Author Topic: TOD: BoB Frame 2 AAR  (Read 573 times)

Offline ghostdancer

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TOD: BoB Frame 2 AAR
« on: May 18, 2002, 08:20:35 AM »
Nightmares were assigned to fly Spitfires MK IAs out of A12 (Dover region). Intelligence had reported to us that they believe A12 was to be the major target of an Axis attack with V48 a possible secondary target.

To simulate our radar stations being destroyed at V47 and V49 we were not allowed to launch until T+5.

At T+0 to T+1 our radar lit up light away showing a massive force upping at A10 .. at least we estimated it was a large force do to the size of the dar bar. This was then confirmed when they hit our 10 mile dot bar radar.

Nightmares launched 21 planes out of A12 and struck out straight N by NW climbing hard but by about T+6 to T+8  the LW were all over A12. Whoever it was my hats off too you .. the LW conducted a very effective fighter sweep and CAP of A12 in 109s which had alt on us. We estimated that from around 15 to 20 109s swept us.

The fighting was very intense and very short. We struck out N and then tried to shift back to A12 in case they were launching a 110 strike. We were never able to gain alt to intercept a possible JU88 strike and indeed the JU88s came in much later.

Anyway the results of the fighting at A12 were that 15 Nightmares were shot down, 2 Landed but could not reup do to battle damage, 1 ditched, and 3 bailed (no battle damage) do fuel exhaustion.

For these losses we shot down 8 enemy aircraft and had 9 assists. After the LW cleared us out they brought in some bombers and 2 hangars at A12 were destroyed and V48 was flattened.


    21 Launched
    15 KIA
    02 Landed
    01 Ditched
    03 Bailed

    08 Kills
    09 assists

    03 Kills Pyroman
    03 Kills Plink
    01 Kill OZK
    01 Kill Soze

    02 Orvil
    02 smuz
    02 Syzygy
    02 OZK
    01 Pyroman
    X.O. 29th TFT, "We Move Mountains"
    CM Terrain Team

    Offline jordi

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    TOD: BoB Frame 2 AAR
    « Reply #1 on: May 18, 2002, 08:26:09 AM »
    Some of those 109's at A12 were from the DAMNED ( My better pilots ! ) it was very KOOL to hear the VOX Coordiantion between wingmen as they were in battle.

    The other half covered around V45/V48 and escorted some bombers and held thier own very well.

    I was so busy COORIDINATING the flights my poor wingman about burst a vien or 2 trying to stay with me AND wanting to get into the action !

    The DAMNED had a great time.

    Mike "DmdJordi" Bowman
    AW - AH Pilot 199? - 200?
    Pulled out of Mothballs for DGS Allied Bomber Group Leader :)

    Nose art

    Offline Dux

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    TOD: BoB Frame 2 AAR
    « Reply #2 on: May 18, 2002, 10:42:49 AM »
    Rogue Squadron AAR


    Launched out of A10 and head off across the Channel to patrol A12 area. Met no resistance until almost at the target area, the Brits apparently (and smartly) making their climbout to the NW.

    We engaged the slightly larger force with a fair amount of altitude advantage, but after a couple of turns with them we were all on equal terms. The fight started at 15-16 k and within ten minutes was down to sea level over the Channel, just off the coast of Dover.

    I killed one Spit at 10k or so (Tophat, according to film viewer) and later another Spit at sea level (Rid). Very soon after that I waffled into the Channel during a poorly timed evasive.

    What a great fight it was! This is what TODs are all about. Lotsa fun.

    Usarmy and Sandog soon perished after me (no confirmed kills, although I witnessed a couple of Spits splash trying to get bearing on them). Blazze miraculously made it back across the Channel with a smoking engine, only to have said engine quit 500 feet from the runway. He lost airspeed and crashed.

    Sandog and I then gunned for JU-88s. Sandog got one confirmed gun kill, and gunning for Fatty I got one confirmed, two more possible (score after that sortie was 2.50... however that adds up)

    Great evening all!
    Rogue Squadron, CO
    5th AF, FSO Squadron, Member

    We all have a blind date with Destiny... and it looks like she's ordered the lobster.

