Author Topic: Illegal immigrants file suit  (Read 5989 times)

Offline NUKE

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Illegal immigrants file suit
« Reply #15 on: November 10, 2003, 01:03:53 PM »
Originally posted by DmdNexus
That's not true... The US Goveronment made numerous treaties with the nations of the American Indians and then broke them....

You want me to list all the land we purchased  or otherwise legally aquired?

1.  Gained independence from England : All the colonies
2. The Louisiana Purchase :
The Louisiana Purchase, approved by treaty in April of 1803, is called the most significant real estate transaction in the history of civilization. The over 800,000 square miles of land—bought at a cost of about four cents per acre—would eventually be cut into all or part of fifteen American states: Louisiana, Arkansas, Missouri, Iowa, North Dakota, Texas, South Dakota, New Mexico, Nebraska, Kansas, Wyoming, Minnesota, Oklahoma, Colorado and Montana.

3. Texas joined union, was it's own nation

4. Western States: Mexico ceded what is now California, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico, Arizona, and portions of Colorado, Wyoming, Oklahoma, and Kansas to the United States at the end of the war in 1848.

5. Alaska, purchased from Russia.

That's how we got our land.....legally.

[edit] Next time someone comes here and says the US took the Indian's land, I might need to post maps or something.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2003, 01:06:34 PM by NUKE »

Offline capt. apathy

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Illegal immigrants file suit
« Reply #16 on: November 10, 2003, 01:10:08 PM »
If they felt like they weren't being treated properly (i.e. overtime, etc) then why did they wait until they were arrested to sue Wal-Mart and it's contractors?

because they couldn't come forward or risk deportation.  now that they have been found out they can file there suit free from any retribution.

this sort of thing doesn't jst happen to illeagals.  it often happens to young people or others who are ignorant of their rights.

my nephew worked for 6 months at a warehouse downtown.  during the time he worked their I started noticing (only seeing him at family events every month or so)  that he was losing a lot of weight.  

it seems they where working him over 12 hours a day and his boss wasn't letting him take breaks.  he worked nightshift and when he got home he was so tired all he could think about was getting sleep, so he often went days without food.  

so the boss explained that they had to work through the breaks to stay caught up, or they would all be introuble for falling behind and would all be fired.

then when the first payday came hsi boss explained that he still had to subtract out the time for his 2 lunches(that he never got to take).  because if they didn't they would all be in trouble for not taking the breaks(which is a violation of safety codes).

so not only was he working way to many hours without a break, he was getting the time he should have been on break deducted from his pay.

this sort of thing is not unusual.  compnays do this sort of thing all the time and most people either don't know their rights or feel (sometimes rightly so) that if they complain they won't get anything for their trouble except fired.

 many people who are being abused at work are also reciving a type of emotional/mental abuse, where they are constantly told what a screw-up they are and how they are damn lucky the boss gives them the oportunity  to work through their breaks to keep up, or there would be no way he could stop those above him from demanding that he fire them.

with jobs so hard to come-by people will endure this sort of thing while living in fear that theri paycheck will be taken away.  just because they don't come forward until they reach a point where they have nothing to lose doesn't mean they don't have rights.

and regardless of the rights of the employees the company has a duty to meet legal standards of pay and working conditions.  these standards are based on where the work is performed not on where the person performing the work comes  from.

Offline Martlet

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Illegal immigrants file suit
« Reply #17 on: November 10, 2003, 01:29:18 PM »
I wish I were king.  I wouldn't entertain lawsuits.  I'd just shoot them.

Offline DmdNexus

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Illegal immigrants file suit
« Reply #18 on: November 10, 2003, 01:29:32 PM »
Originally posted by NUKE
You want me to list all the land we purchased  or otherwise legally aquired?

1.  Gained independence from England : All the colonies
2. The Louisiana Purchase :

3. Texas joined union, was it's own nation

4. Western States: Mexico ceded what is now California, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico, Arizona, and portions of Colorado, Wyoming, Oklahoma, and Kansas to the United States at the end of the war in 1848.

