Author Topic: Voice coms snag  (Read 504 times)

Offline icemaw

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Voice coms snag
« Reply #15 on: September 26, 2003, 06:06:11 PM »
Originally posted by AKcurly
OK Skuzzy, then tell me a sound card (brand) which will resolve the sound issue and I will buy it.  I'm currently using SB live (no IRQ conflicts/sharing) and I still lose sound every 15 minutes or so (on average.)  I've lost sound as I login! :)


 I have that same card curly platinum version. I go months without loosing vox or sounds for that matter. Then every once in a while I hear other people saying they lost vox then it will happen to me once or twice then go away for another couple months. If you want to look at my settings let me know.
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Offline AKIron

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Voice coms snag
« Reply #16 on: September 27, 2003, 01:12:53 AM »
Originally posted by Skuzzy
DX controls the sound.  Once we hand it a buffer, we go about our merry way.

Skuzzy, not sure if you think the problem is DirectX sound only. Please be advised, it isn't. At least it isn't if switching vox to wav takes DirectX out of the loop. I've tried this and still lost vox as often as having it set for DirectX. I believe many others have tried this as well with no noticeable difference.

I'm not trying to be argumentative here, just trying to provide pieces of the puzzle that you guys aren't seeing. At least that's what I believe since you've never seen the problem first hand.
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Offline MaddogJoe

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Voice coms snag
« Reply #17 on: September 27, 2003, 08:24:20 AM »
the only time I loose vox is if I'm UNDER a bomb drop. weather Im in a tower, GV, or just lifting off or touching I do that last one often :)..... If a buff drops a bunch of bombs and ANYBODY talks on the vox I'll loose vox, and all other sounds drop to about half volume. The last person to talks name locks on the screen too. Luckily all I have to do is alt-tab out and back in to get it back.

I run a 1.4 gig with a SB live 5.1 card. This is the only time I loose vox, and it happens just about 100% of the time the conditions are met. So as soon as I hear that bomb "whistle" I get to another base FAST !!!