Author Topic: A view from the outside....  (Read 135 times)

Offline Sunchaser

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A view from the outside....
« on: August 23, 2002, 10:43:06 AM »
....looking for reasons to come back in.

Most here now will not remember me but I was in AH from an early beta until IL2 Sturmovik arrived on the scene.

I was also a dedicated B17 flyer with an occasional foray into C47s.

I left once for a month + due to overload, I left this last time for several reasons, not the least of which was frustration over the bombing system, which has been addressed, and the strat system which has not.

Bombers, never a major factor in the war outcome, became useless so for one not interested in fighters there was one option....go elsewhere, watch and wait.

Still doing both.

With them in their present state or totally without Bombers, AH will survive so I think the wait will not be a short one.

I have been trying to keep track of the debate over how to solve the decrease in performance as the numbers in the main arena increase and have a question.

Would it be feasible for HTC to set up arenas based on computer  specifications?

For example, could there be an arena for Minimum to say, 1 gig equipment and one for 1 gig and up.

This would negate the "Large War"  atmosphere of one giant arena for all players but huge numbers, while necessary for HTC survival, are also the main problem for players.

Separating into arenas for dogfighting and plane limited Combat arenas seems to not work, as evidenced by the lack of use of same, so what are other possible solutions?

As technology grows the online quality of the boxed sim, in the hands of the likes of Maddox Games, will eat away at the edges of the pay to play sims market and although the player loss is in ones and twos, it will add up.

I think that, while not MMOG, excellent online flightsimming with numbers high enough to make things very interesting from a box is not far off and the level of detail they present will have to be reckoned with by PTP sims.

Is it time for "The Main Arena" concept to go the way of the Dinosaur?

Offline LePaul

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A view from the outside....
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2002, 11:03:40 AM »
Howdy Sun

So are you back or what?

Enjoyed flying Lanc's with ya.  I haven't completely figured out the strat/bombing system.  And quite frankly, I don't seem to see a lot of those mass-bomber raids like we used to.  All the missions and attacks I've participated in have been P-47s with big JABO loads to take out FHs.  I can hit things with the new bombsight system and just required a lot of offline practice in the vulching, err, training room. :)

From my end, a PC upgrade has been great...more than 20 FPS is really nice, I'm doing 75fps everywhere now.  But I do find myself in the fighters a lot more than the bombers.  Not so much because its harder to hit stuff and such.  Just that by time I get a buff there, the JABO guys have already leveled the field.  I think the role the buffs played in the Main Arena have wanned in favor of JABO planes.  This isn't a bad thing, if you like the JABO role (and I do)...I mean, I have more fighter perks than bomber perks right now....that's never happened before  :)

For me, the Crash to Desktop thing has been a real problem.  And Im sure they [HTC] are trying to nail that bugger down.  I haven't had the lag issues others describe and my dialup tends to ping 120ms to HTC consistently.

I still do those JET A/Ar234 runs from time to time.  I don't always hit what I'm aiming at, but it sure is fun to drag fighters away from our goon with a perk plane  ;)  I haven't done the formation Ar 234 runs, too many hassles and its more fun to strike solo

Welcome back, if you are!

Offline Masherbrum

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« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2002, 11:29:55 AM »
Why should I be penalized for having a 800Mhz PIII?   You buying me a new PC?  If so, sure, do it.  I run 75FR outside of furballs with a GeForce DDR-DVI (1st run I do believe), in furballs, I'm around 35.   Don't blame this stuff on me or anyone witha similar computer.

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Offline Wlfgng

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« Reply #3 on: August 23, 2002, 11:50:25 AM »
You're not being 'penalized'.
That's like saying becuae I can't live in a 30million dollar mansion I'm being penalized.

This is a game we pay to play.. it's  a treat... a privilege.

The more you create separate arenas the more you faction the pilots.  There is a definate need, based on user input, for the arenas we currently have, with the addition of the mission based theatre to come.

How many would HTC have to provide using your idea?
3 or more per current arena IMO.  High, Medimu and Low for each ?
3 MA's
3 CT's
3 TA's
3 MIA's  (lol mission arena)

think what Lazs would say !!!  lol.

Offline Masherbrum

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« Reply #4 on: August 23, 2002, 11:54:33 AM »
Processor speed has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with it though.  Wlfgng, that was my point.

I beg to differ on the penalization (on THIS theory).  If some of my SQUADMATE's have a 1Ghz+ machine, I'm unable to fly with them.  BS, I don't think so.  

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Offline ra

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« Reply #5 on: August 23, 2002, 01:17:58 PM »

HT recently announced that they are developing a 'missions arena' where you could only fly by joining a mission.  This means that buffs would have assigned escorts, and success or failure would depend on destroying the target and getting home alive.  There are no details yet, but it is a step in the right direction.


Offline SKurj

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« Reply #6 on: August 23, 2002, 02:37:51 PM »
IMO its time for a second MA with reduced #'s in both... say for now 300 in each


Offline boxboy28

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« Reply #7 on: August 23, 2002, 03:02:38 PM »
hi sun i got nothing to add to this post! i just wanted to say hi to an old friend!

i hope you come back and teach me to use this new damn bomd site cause i still dont want to waste my time to figure it out!lol

good to see your still keeping up on things !

^"^Nazgul^"^    fly with the undead!
Jaxxo got nice tata's  and Lyric is Andre the giant with blond hair!