Author Topic: For The Record  (Read 1464 times)

Offline Puke

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« Reply #30 on: April 07, 2003, 12:08:47 AM »

You are a funny guy.  Funny how you quote me and then go into your diatribe about businesses catering to customers and now you say it never had anything to do with me.  That's pretty rich.   Fact is, I stated that most successful business models cater to the customer.  Fact is you quote that very statement from me and then follow it with a ramble about diversity, pink t-shirts and the like.  Fact is, now you say you were never replying to me or I have nothing to do with the convo.  I'm getting dizzy from the circles, though it's kind of interesting that dancing and back-pedaling.  So, does he listen to the customer or just make what he wants?

There are other "customers" that care nothing for pac set ups.

And there are customes who do.  But I guess it's those "other" customers who win out because they have control of this place.   Are you guys really that afraid to have a setup for a week where the starring attraction is F4U-1 vs N1K2?

Offline Batz

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« Reply #31 on: April 07, 2003, 03:38:11 AM »
And there are customes who do. But I guess it's those "other" customers who win out because they have control of this place. Are you guys really that afraid to have a setup for a week where the starring attraction is F4U-1 vs N1K2?

Have there not been pac set ups? Theres been plenty. Has there been pac set ups with the F4Us F6F P51b p47d11 p38l B17 b26 vrs ki 61 an a6m5? Sure there have been. Have there been pac set ups with the Niki ki 61 F6f and F4s? Sure there has. There will be again. I just doudt you will get Brady to put those together.

In those set ups numbers were lower on average.

Funny how you quote me

You were quoted at the very begginning of the thread. A whole other series of replies took place, none had anything to do with you.

There are other cms besides brady. If they choose to give you a bone then so be it. Trying to bully Brady into catering to the particular set up you want is bs. The reason for the current plane set is so the new build of the slot map can get worked over and so the guys who registered for the "Guadalcanal Operation Watchtower" can get a taste of the plane match ups. If you cant accomodate that well to bad. However, I think most of the whining is more or less "oh know not this plane set again" since it  has been run recently. But thats understandable. Claiming some sort of conspiracy to keep "the good ole F4U-1" down is stupid.

This thread is in reply to tardlo who feels brady cheated him out of his F4U-1 vrs the a6m2 the last time this set up was run. He then implies the only reason brady is running it again is deny him another chance at his f4u-1.

What I think is funny is you impose yourself into a conversation with out even taking 2 secs to figure the context of whats going.

I dont care what you like to fly. I am no longer a ct cm. If you  have a certain set up you want to get implemented take it to those cms who are willing to hear you. Theres a whole other thread about future pac set ups. If you'll noticed I have no replies in there because even though its a set up I dont like I am not going whine and make baseless accusations to get what I want.

I just wont fly it. Thats the same options everyone else has. Its only a week and if you dont like it a new set up will be ready next friday. If you feel 1 particular cm is unresponsive to your request then move on to the next one.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2003, 03:40:48 AM by Batz »

Offline Arlo

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« Reply #32 on: April 07, 2003, 07:33:27 AM »
No it ain't, Wotan. The thread was started by Brady to remind everyone of his selfless sacrifice to the community since people seemed to be dragging their feet in showing appreciation this time. I've never once said I was cheated out of A6M2s for the F4U-1 supper. You keep bringing that up because it's about the only argument you think works after everything else was addressed and filed in the "whiney-arsed excuses" drawer. What I said was keeping the F4U hostage to fulfill a personal agenda under the guise of "serving the community" ain't foolin' anyone. ;)

Wotan: {whining} Bwady! Save me, Bwady fwum dee F4UuuuUUUuuu! Mean `ol F4UUUuuuUUUUuuuu. Even in a Nikee I pee in my fwightsuit at the sight of an F4UUuuuUUUuuuuuUU!


Originally whined by Wotan

This thread is in reply to tardlo who feels brady cheated him out of his F4U-1 vrs the a6m2 the last time this set up was run. He then implies the only reason brady is running it again is deny him another chance at his f4u-1.

Offline ergRTC

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« Reply #33 on: April 07, 2003, 08:58:15 AM »
sad thing is arlo, I agree with you.

Offline Batz

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« Reply #34 on: April 07, 2003, 09:11:06 AM »
ofcourse you do fly the same planes as him......

Brady pulled the f4u out this setup a month or so ago yet Tardlo keeps harping on it. If you dont feel cheated or maybe wronged in some other way , or if you really didnt want the f4u vrs a6m2 then whats the problem?

Theres other cms that maybe more receptive to running a late war pac set up. Yet your whole whine has to do with brady pulling the f4u-1. If all you want is a late war pac set up well I believe Sabre is up next. Why not ask him? Or any other CM (Jarbo Mr Fork).

It was explained why this set up, with this planeset, is being run again. I never liked having to fly the same set up to often but this is a different case in that we have an up coming scenario and a new map build to test. It also gives those who will fly that scenario, and dont fly the ct to often, a chance to get a feel of the plane match up. During BoB I ran that set up several times.

All you keeping spewing out is "Brady wont let me fly an F4U-1" and its all because of those evil axis 'Pik As' who control him.

Brady started this thread because you accused him in 2 different threads of abusing a comped account in keeping you poor navy pilots down.

Offline ramzey

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« Reply #35 on: April 07, 2003, 10:09:01 AM »
imo enough, this theread go to nowhere

respect for brady for his work


Offline Puke

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« Reply #36 on: April 07, 2003, 10:12:34 AM »
Heh heh.  Now Batz wants to argue about what this thread is about.  

Still...  the successful business models cater to the customer.  I think your advice to Brady to do just whatever he wants to do is poor advice and I stand by this.  Even if you wear a pink t-shirt or not.

Offline Arlo

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« Reply #37 on: April 07, 2003, 12:15:09 PM »
Bull. LOL

Originally posted by Batz

Brady started this thread because you accused him in 2 different threads of abusing a comped account in keeping you poor navy pilots down.