Author Topic: Change the map rotation slightly?  (Read 3048 times)

Offline Gryffin

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Change the map rotation slightly?
« Reply #75 on: November 03, 2003, 10:42:52 PM »
Originally posted by Dead Man Flying
Slapshot didn't make it, but he is in it.


-- Todd/Leviathn

LOL! That was awesome! Great flying Leviathn

Offline Steve

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Change the map rotation slightly?
« Reply #76 on: November 04, 2003, 02:04:33 AM »
If you and Beetle and the few others here had listened carefully, my point has always been that the MA should offer terrains which allow BOTH camps to have terrain should foster nor prohibit an exclusive style of gameplay, but rather afford ALL of us the opportunity to have some fun.

Rude, you missed my point, sorry it was a bit off thread topic.  Look, I agree 100% w/ your  philosophy on maps in the MA.  I find Beetle's remarks to be... argumentative for the sake of arguing, lacking substance really.  I mean, it could be that I do not understand but it seems to me he has chosen to take a position he cannot really support, but decides to debate regardless.  Maybe I'm just obtuse.

Rude, the only exception I take to your camp is when you(your group) take issue w/ others who fly other than down in the weeds.  I was bombarded w/ such insults as "sky accountant" and "cherrypicker" the other day by one of your gang.  I really think it's innapropriate and hypocritical for you or your gang to make such comments as most of you come from such a background.  In fact, my K/H(which one could  use to gauge agressiveness)  is typically a full 3 or 4 per hour  higher in my pony  than what  your group was recording in their pony prime.  Now don't mistake me, I'm not claiming to be a better pilot than   anyone in your squad. My point is, that I fly at least as aggressively as any of you did in the pony and that to be called such names by your guys is.. well... unfounded.. considering I am trodding the same path you once did. Additionally, I spend significant time in my beloved FM2... I don't have much success in it... but it sure is fun!!!!   :)
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Offline beet1e

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Change the map rotation slightly?
« Reply #77 on: November 04, 2003, 03:41:37 AM »
Mr. Toad,

The problem about explaining my position to you is that you always apply binary interpretations to everything. I have expressed disdain for the gameplay in the MA, especially on certain maps. I am not alone in having done this. Many folks have become exasperated by the pork-n-auger tactics of a whole bunch, many are frustrated by the TYPH lemming raids, many wish that more planes would be chosen in the MA, instead of the usual P51/LA7/Spit ix/N1K/TYPH subset. I have never complained about the game itself, but there have been many times when I, like you, have found the gameplay lamentable.

But you just can't break free from your monochrome/black & white/ binary logic. So if I say that 2K weed-wacking in a P51 is not my game, you assume that I want WW2 modelled right here - 8 hour buff sorties, 30K with oxygen masks, mixture controls, hand cranking of the emergency gear handle... You just can't see that besides Red and Violet on the WW2 warsim spectrum, there are also orange, yellow, green, blue and indigo. But no, there are no colours at all in your warsim kaleidoscope. Everything is black and white.

So when I clarify my position by saying I don't want 8 hour sorties, or to remain dead until the next tour if I am killed, you accuse me of "reversing my opinions". The only thing that's happened is that I've corrected your interpretation of what I said in the first place, but as long as you remain in binary mode, you'll never get it anyway.

Another example of your binary interpretation is your black and white assessment of people's flying if it differs from your own. To you, in your 6K ivory tower, someone is either a 25K sky accountant, or a 0K building battler. No grey matter in between - a bit like your ears on occasion. I've done plenty of jabo in this game, and participated in field capture. Do you think I can do that from 20K? But for you, it's either black, or it's white. You're either a fighter, or a war winner. Nothing in between. So you'll never understand what I enjoy in games like AH, which is an organised deployment to capture a base as well as the air-to-air combat that goes with it. Of course I'm not interested in winning the war. I can't stay online for four days at a time when Big Isles is up...