    Offline Wotan

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    TOD: BoB Frame 2 AAR
    « Reply #3 on: May 18, 2002, 11:22:15 AM »
    3./JG2 upped at a7 with 7 109e4s.

    We climbed to 9 10 5 where hurris were reported at 25k. At this alt the 109 has a huge advantage over the hurri. The hurri cant even climb at 150fpm at 25 k and the 109 has a 15 - 25 mph speed advantage.

    However when we arrived the groverats we entangled with what appeared as 2 squads of hurris. We entered the fray. Lag was terrible until the furball got divide up. I pinged 3 my initial pass smoking 1 real good. I then had 4 chasing me and used the superior performance of the 109 to extend grab and re-engage. At this point my squad was divided up in individual furbals. Then I hear the calls

    Horrido! Horrido!  then i give my own Horrido!

    I then call the squad to rtb but we spot several lo hurris between us and the green fields of france. Urch Soviet and I engage Urch and I get behind 1 he gets the kill. Horrido! Soviet Smacks down another Horrido! The remaining hurri runs. we dont have fuel for a pursuit. We rtb on fumes.

    While waiting on the rearm pad for orders Urch and 1 suddenly recieved damage. My eng was hit urch lost an aileron. Dunno what happened my film was off :(.

    Being grounded urchin leads our Staffel bac to 14. They engage several hurris and get them lo. Leitwolf gets a kill. Urchin orders rtb do to fuel and being out numbered. 3./JG2 succeeded in dragging down the hurris and rip got in with his ju88 to kill the hangers there.

    While rtbn 3./JG2 was chased by spitfires. With our Staffel being the only lw in the sector they were forced to engage. Horrido! then Horrido! both spits are killed.

    3./JG2 rtbs and lands safely at a2.

    Urchin 3 kills rtb
    Soviet 2 kills rtb
    Heinkel 1 kill rtb
    Leitwolf 1 kill rtb
    Cmorris several assists
    Drunky KIA
    Wotan 1 kill rtb

    Three Englishmen with radial engines appear, in very tight formation, and I pull the stick into my stomach and zoom up behind these. A quick glance left and right. All clear. I dive and get the leader in my Revi gunsight. I press the button and he goes down, his companions covering him as he disappears. I climb again, searching the sky. To the right there is nothing, but I cannot believe my eyes when I look the other way. The sky is full of Tommies, and just a few 109s. I go straight into the dogfight, but at once get a Hurri  on my back. At full speed I try to lose him Now I have one Hurri  in front and another behind me. Damn it ! I dive vertically away to lose him, then climb again. Suddenly I see white trails shooting past. I look back. Yet another is behind me, sending his tracers past my ears like the "fingers of the dead". I will thank God if my mother's son can get out of this dogfight ! I manage to outclimb the Hurris, and try again to help my outnumbered comrades, but each time the Tommies come down behind me. Suddenly a 109 comes past very fast with a Hurri behind it. This is my chance. get behind the Hurri and centre it in my Revi. After a few shots it goes down ... I watch it crash into the sea with a huge splash."

    Great fun :)

    Offline Sikboy

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    TOD: BoB Frame 2 AAR
    « Reply #4 on: May 18, 2002, 03:10:16 PM »
    Shillelagh Upped Eight Spitfires from A18. We were on the lookout for any buffs coming after 18, and we intercepted some Ju-88s. -KB- got three of them, but was forced to bail from Damage. -MZ- got two more, and I added one. Of our flight, -RY- landed, but had a porked Engine, so he was out. -04- ditched once his engine died. -TE- and -VT- were shot down by Ju-88s, and -VN- was forced to bail. After the first raid was all said and done, we were down to just -MZ- and me. We refueled and reupped. The rest was captured by Wotan in this elequent battle description:

    Originally posted by Wotan

    While rtbn 3./JG2 was chased by spitfires. With our Staffel being the only lw in the sector they were forced to engage. Horrido! then Horrido! both spits are killed.

    What Wotan fails to capture in this poetic assesment, is the actual tearing sound of a new stunninghunk that I got.