5. Alaska, purchased from Russia.

That's how we got our land.....legally.

[edit] Next time someone comes here and says the US took the Indian's land, I might need to post maps or something.

Ah White man's law.... White man speak with tongue of snake.

Britain and France never legally owned the land.

Why do you think there were wars between US soldiers and Indians?

Indians never sold their land to the British or the French.

And I guess by the same reasoning... a black man sold on the auction block in Biloxi was legal, because the Captain of the slave ship bought him from a slave owner off the coast of Africa.

yah that makes it all legal... beside the Supreme Court up held the Dread Scott verdict.... yah that makes it all legal.

Offline Martlet

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Illegal immigrants file suit
« Reply #19 on: November 10, 2003, 01:32:54 PM »
Originally posted by DmdNexus
Ah White man's law.... White man speak with tongue of snake.

Britain and France never legally owned the land.

Why do you think there were wars between US soldiers and Indians?

Indians never sold their land to the British or the French.

And I guess by the same reasoning... a black man sold on the auction block in Biloxi was legal, because the Captain of the slave ship bought him from a slave owner off the coast of Africa.

yah that makes it all legal... beside the Supreme Court up held the Dread Scott verdict.... yah that makes it all legal.

I guess if the illegal aliens don't like their treatment, and we are following this logic, then they should invade the US and take it over.    In return, we may consider them to be invaders, and any citizen may shoot them.

Offline GtoRA2

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Illegal immigrants file suit
« Reply #20 on: November 10, 2003, 01:39:20 PM »
Why would we do that? We kicked their rears fare and square! That was back in the good old days when you conquered someone you got to abuse them and stuff!


Offline NUKE

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Illegal immigrants file suit
« Reply #21 on: November 10, 2003, 01:54:39 PM »
Originally posted by DmdNexus
Ah White man's law.... White man speak with tongue of snake.

Britain and France never legally owned the land.

Why do you think there were wars between US soldiers and Indians?

Indians never sold their land to the British or the French.


How do you know that land was ever legally the Indians? You don't.

The French and British fought 4 wars over North America,  each side with Indian Allies. At the end of the last war, England was awarded almost all of Canada and land east of the Mississippi.

France got Florida and the Louisiana purchase area.

Why don't to get yourself a clue?

Even if the land was taken from the Indians ( and it wasn't), it wasn't the US that had anything to do with it.

Now what about Canada? were there any Indians there? Who took their land? What about Alaska? Mexico?

I find it funny when someone says the US took the Indians land.

Offline DmdNexus

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Illegal immigrants file suit
« Reply #22 on: November 10, 2003, 02:04:39 PM »
Originally posted by NUKE
I find it funny when someone says the US took the Indians land.

Tell me where you live... I'm going to take your land, sleep with your women, kick your poodle, open up a casino and cheat your neighbors! :lol

Now that would be funny...

BTW, did your wife ever shave that mustache of hers?
I like hairy women, but man, she can make rope with all that hair!

Offline Elfie

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Illegal immigrants file suit
« Reply #23 on: November 10, 2003, 02:09:11 PM »
To the Native Americans land ownership was incomprehensible. The land gave them food, and shelter, but owning it was something they didnt think anyone could do.

Back to the main subject: IMO if you break the law you forfeit your rights. ie illegal immigrants working, people who are classified as crimnals etc.
Corkyjr on country jumping:
In the end you should be thankful for those players like us who switch to try and help keep things even because our willingness to do so, helps a more selfish, I want it my way player, get to fly his latewar uber ride.

Offline NUKE

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Illegal immigrants file suit
« Reply #24 on: November 10, 2003, 02:09:37 PM »
Originally posted by DmdNexus
Tell me where you live... I'm going to take your land, sleep with your women, kick your poodle, open up a casino and cheat your neighbors!