You claim to support a position of allowing anyone to play this game how he likes, but you just can't do it without snide quips like "Yet EVERY terrain allows cautious flying and war-winning strategy." or "I'd think you'd like the small, fast reset maps. Think how much faster you can win wars and rack up sacred perk points. Not to mention mutiple Hawaiian vacations and new cars!!!!!!""  Elsewhere I've seen "turnin a pony on the deck is not easy....flying it like a girlscout is. There is a big difference." You're disdainful of strategy, but strategy did not just appear there. It was put there by HTC - YES in the MA of all places - by HTC. IMO, your disdain is tantamount to telling Hitech that his game sucks.

Steve - your comments quoted by Rude (above) were spot on. :) Some people (and they know who they are!) claim to be openminded - fly what you like etc. - but when you DO that, the response is the hyprocrisy that you speak of. BTW, how's it going with that 109E? ;)

Now about map whines. The binary interpretation is that one is either a map whiner, or he isn't. But there is a grey area in between. I have never complained about a map - ie the strat on a map, vehicle bases, altitude of fields, colours, textures...

...but what I have done is to voice concern about the gameplay that is encouraged by certain maps. I have only limited time on QWW, but what I saw was exactly what I predicted if the field separation were to be reduced. Was it a) lots of early war planes, able to take advantage of the reduced distance that needed to be flown to find a fight? Or was it b) wall to wall LA7s engaging in opportunist goon hunts? hehe, that part of the equation IS black and white.

Now I'm off to look at Slap's films. :)
« Last Edit: November 04, 2003, 04:05:49 AM by beet1e »

Offline Shane

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Change the map rotation slightly?
« Reply #78 on: November 04, 2003, 05:37:55 AM »
Originally posted by beet1e
So you'll never understand what I enjoy in games like AH, which is an organised deployment to capture a base as well as the air-to-air combat that goes with it.

Or was it b) wall to wall LA7s engaging in opportunist goon hunts? hehe, that part of the equation IS black and white.

the contradiction here couldn't binary any more clear.

Surrounded by suck and underwhelmed with mediocrity.
I'm always right, it just takes some poepl longer to come to that realization than others.
I'm not perfect, but I am closer to it than you are.
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Offline Mathman

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Change the map rotation slightly?
« Reply #79 on: November 04, 2003, 10:55:25 AM »
Now that you guys mention it, I really do like chorizo burritos.  They are good eats!

Offline Rude

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Change the map rotation slightly?
« Reply #80 on: November 04, 2003, 01:43:46 PM »
Originally posted by Steve
Rude, you missed my point, sorry it was a bit off thread topic.  Look, I agree 100% w/ your  philosophy on maps in the MA.  I find Beetle's remarks to be... argumentative for the sake of arguing, lacking substance really.  I mean, it could be that I do not understand but it seems to me he has chosen to take a position he cannot really support, but decides to debate regardless.  Maybe I'm just obtuse.

Rude, the only exception I take to your camp is when you(your group) take issue w/ others who fly other than down in the weeds.  I was bombarded w/ such insults as "sky accountant" and "cherrypicker" the other day by one of your gang.  I really think it's innapropriate and hypocritical for you or your gang to make such comments as most of you come from such a background.  In fact, my K/H(which one could  use to gauge agressiveness)  is typically a full 3 or 4 per hour  higher in my pony  than what  your group was recording in their pony prime.  Now don't mistake me, I'm not claiming to be a better pilot than   anyone in your squad. My point is, that I fly at least as aggressively as any of you did in the pony and that to be called such names by your guys is.. well... unfounded.. considering I am trodding the same path you once did. Additionally, I spend significant time in my beloved FM2... I don't have much success in it... but it sure is fun!!!!   :)

I understand Steve.....let me clarify.

Anyone in our sqd who shouts out Sky Accountant or other such graces does so only due to frustration and boredom....we do all within our grasp to taunt players down to earth where we all hang out.

Never take anything said from us along those lines as personal...we just get bored watching folks fly around above us and not coming down to play:)