Author Topic: Firday Frame 2 AAR  (Read 413 times)

Offline Sikboy

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Firday Frame 2 AAR
« on: September 29, 2002, 10:01:48 AM »
The Shills were supposed to make a level bomb strike on A24. I'm sure there are a lot of squads out there who have never flown a level bomb run since the new bombing stuff. We were one of those squads. Not everyone had time to figure out the new procuedures, but several of us had made a real effort to figure it out. (hell, I was horrible at bombing when it was just point and click lol) So anyhow, as we started to take off, we noticed that several of our guys, myself included) were getting airborn without the drone formations. I had done my tests with a single buff, not a formation :eek:  We had to launch from the hanger, and when we would turn left to get to the field, the drones would run into a hangar. It was like the fourth of July down there *BOOM* *POW* *BANG* It was like an episode of Batman. Finally after several abortive attempts we figured out how to get up with the drones. We finally started to form up, and WHAM. we ran into about 50,000 spitfires. It was rough. I ordered everyone to run like little girls, and so we did. We lost a couple, but managed to get out with a large force.

Next time I'm the side CO, I'm going to turn over command of the squad. I probably said that last time I was side CO too, but this time I mean it. Because I was trying to co-ordinate with Jordi and Drano to pick up the squad (the poor 'rats were our escort, and they were wiped out!). At the same time we were getting a few returns from other missions, so we were re-assigning things... anyhow, long story short (too late!) our squad, which hadn't managed to form up, was now spread out over a good distance. I feel bad for Drano, because I had lead him to a spot in the sky, where we were supposed to be, but we were everywhere but there.  I'll blame it on my poor squad leadership, and the fog of war.

We were trying to regroup, when I ran into the spits again. They made passes at me like I was a waitress at hooters. I didn't even last one run of their conga line. I only hope that my gunner managed to get a radiator hit on one of them.

The remaining bombers made a pass on A24, but it was a bad run, and then they were almost all butchered over the field. ONE lonely bomber got out alive. Kball, even went back in for a second helping, and managed to get some bombhits. Looks like the same thing that happened to the MAG33 last week happened to the Shills this week.

You: Blah Blah Blah
Me: Meh, whatever.