that is, fully open and partly closed--and cannot be progressively 'adjusted to suit the speed.' Second the inlet upper wall is a continuation of the lower surface of the wing and expands the duct cross section by rapidly curving upward.

"The first, the non-adjustable exit, of course, is a deviation from Meredith's dictum and precludes the progressive build-up of pressure behind the radiator with increasing speed. However, the second can only be judged in hindsight, from an airplane design point of view. The inlet seemed to be configured properly to recover the ram air pressure, and the first Mustang design had a similar entry opening. It was later apparent that the thin boundary layer of air flowing along the lower surface of the wing was progressively thickening ahead of the duct opening, and that the flow would break away at a point on the upward curve of the duct wall. While the resulting turbulent unsteady flow apparently did not create a serious vibration, it certainly reduced the efficiency of the radiator and prevented a more complete closure of the exit opening, which is necessary to develop the jet thrust. Very interestingly, the R.A.E. Subcommittee on Aerodynamics in 1936--in commenting on the Meredith and Capon reports--rather accurately predicted this problem: 'Experiments upon air-cooled engines in the 24-foot tunnel have shown that it is necessary to pay particular attention to the design of the entrance to cowlings and the cooling ducts in order to avoid loss of energy by the formation of eddies.' (Somewhat easier said than done at that time.)

"In the case of the Mustang, the duct volume was larger and flow instability more violent, creating an unacceptable vibration and rumble. Resourceful engineers at North American, working with wind tunnel models, overcame the problem by lowering the intake upper lip below the wing surface boundary layer, thus beginning a new upper duct surface. In this design, the flow expanded gradually as the duct velocity decreased, and the pressure at the radiator face was reasonably uniform. This permitted the appropriate closure of the exit with a temperature-controlled power actuator, and a minimum pressure drop across the radiator consistent with efficient radiator function and cooling demand.

"As a result, the cooling drag was estimated at only 3 percent of the total and used only something like 40 horsepower for cooling purposes. While the comparable power used for cooling by the Spitfire is not available to me, the measurements made by Rolls-Royce show a total power required for the same speed (400 mph) as 200 horsepower more for the Spitfire than for the Mustang.

"Records show the P-51D's speed was 437 mph and the Spitfire Mk IX speed was 405 mph. While the Spitfire had exposed tail wheel and other small differences from the Mustang, most of the speed difference was in the cooling drag. The Mark VIII with retracted tail wheel is rated at 414 mph at a somewhat higher altitude. Advanced models of both airplanes with higher performance were produced late in the war, but were not available in significant numbers before V-E Day, May 8, 1945.

"It seems that most other contemporary airplanes attempting to take advantage of the Meredith Effect failed for one reason or another to combine an efficient duct system with a properly designed and regulated exit-closing mechanism and did not develop the energy recovery inherent in the Meredith method. They generally used 10 percent or more of their power available at high speed to overcome cooling drag. A notable exception was the DeHavilland Mosquito multi-purpose plane with the same Rolls-Royce engines and which used a wing leading edge radiator mounting with a short and direct inlet duct. The controllable exit opening had a minimum area little more than half that of the Spitfire, and while it was a larger two-engine airplane, it had a speed of 425 mph.

"Since jet engines do not require cooling systems of the type described here, the subject has become moot and of little current importance. There was a time, however, when this rather insignificant subject made a critical difference."

My regards,

My regards,


YGBSM. Retired Member of Aces High Trainer Corps, Past President of the DFC, retired from flying as Tredlite.

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Lee Atwood and P-51 radiator design
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2002, 07:10:53 PM »
This is great stuff.  

Regarding Spitfire design, an article in the EEA magazine Sport Avaition a couple of years ago discussed a computerized analysis of the aerodynamics of several WWII fighters.  The computer model showed a great pressure build up at the base of the Spitfire's windscreen.  The author concluded that the Spitfire could have gained about 15mph with a better design of the windscreen.  Spit IX I think is was.


