Author Topic: Coming clean  (Read 9491 times)

Offline Bodhi

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« Reply #90 on: October 28, 2003, 07:21:04 PM »

You need to seek professional help, the chances your body could give up because of the break in the addiction's usage pattern is very high.  You run the risk of heart attack, seizure, or worse, death.  For your own sake, seek a doctor.  Lastly, if you reuse after this break, you run a very high risk of an OD related death because of the issues in your brain from the heroin.  

Please Nash, go get help, or call your parents....  I pray you will, because if you do not, the chances are we will not get to hear from you in the future.

Take care, and if I can be of help, email me @

You can do it, but you need help.
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Offline Curval

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« Reply #91 on: October 28, 2003, 07:26:27 PM »
Thinking about you man.  Don't give up.
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Offline Thorns

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« Reply #92 on: October 28, 2003, 07:34:21 PM »

I want you to face the facts.  Call a rehab center and let them know where you live, and what you are doing.  You owe it to yourself not to keep this a secret within yourself anymore.  You have proved you are strong, and have the will to kick this addiction.  But, when you get sick, and your mind is playing tricks on you, you need to have an experienced person to call.  This person will not let you go it alone.  ALONE is the inner demon within all of us.  Please pick up the phone and call a rehab center.  Finish the want of your will, you cannot let yourself be fooled.  This is a serious decision you have to make.  Do it now.  You are in my prayers, God's speed.


Offline Stringer

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« Reply #93 on: October 28, 2003, 08:02:00 PM »
Originally posted by Ripsnort
Like I could give a rats *** what anyone thinks.  If you can't see the joke, then don't comment on it.

Bull**** Flag thrown on the play!

You live to impress this board.  It's OK to do that, but not to act like you don't give a rat's bellybutton about what anyone thinks....if you didn't we would have never seen your carpeted garage, your picture of NW Mountains that just happen to have your BMW in the foreground, etc, etc, ad naseum.'re a blow-hard, gas-bag on this board.  I've got no problem with that actually...but don't deny it.

Sorry for the hijack.  Don't go it alone.  Let some professional help know your situation, and stick with it!

Best of luck.

Offline JBA

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« Reply #94 on: October 28, 2003, 08:37:31 PM »
I’m not much of a praying man but I’ll put in a word for you tonight Nash.

Good luck. Kick its ARSE.
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Offline Ozark

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« Reply #95 on: October 28, 2003, 09:07:10 PM »
Nash, I always believed in the power of prayer. Hour by hour, day by day, month in to months, I know you shall be in many prayer groups.

Offline Maverick

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« Reply #96 on: October 28, 2003, 09:48:32 PM »

Words sent to the Man upstairs. Don't give up, don't give in and don't go back. All the best steps are taken moving forward. Talk to the guy in the mirror and convince him to help ya out.  As for what most others said, I concur, seek professional help to put this behind you. You have the rest of your life to think about and it all goes one day at a time. My email in\s in my profile, if you want to "talk".

As for creamo and the other dipsticks who love to post crap, just STFU. You really do need to get a life. If drugs are SUCH a good thing, how come it has to hurt someone so much by using them. Life is meant to be lived by FULLY functional people. If you can't do that then get help.

Addiction, to ANYTHING is hardly victimless. Someone is always hurt even if it's only the adict.
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Offline RedDg

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« Reply #97 on: October 28, 2003, 10:06:30 PM »
Hey Nash,

There's one more household praying for you man!  

I wish my brother had half the balls you did to come out and face this (he's still a "functioning" alchololic, etc. whatever).  

Don't back down in the weak times, and keep in touch with us.  HANG TIGHT

Offline Ghosth

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« Reply #98 on: October 28, 2003, 10:43:02 PM »
Thanks for checking in Nash.

I think any day that you don't check in your going to have a LOT of people worried.

As diverse and divided as this community can be the cream does tend to rise to the top. It shows through loud & clear in this thread. (doesn't mean you don't get the stray fly stuck in it though, Creamo grow some class man)

let me know what I can do to help.

You can lick this but outside help will make it a lot easier.

Best of luck bro

Offline Toad

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« Reply #99 on: October 28, 2003, 11:09:14 PM »
So this is all true, eh?

Well, Jeebus Cripes! If you fly AH that well when your knee-walking drunk, I'm scared spitless just thinking about how good you'll be when you come back clean.

Life ain't fair...... I never could shoot as well as you when I was either drunk or sober! ;)

Well, during the "bad times" (and there were lots of those) my old ops officer used to say "life is a sh t sandwich. Every day you take another bite. Eat it or starve."

You'll have a rough time of it, no doubt. Stick with it though and you'll choke down this sandwich and maybe get ham and cheese next.

Seems you're handling the responsibility/accountability part of it straight up and honestly. Good sign... I think you'll make it.

I also think the advice to seek pro help is excellent. You are in the deep doo-doo and it'd be smart to call in some wingmen to help you out.

Good luck Nash, and Best Regards.
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!

Offline Pongo

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« Reply #100 on: October 28, 2003, 11:20:18 PM »
and good luck

Offline Saurdaukar

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« Reply #101 on: October 29, 2003, 12:43:57 AM »
Nash - Stop ****ing around and get professional help.  Listen to what Bodhi is saying about dependance and the effects withdrawl can have on your system.  Aside from that, you need to avoid finding out how easy it is to fall back into the habit.  Find a group, call someone who has offered help, etc.

Youd be surprised how many people use this **** - but that doesnt make it ok.  

Good luck and best wishes.

Oh, and the usual '**** you' to Creamo. (I should just add that to my sig as a time saver)

Offline SaburoS

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« Reply #102 on: October 29, 2003, 01:12:04 AM »
I agree wholeheartedly with those recommending the professional help.


Good luck.
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Offline lord dolf vader

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« Reply #103 on: October 29, 2003, 02:52:56 AM »
day three, get up and type damn you.

Offline jordi

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« Reply #104 on: October 29, 2003, 08:18:57 AM »
Get all of the help you can find !

Take care friend.

Mike Bowman
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