That wouldn't be legal

Offline ramzey

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Illegal immigrants file suit
« Reply #25 on: November 10, 2003, 03:13:14 PM »
im wonder how many of you would like to work for 5$ a hour cleaning all dirst, carring bricks, cleaning fishes in market?
Without any healt protection, insurance?

hands up guys;-)

You all should respect thos people, cuz they WORK HARD for his money. Thay have families to feed. If they hanging around Home Depot and waiting for job, thy are good guys who like to work.
Not make robery or steal something.
are they not?

COmpanies who hire them not pay righty wages , right insurance and many other . BUT if they have cheap laubour they earn more money, thats mean PAY bigger TAXES. And you all have cheaper stuff in shoops. Correct?

All this without spending money from goverment.
Goverment care only of you do something against law (crime against properti or people). Nt car if they live quiet and buying american food and american stuff (taxes are counted in shoop, not later). So hey support american economy. Buying houses and not be owner of them, buying cars ....... Correct?

Do U.S need illegal imigrants? yes, withouth them noone will build this country for so cheap money.

You all are so happey then you parrents, granparents, grand gran......... Come here earlier.
How do you think why?, Cuz they like to be  "Americans" , or to have good life? Readf about social in XVIII, XIX and early XX century pls. And find root of imigrants history.

90% of goods i see in shoops ar MADE IN CHINA ;-) and people (americans citizens) buyong a lot of them beucose they are cheap
Are you not care anymore about China broke many human rights?
Are you care about american economy? Sure , only when you watch TV ;-)

about lands:

WHat was story with Panama channel? Cuba? Philipnes? and som other? Dont be "angel" when you are not.

Somone mention about tent. Thats for him - You plowing nazist

Offline NUKE

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Illegal immigrants file suit
« Reply #26 on: November 10, 2003, 03:23:03 PM »
Originally posted by ramzey
Do U.S need illegal imigrants? yes, withouth them noone will build this country for so cheap money.

You all are so happey then you parrents, granparents, grand gran......... Come here earlier.
How do you think why?, Cuz they like to be  "Americans" , or to have good life? Readf about social in XVIII, XIX and early XX century pls. And find root of imigrants history.

about lands:

WHat was story with Panama channel? Cuba? Philipnes? and som other? Dont be "angel" when you are not.

Somone mention about tent. Thats for him - You plowing nazist

The problem isn't imigrants, it's illegal imigrants. When people imigrated to the US, they used to be checked for deseases, they had have a skill and they had to come here LEGALLY

Do you get the concept of LEGAL?

And I mentioned the tent city for detaining anyone caught in the US ILLEGALLY. We have a tent city jail in Phoenix for minor criminals now.....what's the problem with building a few more for all the Illegal imigrants who are here breaking our laws?

I dont care that they are good people, I care that they come here legally.

p.s. Ramzy you are over the line calling me what you did.

Offline capt. apathy

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Illegal immigrants file suit
« Reply #27 on: November 10, 2003, 03:36:34 PM »
Back to the main subject: IMO if you break the law you forfeit your rights. ie illegal immigrants working, people who are classified as crimnals etc.

so walmart, and it's subcontractors forfit rights too?

this is a legal matter between 2 sides who are both criminals.  why should the law protect walmart from it's legal obligations,  those who worked illeagaly comitted one crime, where the employer comitted several(one for each employee).

at the very least they should be fined for the amount plus punitive damages.

even if the illeagals can't collect I think the offenders should have to pay.

Offline GtoRA2

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Illegal immigrants file suit
« Reply #28 on: November 10, 2003, 03:39:44 PM »
 You lost any credibility you may have had with this

From Ramzey
Somone mention about tent. Thats for him - You plowing nazist

I really hope you get banned.

Offline DmdNexus

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Illegal immigrants file suit
« Reply #29 on: November 10, 2003, 03:40:41 PM »
Originally posted by NUKE
I dont care that they are good people, I care that they come here legally.


Even though you were weened on a chrome nipple sprewing Neo-Con milk as a baby...

I agree with your tent city idea...

I would just add... spray them down with a fire hose before sending them back... wash that stink off of them compliments of the USA!

hey come to Amerika on a dingy, in a truck, in a crate... get a free bath.