Offline Nashwan

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Lee Atwood and P-51 radiator design
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2002, 07:49:17 PM »
They did try various streamlined canopies on  the Spits, but iirc they found they distorted view too much.

Nice info Widewing, I've been trying to remember where I'd seen that so I could re-read it. Now saved to my HDD. Thanks

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Lee Atwood and P-51 radiator design
« Reply #4 on: January 13, 2002, 09:19:23 AM »
Well, not much to add to the Atwood's presentation but boundary layer scoop  was used in the radiator of the Hurricane  and also in the many supercharger intakes long time before NA started to use that idea. In the Case of the Spitfire and Bf 109 some forms of boundary layer scoops were tested but those caused problems with airflow ie the implementation was difficult for wide underwing  radiators. Anyway, Atwood and his team  choosed right concept for the radiator from the beginning but even then it took three years to reach stage of the P-51B radiator and developement still continued with the F-82.


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Lee Atwood and P-51 radiator design
« Reply #5 on: January 13, 2002, 01:00:34 PM »
Hi Gripen,

>In the Case of the Spitfire and Bf 109 some forms of boundary layer scoops were tested but those caused problems with airflow ie the implementation was difficult for wide underwing radiators.

Do you have more information on the Me 109?

After all, the Friedrich variant introduced a boundary layer bypass duct and continuously variable intake and discharge openings which resulted in an arrangement that was much more efficient than the earlier Emil's radiators.

However, I've not found much on that topic except for fairly general descriptions, so any information would be welcome :-)


Henning (HoHun)

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Lee Atwood and P-51 radiator design
« Reply #6 on: January 13, 2002, 04:18:42 PM »
I saw a picture somewhere, can't remember where but I'll look for it when I have time. Anyway it looked like similar system as in the F or later models ie there was boundary layer lip and canal which directed boundary layer airflow over the radiator. The difference to the production model was that the lip was extended to the inlet port and hole system looked a bit deeper than production model. I don't know if it was otherwise similar than production model (adjustable inlet and oulet ports). There is pictures about similar experiments for the Spitfire in the Morgan's and Shacklady's bible. IIRC there is some data about radiators of the Bf 109 in Siegfried Hörner's Fluid dynamics books.


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Lee Atwood and P-51 radiator design
« Reply #7 on: January 14, 2002, 10:51:45 PM »
Hi Widewing,

That's some great information on the radiator design for the P-51.
I was hoping someone would have something on the radiator design. You got anything else on the P-51? I would love to read it.
I am a true P-51 fan,and I alway's loved the way she looked and sounded. Many people would disagree that the P-51 was the best fighter of WWII. But that's there opinion. However,do you have any blueprint picture's of the P-51D or do you know of anywhere I could find blueprint's on this fine fighter? I have been looking around and have not found anything.:( Thank's!!

                            AH Pilot & Host of "Squirral's War & Destruction",

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Lee Atwood and P-51 radiator design
« Reply #8 on: January 15, 2002, 05:26:35 AM »
The cooling drag theory wasn´t new in the 40ies. The background is:

a) cooling efficiency rises with less than the 2nd power of the speed of the air passing through the cooler
b) cooling drag rises with the ~2nd power of the speed of the air.

That means air that passes fast through your cooler produces much more drag than air with lower speed, but the cooling effect doesn´t rise as fast.

The main effort for nearly all cooling designs was to enlarge the flow area behind the air intake. This means you slow the air down. The massflow is constant, so increasing the flow area will result in slower air flowing through your cooler. This way you could decrease the airspeed and thus significantly reduce drag, but you needed slightly larger cooler - it was a compromise between drag and weight.

The basic design of an enlarged flow area for the cooler is very old. A patent of Hugo Junkers from 1915 already shows a "Düsenkühler" design

Cooling design varied. The cooler of the P51 was optimized for thrust, while other design - especially wing cooler - used quite often additional lift effects.
