Author Topic: Need Advice On Video Card  (Read 724 times)

Offline ergRTC

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Need Advice On Video Card
« Reply #15 on: June 07, 2002, 04:52:41 PM »
Product ID
                  GEFORCE4 G4TI4200-TD64 8870-030
                  GEFORCE 4 Ti4200 64MB DDR 4X AGP
                  W/ TV-OUT DVI VGA RETAIL
                                                                  Ship in 3-4


Offline AKWarp

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Need Advice On Video Card
« Reply #16 on: June 09, 2002, 11:03:53 AM »
Ok, further update on the TI4600 and some more observations:

First off, anyone with a GF3 or GF4 card should really go download the 29.42 detonator drivers.  These have made a world of difference in terms of stability and a bit of a frame rate increase I had the 29.32 drivers prior to this and experienced lock ups and other stability problems).  Interestingly, these drivers have not been officially released by nvidia, but they leaked out somehow.....I downloaded my version from a Russian website (good thing I can read Russian!)....LOL!

You can find them here:

The download is on the right side of the page.

I have done a lot more tweaking on the card settings and the monitor refresh rate.  I now run my monitor at 100Hz locked.  I have downloaded and use a tool called "NVMax4" which gives access to some settings on the GF cards that you don't normally get via the display properties.  

You can download it here:

It's a german site, but the download is obvious.

I have not only tweaked settings, but overclocked the TI4600 a bit as well.  I now run the core at 310mhz and the memory at 675mhz (defaults for the MSI TI4600 is 300mhz core and 660mhz memory).

Settings are now:

1024x768 32 bit
trilinear filtering (don't use anisotropic filtering with AA on, things look like crap)
4x AGP
sideband addressing on
fast writes on
Detonator 29.42 drivers
Monitor locked at 100Hz

Sitting on the runway with no other aircraft in sight I am getting 110-125 fps.

High alt, no aircraft in sight and not much terrain in view (important distinction about the terrain, see below) I am getting 200+ fps.

Unfortunately, when things get heavy, I still drop into the 30's and 40's, but I have found very specific instances when this occurs.  It seems after much observation that the terrain is the real drain on frame rates.  If I am up pretty high when there isn't much terrain in view, I can still exceed 100fps even with 15-20 aircraft in view during a furball.  That same furball at low alt with lots of terrain in view drops the frame rates into the 30's.  I dropped my visual range in the game from maximum to one or two steps lower and frame rates are back up again.

At one step below max visual range, 15-20 aircraft in sight at low altitude, I am running in the upper 70's.  Two steps below max visual range on terrain and I am pushing 100fps again, even with tons of aircraft, smoke, etc in view.

My conclusion is that CPU horsepower is the real key to keeping frame rates up in AH when lots of terrain is in view.  For some reason, the AH terrain is a real beast for the system to handle.  

I have tested a few other games I have (OFP, NASCAR 4) and I do not seem to have this frame rate problem with any of their terrains.  I can now max out OFP settings and get ridiculous frame rates, same for NASCAR 4.  Soooo, the AH terrain is the killer suspect.  hopefully my new Dragon Ultra mobo, XP 2100 and a gig of 333mhz DDR memory will fix this!

Offline Wanker

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Need Advice On Video Card
« Reply #17 on: June 09, 2002, 06:15:11 PM »
I don't like leaving VSYNC off. Too many weird things can happen. Better IMO to leave VSYNC on and get by with "only" 70 fps. :)

Offline ergRTC

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« Reply #18 on: June 09, 2002, 08:32:42 PM »
warp, are you running xp?  Historically i have had probelms with those 2X.xx.x drivers.  I think I may have motherboard problems though.

gefore3 ti 64ddr
amd 1800+ xp
512 corsair ram
gigabit mb of some kind.

I tend to sit near 120 (max monitor refresh) but when I get a bad map I notice the drop.

Offline AKWarp

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« Reply #19 on: June 10, 2002, 05:37:12 PM »
No, I am running damn windows game platform there is!
Seriously though, I think WinXP is too new.  I heard a lot of bad things about it when it first came out (but that's true for all versions of Windows when it first hits the streets).  I will say I've been hearing better and better things about it....I'm just not partial to that calling MS to get permission to load my damn OS.  And with all the changes I make to my system, and tweaking and all, you can mess up XP so that you have to call again to justify why you need to load it and get MS's permission (more or less).  I'm just not hip to that concept.  I'll stick with Win98SE for now....

Offline ergRTC

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« Reply #20 on: June 10, 2002, 05:52:55 PM »
I tried to stay with 98se for as long as possible, but it just started running like crap with 'cutting edge' parts.  Hated trying to track down decent drivers for things like system buses.  I actually switched to xp home, and I dont know what people are complaining about.  I have not had a system crash for months, and I never shut the darn thing off.  The only problem i have had is the 2x nvidia drivers, works fine when i use the other group that microshaft indorses.  The phone thing is lame.  Its keeping me from updating my little harddrive.  10% free space left........

Also, xp cleans up old drivers.  I got so sick of going in and emptying the system devices in safe mode.  Particularly when you buy a new mb every couple of months.

Offline AKWarp

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« Reply #21 on: June 10, 2002, 09:51:20 PM »
Well, if I weren't such a tinkerer and always futzin with my box, then I would probably go to WinXP....of course, I could always get a cracked version, but struggling with C++ for as long as I have (hey, I ain't no programmer, just an admin) I have a deep appreciation for what a programmer does and I really do believe they deserve to get paid.   Besides, Windows ain't that expensive anyway.

The money isn't the issue for me...I just absolutely refuse to call the bastiches and beg for permission to load the software I just plunked cash down for.  I know, I know, I didnt "buy" the software, I bought the privilege to use it (under their strict rules of engagement), but let's face it, that whole license and right of use stuff is a lot of legal mumbo-jumbo and Bill's greedy ways.

Besides, if AH ran (smoothly and cleanly) on LINUX, I wouldn't even have Windows on my system at all  ;-P

Offline SKurj

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Need Advice On Video Card
« Reply #22 on: June 10, 2002, 10:33:32 PM »
AMD XP1800 on MSI KT7 turbo2 GF4 Mx440 running XP pro

I love xp...
