Author Topic: Weekly Jabo update:  (Read 126 times)

Offline beet1e

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Weekly Jabo update:
« on: August 28, 2002, 07:13:57 PM »
Well, why not? Poopster is taking care of the weekly FFF update ;)

I have just had an excellent sortie. As a Bish, I took off from our field just south of V60 with the intention of closing V60 down. Rocstar3 and Mullah were there, and helped me out. I went lumbering off in a P-47-D30 with 2x1000, 1x500 and 10xrockets. Someone said the VH was down at 60, but the acks were up. Fair enough, I’ll get the acks. Just send in a goon!

When I got there, I couldn’t see the base clearly for all the VH smoke. I set .salvo=5 and fired off rockets at one of the acks, and got it. Unfortunately, there was something hiding in the smoke that pinged off my right aileron, and busted one of my guns. Doh! I was down to seven guns :( Someone else got the second ack, but just then, the VH popped back up. :eek: I managed to chandelle over the VH and come down vertically, dropping my 2x1000. Boom – VH gone, and also one of the two GVs that was there. We had a goon there by then, but still had the second GV to kill. I dropped my 1x500 on him, and he was gone – only an assist though.

I still had all my .50 cals, and as V59 was so close by, I thought I’d go there to kill its acks if nothing else. When I got there, some other guys had taken care of business, so all I had to do was to concentrate on the LA5, Spit, and A6M that were chasing Shop in his Spitfire. It was useless trying to follow the turns of those guys, especially as I was down to one aileron, so I went for the vertical and pounced as they came under me. The zeke was the first to go. As I egressed from the dive, I followed shop – aiming my plane not at the bogies following, but at shop himself. This works well for me, and helps me gain on the bogie by cutting off the corner. Does anyone else do this? I strafed the LA5 and he went down eventually. The Spit was more of a problem, but so obsessed was he with killing shop that he didn’t see me. I nailed him with my ei...  er, seven .50 cals. The goon came in, captured the field, and I landed there at V59.

So – one ack killed, a VH levelled, one GV killed with an assist on a second, and three fighters killed. And – above all – two fields captured. Now that’s what I call a jabo sortie. :D:D

And now - over to Lazs!

Offline moose

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Weekly Jabo update:
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2002, 08:42:58 PM »
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Offline Yeager

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Weekly Jabo update:
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2002, 08:51:55 PM »
Moose, that was WAY more trouble than it was worth :rolleyes:

Beet1e:  WTG dude!  skilled effort.  Thats the stuff that brings me back here over and over

Just remember, do everything possible to enjoy yourself.  Thats what lazs does and believe it or not, he enjoys himself as well :cool:
"If someone flips you the bird and you don't know it, does it still count?" - SLIMpkns

Offline moose

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Weekly Jabo update:
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2002, 10:31:34 PM »
actually it was a simple cut and paste job, someone elses wasted valuable time :)

i just needed a guinea pig to test it on

from now on i'll just respond to stupid threads with it :) :)

Offline beet1e

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Weekly Jabo update:
« Reply #4 on: August 29, 2002, 05:42:37 AM »
LOL Moose!  That's the sort of post my father would have made. Fathers are good like that, but I was wondering who your mentor might be. Perhaps I have an unfair advantage over you in that I actually knew who my father was :D LOL