    When we saw that it was going to be 4v2 and an Alt dissadvantage we knew it was going to be rough. I hoped to get one of them but that didn't even work out for us lol. It was a fools errand to chase them back to France. But that's Sikboy for ya. If nothing else, it evens up the Score from Frame 1 :)
    to Jg2 and the Axis in General

    « Last Edit: May 18, 2002, 03:12:53 PM by Sikboy »
    You: Blah Blah Blah
    Me: Meh, whatever.

    Offline daddog

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    TOD: BoB Frame 2 AAR
    « Reply #5 on: May 18, 2002, 05:44:02 PM »
    Mongrels launched Hurricanes at A19 which was our field to CAP.

    I wanted alt on who ever we engaged and I knew our field would be attacked sooner or later.  At 26k I had us level after patrolling south of our field for a while. Finally the coastal spotters called in some Ju-88's flying inland at 15 to 20 thousand. I sent swagger and maddog to investigate while the majority of the squad patrolled west for few more miles. Only a few minutes later we turned east and were greeted with the inbound flight of Ju-88's. It was a small flight of 4 or 6. I steered our flight directly over the top of them and then dove out of the sky. I aimed for the lead bomber and at 400 yards opened fire. So desperate I was to take her down I nearly rammed her and managed to pull up at the last second missing the bomber by 20 feet or so. I hit her with the 303's but no visible damage.

    After passing the Ju-88 I noticed a fiery pain in my right leg. Several shells had penetrated my cockpit and one struck my right thigh. I had time to see makarov9 and ghosth shoot down a Ju88 then passed out. Luckily she was trimmed and when I came to I headed for the deck and placed swagger in charge of the squad. Smoke trailed the sky in all compus directions from Hurricane's and Ju-88's. I gave chase to one more Ju-88 but was unable to catch her.  I managed to put her down in a green field after passing out once more.

    I woke up in the arms of a nurse that looked like Natalie Portman in Star Wars. Just listen to Paul Harvey for the rest of the story. ;)
    Noses in the wind since 1997
    332nd Flying Mongrels
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    Offline icemaw

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    « Reply #6 on: May 19, 2002, 12:20:30 AM »
    The Marine Air Wing upped.
    11 109e's from a10
    recorded 6 kills
    9 landed safe
    2 KIA.

    6 ju88's from a8
    destroyed fh at 12 and other targets
    and radar at a48 and other targets
    all landed safe a9

    4 110's from a8
    recording 1 kill
    3 landed safe a10
    1 ditch

     Hats off to the 109s they did a great job of clearing out the
     fighters =S=

     I lead the flight of 110's as high alt buff scort we delayed roll from a8 for 20 mins after start to form up with buffs over a10 due to bad timing by me we were late to form on buffs.  It didnt matter tho becuase we didnt see a single fighter at the buffs alt of 19k.  Again hats off to the 109s great job guys. After last buff was safley on egress I led my 4 ship of 110's looking for some trouble we didnt find any untill we happened upon a lone hurri that bounced one of us from high coming out of the sun. But we saw him just in time and he missed his pass. After a brief dogfight
    I had the hurri on my 6 on the vert I chopped throttle at the top popped some flaps and flipped over just as the hurri stalled as my 110 picked up speed on the down I got 2 long bursts into the hurri and off with his wing.
     Short on fuel we rtb to a10 losing one ship to a ditch we rearmed but there was no one left to fight so we ended our flight

    All and all was a great frame looking forward to the next one.
    Army of Das Muppets     
    Member DFC Furballers INC. If you cant piss with big dogs go run with the pack

    Offline ghostdancer

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    TOD: BoB Frame 2 AAR
    « Reply #7 on: May 19, 2002, 07:23:36 AM »
    Wow .. so we had Rogue Squad, MAW, and Elements of DAMNED sweep us at A12. Very nice job guys .. we were completely unable to get up to alt to intercept the incoming bombers. Were too tied up knife fighting with you to do anything else.
    X.O. 29th TFT, "We Move Mountains"
    CM Terrain Team

    Offline jordi

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    TOD: BoB Frame 2 AAR
    « Reply #8 on: May 19, 2002, 07:37:12 AM »
    Hey - we only go after the BEST OF THE BEST !

    You should feel HOONORED !

    Mike "DmdJordi" Bowman
    AW - AH Pilot 199? - 200?
    Pulled out of Mothballs for DGS Allied Bomber Group Leader :)

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