The -1 is faster and slightly more maneuverable than the -1D & -1C if you burn the LW fuel tank first. The first thing on your take-off checklist should be Select LW fuel tank all variants after the -1 had an additional armor plate welded/riveted to the Right Wingtip to counteract the left wing stall.
As far as tactics vs this plane or that plane it all depends on E states. Know that at high speeds a hog rolls good and generaly speaking out maneuvers most AC. A fast HOG is one that lives at least a little longer. Don't ever try to climb to an enemy unless you're 400mph+ and know you can reach them before you get to 200mph. With an empty LW the -1 will stall fight better than the other hogs and LA-5/7's will auger if they try to follow you low & slow (poor spit pilots also), but this is a dangerous fight if they disengage and choose to BnZ you. A hog takes ages to regain E so stall fights are a last resort. The -1 climbs worst of all the hogs since it does not have the paddle prop(worse than a P-47 too). Always try to maintain a positive E state compared to your enemy. Another tactic is slowing down to cause the overshoot like Innominate said it slows down very well, droping gear will bleed speed faster than any other AC but it also tips your hand fairly quickly, the nme can see your gear is down, unless he's above you. A notch of flaps and mashing the rudder in a roll will usually sufice.
It is fun to fly but can be frustrating in an arena full of uber rides and outnumbered situations. It helps to choose your fights carefully but once your in it helps to end it as quickly as possible.