Author Topic: Teamplay  (Read 1566 times)

Offline StSanta

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« Reply #15 on: December 06, 2000, 06:59:00 PM »
9./Jg 54 participates in mission by others when there are German planes included. Unfortunately, that ain't too often.

So we make our own missions. A GOOD cohesive squad that flies regularly adds *immensely* to Aces High - I don't think about team work much since it's almost automatic in 9./JG 54 - I get what I need from my squad.

Of course, we're not that many online most often. And it's irritating when you someone announces a strike, we go there, attack and then see all friendlies ignore the field and go for vulches/furballs instead of mission objective.

Their prerogative though.

9./JG 54 "Grünherz"
while(!bishRookQueue.isEmpty() && loggedOn()){
System.out.println("LW pilots are superior");

Offline Gadfly

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« Reply #16 on: December 06, 2000, 07:20:00 PM »
Strategy in an open arena is a myth.  You have tactics at best.

Offline rosco-

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« Reply #17 on: December 06, 2000, 09:07:00 PM »
 Maby so gadfly, but A sort time funked put up a mission consisting of jabo spit5's, we closed a Airfield and made the capture in a very short period of time. Thats what Im talking about   We went on plenty where we didnt RTB as well, Almost all of them to the HQ. The yak/jug mission to take out the refinery ack was a good one too. In the overall big picture of things, probably didnt mean much, but everyone involved had fun. And thats all that matters to me, enjoying myself.

 This sim rocks!

Offline Hangtime

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« Reply #18 on: December 06, 2000, 09:50:00 PM »
Only hope fer the MA is the Mission Planner.. It truly rocks. Only prob is so few know how to use it or even how to join a mission... or do. And, of course; some guys just wanna furball... so we just furball while the other side runs missions.

*yawn* Oh; well.. there goes the HQ again.

I just love the MA  

Gotta say, the Very Best Organized 'Team play' going is a scenario.. we had 32 planes in a raid on Palermo last frame.. whotta sight; whotta thrill.  

The price of Freedom is the willingness to do sudden battle, anywhere, any time and with utter recklessness... home, or abroad.

Offline Fritz

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« Reply #19 on: December 07, 2000, 12:46:00 AM »

Offline LaVa

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« Reply #20 on: December 07, 2000, 01:46:00 AM »
im gonna flame yer bellybutton St Stanta!

Too old ladys and a bottle of beer



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« Reply #21 on: December 07, 2000, 02:54:00 AM »
Well, I am a firm, firm believer in the idea that if you want something, you have to pay for it.

How does that relate to this topic?  Well, if we want people to organise, you have to give them an incentive to do so.  A bonus.  A shiny thing that makes them happy to have gone thru the rigamarole in the first place.  A payoff.

....a Perk Plane in this case.

Which is what HTC is doing.

Finnaly, something to fight FOR!  Up till now its been personal satisfaction, but that gets dull quick.

HTC listed some of the ways to get perk points to buy plane in their last News Forum message.
  • Kills.
  • Base Captures
  • Win the war
  • Being outnumbered

Also, the scoring system is getting redone.  Hopefully it will resemble a system that WarBirds had for a few months that was quite nice.

You get X ammount of points based on a starting number (I think it was 100), modified by...
  • Return to base 100% points (x1).
  • Getting shot down and rescued = 1/2
  • Getting shot down, but captured/killed = 1/4
  • Multiplied by your current kill streak (your streak ends when captured or killed).  Thus you WANT to live very much.  If you have a kill streak of even 3, your going to rack up the points for each new kill at triple the rate, increase you kill streak even more, and rack up points even faster and faster.
  • Multiplied by a "Plane multiplier".  The System assigned a point value from 1 to 5 to all airplanes.  The most often used planes were 1, and the least used planes were 5.  Most were between 1.1 to 2.5 or so.  Thus flying a never used Macchi 202 (with a PL of 5) could net you the same points in one kill that a Corsair-C (with a PL of 1) pilot could rack up in a five kill sortie.
  • Target multiplier.  WarBirds didn't have this, but Pyro mentions it in his news post.  Your victim's Plane Multiplier counts.  If he was a common plane, he won't be worth much.  If he is a rare plane, he is worth alot.  Of course the rarest planes will be the Perk Planes themselves, which should make them very popular targets.

This will give the game a real boost in the exitment factor.  Not only are we getting some cool planes to fly, but we also get to see a MUCH needed incentive to play hard, play well, and play smart.

I am all for it (and I don't even want to fly a perk plane).


[This message has been edited by Hans (edited 12-07-2000).]

Offline LaVa

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« Reply #22 on: December 07, 2000, 01:41:00 PM »
how do ya win a war?

By reseting another country?

Should'nt we have stats for wins?

Offline Dingy

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« Reply #23 on: December 07, 2000, 01:55:00 PM »
Originally posted by LaVa:
Guys, thanks for the input, but I think my point is lost somewhere.

Simply question:  How does a country win a tour?  What movtivates a country to act as a team to strive for a common goal?

I see what you are trying to get to but for now the answer to your question is "It doesnt".  There are no overall team summaries and no country can "win the war".  A country can LOSE the war by losing their last field (usually a result of being the last or the most gangbanged), and then the arena is reset and the cycle starts again.

The only purpose of the MA is to provide a means for many people of many likes and dislikes to fight.  Yes it is Quake but thats what scenarios are for.

Someone else summed up the MA perfectly...its nothing more than a practice arena for scenarios.


[This message has been edited by Dingy (edited 12-07-2000).]

Offline eagl

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« Reply #24 on: December 07, 2000, 03:10:00 PM »
Ptooey on score, ptooey on resetting arena.  Those are just numbers and words on the screen.  Defeating your opponent without resorting to cheating is the point.  If your definition of "defeating your opponent" is resetting the arena or taking the other side's fields, that's just as valid as a definition involving shooting down enemy aircraft whenever and wherever you find them.

Of course, if you're not a fighter pilot, you're just a target...

eagl <squealing Pigs> BYA
Oink Oink To War!!!
Everyone I know, goes away, in the end.