Hey guys, thanks again. The setting files really helped. I gotta get some real rudder pedals though. the twisting stick thing just doesn't work that well with the MS force feedback. It's kinda all or nothing as far as I can tell.
Still trying to figure the best way to map my buttons, the default settings seem awfully odd to me.
I figured it was torque, and it was, I found the best way to correct the torque on the P51 was to fly the 38....
Been doing a little offline flying to get the hang of the flight model, I'll probably be online in a couple weeks, when I get some serious time to dedicate to this thing.
So one more dumb question....(well, for now) How do I map/change the buttons? I looked into the joystick settings, and THOUGHT I did it right, but when I jumped back into the plane, nothing seemed to change.
Oh yeah, and what the heck is auto-combat trim?
Spitter aka SquidODeath
It's good to make new friends, even if you have to kill them sometimes.