Author Topic: Priceless Hillary  (Read 2024 times)

Offline Gyro/T69

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Priceless Hillary
« Reply #60 on: January 09, 2004, 02:08:55 AM »
“No guesses?.. It was Defense Sec. Cheney. I wonder if Rummy called Clinton to thank him?”

For what, trimming down the standing Army from sixteen divisions to ten? There were more combat divisions plus independent brigades deployed in the first Gulf War, than makes up our entire present day Army. This doesn’t take in account the allied units that fought along side our own.

US combat divisions involved in the drive to Baghdad numbered four. Had Iraq’s military put up an organized fight, four divisions may not have been enough and our losses would have been higher.

A quote from Hillary on troop deployment in Iraq.

“We never had enough troops for the kind of stability and security mission that we were expected to perform," Las Vegas Sun Jan 5, 2003

Gee I wonder why. What are we going to do, put all ten divisions in Iraq? I sometime wonder if she ever heard of the Clinton administration.

MT, let me ask you a question, why do you admirer so much? What has she done?

As one of the Senators in my state she has done zip. Sure, she comes into town from time to time for fundraisers. Giving that same old “I feel your pain crap” and babbles about wanting to do this and that. Funny thing though, she’d on TV a lot more often for national problems that she is for this state.

Polls have come out in the last few months that are showing a trend. If either Giuliani or Golisano runs against her in 06 she may be looking for a new state to live in.

Offline Rude

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Priceless Hillary
« Reply #61 on: January 09, 2004, 10:55:25 AM »
Originally posted by midnight Target
No guesses?.. It was Defense Sec. Cheney. I wonder if Rummy called Clinton to thank him?

Thank him for what....a depleted and lacking inventory of personel and resources?

I believe he would have somethng to say to clinton, don't think it would be hey thanks.