Angus: Well Miko, those 17 executions left the real murderer still walking. So maybe, the death toll is more there as well.
But since some of those 17 were dangerous criminals, there may have been some lives saved as well.
Anyway, we have 17 + (?) vs how many?
There is a point in this. Shouldn't life sentence be for LIFE? Or better (and cheaper?) still, shouldn't Death penalty be changed to Life sentence with no pardon possible?
I would be possible (tp push the abolition through) if the system was not so screwed up. First, the criminals should be held at their own expense or at least cover most of it with their own labor.
Second, they should not enjoy the same legal rights.
Right now, a prisoner can entertain himself with filing friolous lawsuits that cost him nothing but millions to the state.
They also get medical care for free that would not be available to their victims of their families.
Also, every year the idiotic laws make millions of non-violent people commiting "victimless crimes" (marijuana posession., etc.) to become prisoners - which provides victims to the real criminals. I bet dangerous criminals have better time in prison than they ever do outside - with fresh supply of victims locked in.
The next time someone's son or daughter gets jailed for some trivial reason like friend leaving a joint in their car, he may find little comfort knowing that there will be a bunch of violent murderers welcoming them to prison life.
No wonder people support death penalty so eagerly in US. If alternatives seemed reasonable - hard labor, real "life" sentenses, there would be much less support for capital punishment.