Author Topic: How Do You Quit The Game?  (Read 904 times)

Offline fffreeze220

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How Do You Quit The Game?
« Reply #15 on: January 22, 2003, 11:40:24 AM »
NO stall and spin are 2 differnt things

Stall = loss of airflow on the wing. Results normally in a slightly but constantly drop of the nose.

Spin = totall abrupt loss of airlfow either on top or under the wing or both. Results in a bad uncontrolable spiral downwards.
The plane is going down a a thight spiral without any chance or maybe a small chance to get the control back.
It depends on how u brought the plane into the spin.

Usually the US crap (J/K) 51's F4U's tending to go into a bad bad spin when u pull to high G's with to low speed.

To recover from a stall is normally pretty easy. Just go to full power and push the nose towards the ground untill u get enough speed back. Then pull up slightly

To recover from a spin is hard but depends on the plane u fly.
I recover by chpoing the throttle and using my rudder stop the plane from turning tight around the vertical axis. As soon as the nose is calm and i reach 150 - 200 mph i go to full power and pull up on the stick.
Sometimes it helps to bring the flaps out to enlarge the wing area.

But usually if u go into a spin with a 51 or F4u and u are under 10k feet u are dead.

But it depends all on the situation.

Offline Diamax

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How Do You Quit The Game?
« Reply #16 on: January 22, 2003, 01:37:31 PM »
Hi Soda!

The plane that I was flying last night, after reading those tips on the webpage that you

gave me the link for is the japanese one (N1K2-J).

Well actually I never played a flight simulator game before, I tried couple of times, but I

didn't get a nice feeling out of those games, therfore I gave up after couple of minutes


However when I tried Aces High was totally different, even tough i found it very hard to

play (fly) I also found it very realistic, and that's why I actually really liked it in the

first place (realistic looking and felling). AS you see i do not have any experience in

simulators even tough I've always liked planes.

I'm using keyboard and mouse to play the game, never before touched a joystick, and I'm

wondering what would be the best joystick to buy. I heard that Microsoft SideWinder would be

a good one, what do you think, should I buy that?


Hi FFFreeze220!

Yes, that's is what I was actually getting into.
After manouvering (stearing) the plane to one side or the other, many times I end up going down in a thight spiral, spinning out of control. Many times I end up crashing, especially when I'm
not too high up, or if I don't crash when I manage to get the plane back on track I already lost a lot of altitude. Every time before I go downwards spinning a kind of hhhhrrr sound I hear in the speakers.

« Last Edit: January 22, 2003, 01:57:12 PM by Diamax »

Offline fffreeze220

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How Do You Quit The Game?
« Reply #17 on: January 22, 2003, 02:09:15 PM »
There are basicly 2 different kind of joysticks on the market.

Type 1 has a rudder twist.
U can use the Z axis by twisting the stick to the right or left.
for example:

Saitek Cyborg Gold (

Type 2 is a HOTAS. Hand On Throttle And Stick
It has a little whip on the throttle with which u can control the rudder. Not all have it but most do have it.

Saitek X45 (

What kind u like is up to ur own feeling.
I prefer a HOTAS system because i dont like the rudder control in 1 hand toghether with the ailron and elevator.
Because u often use the rudder in the different way u use the ailron.
So its up to ur own what u may prefer to use.
any stick u are comfortable with is ok.
But u should make sure it has rudder control on it with either a whip or a twist.
If not u have to buy rudder pedals. And thats is extra $$$

So browse the market and find the best for u.
I would recommend the saitek X45. Its a cheap stick and very good IMPOV.
Mine hold for 1 and half year. And approx 800 hours flying

I hope i could help

Offline Tarmac

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How Do You Quit The Game?
« Reply #18 on: January 22, 2003, 02:23:22 PM »
That "hhhhrrrr" sound you're hearing is probably the stall horn.  It's a warning that you're doing something you shouldn't do.  Maybe you're turning to hard or going to slow.  When you start to hear it, back off on the hard control movements and make sure you're going over 200 mph.  You never want to make sudden, jerky control movements... keep it smooth.  

You can turn on the "stall limiter" a feature that keeps you from stalling/spinning your plane.  Never used it, but from what I understand it just keeps you from doing things that will stall the plane.  Might be useful for you until you get the hang of takeoffs, flying around, and landings.  To turn it on, go to (from the clipboard) setup/flight/enable stall limiter.  Be sure you turn it off when you learn how to fly, or it will be a handicap when fighting others.  

As for joysticks, I don't know too much about them.  I own 3 Logitech joysticks (1 bought, 2 warranty replacements) that all have a broken rudder twist axis.  So I'd recommend staying away from those.  The basic things you want in a joystick are a rudder axis (probably twisty stick), a throttle control of some type, and an 8-way hat switch.  You can probably get a decent one for around $40 US.  And my personal preference is to avoid force feedback... it's dumb in my opinion, and is just one more thing that can break.    

Hope this helps you out.

Offline fffreeze220

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How Do You Quit The Game?
« Reply #19 on: January 22, 2003, 02:32:22 PM »
Stay away from the stall limiter.
Either learn it the hard way and practise or let it be.
IMPOV the stall limiter is ruining the feeling for the plane.

Offline Soda

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« Reply #20 on: January 22, 2003, 06:26:42 PM »
I think you're probably safe going with a Saitek or a Microsoft stick.  I have a Microsoft Force Feedback, been using it for 3 years without a hiccup.  Maybe look to see what kind of price you can find on one.  There really is no need to go ultra expensive, unless you really want to.  Figure on finding a stick with at least 1 hat, a throttle, and a half dozen buttons.  Any less and you'll be reaching to the keyboard for everything, any more and you're likely looking at some pretty big $.

I think someone did a poll not long ago on joystick brands people use to fly and lots of people had equipment that sold for under $50USD.  It's easy to spend way more though, if you go for stick, throttle, and rudder pedals seperately.

The Assassins.

Offline Innominate

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How Do You Quit The Game?
« Reply #21 on: January 22, 2003, 08:07:16 PM »
The two joysticks I'd reccomend are the Thrustmaster Afterburner and Saitek X45.    My cyborg's spring got mushy after only a month or so.

The afterburner is a great stick, durable as hell.  It has the option to use either a twist on the stick, or a rocker on the throttle as rudder control.  A bit lacking on buttons, but comfortable to use, and not particularly expensive.

Offline medicboy

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Dang it!!!!!!!
« Reply #22 on: January 22, 2003, 10:47:58 PM »
I think I found out how I was being out manuvered by less agile planes.  I never new there was such a thing as the stall limiter, so I went to the clipboard and checked, sure enough it was enabled.   I was wondering why everyone was talking about flat spins and such, I have never lost control while flying.    watch me spin now!! wahooo!!!!!!!!

Offline Diamax

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How Do You Quit The Game?
« Reply #23 on: January 22, 2003, 11:49:28 PM »
Hello guys!!



Now I crash less and less;)  most of the time (about 80%) I can regain control of the plane now.

Someone here said that I should point the nose of the plane down in case that I start loosing control and spin downwards, well that really helped. Now when I hear that hhhhrrrrr noise I just point the nose of the plane a little bit down and that prevents spinning downwards out of control.
However if I start spinning downwards out of control in a spiral many times I just point the nose straight to the ground and try regaining altitude by hitting the "X" key to stabilize and right after pointing the nose back up slowly until I gain altitude again.
All this seem to work pretty well for me, like I said now I crash less and less.
This might be a good tip for some other beginners like me.


Offline fffreeze220

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How Do You Quit The Game?
« Reply #24 on: January 23, 2003, 04:14:01 AM »
Glad we could help u.