Originally posted by greentail
No. You're confusing freedom with security. If you are too scared to handle living in a free society, there are plenty of police states in the world. Pick one and go. Don't ruin things for the rest of us.
Afraid to handle a free society? I'm afraid of your idea of a free society. Coddle the criminals and let the terrorists roam free. If you'd like to live with criminals, don't ruin things for the rest of us. Go to prison.
He is a citizen of the United States. In the U.S. there is a presumption of innocence. He is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Perhaps you should move to Europe? They operate on a presumption of guilt. A person has to prove his innocence once accused. This "gentleman" has not been charged, much less found guilty of a crime. He is NOT a criminal.
He's not? Have you looked at his life? He's actually quite the criminal. Even before he started hanging out with terrorists. Odd that you are so anxious to see him on the streets.
You want to live in a society where the government can lock you up indefinitely for any reason? Perhaps you'd enjoy living in the People's Republic of China. You don't seem cut out to handle life in the the U.S.
I have no problems with terrorists being held indefinitely. I'm not surprised that you think plotting with terrorists isn't reason enough to be held. Perhaps you'd enjoy living in Iran. You don't seem cut out to be an American.
Have you changed your mind since then?
No, my opinion stays exactly the same. I have no problem holding terrorists who happen to be US Citizens until the information that would be revealed in a trial is no longer a factor. I do think 3 years is excessive, though.
Like I said. You know you're just looking to cry when you have to go back over a year to did up something to cry about. Then, when you find it, you don't discuss it. You throw a tantrum.