Originally posted by Tuomio
When you hurt somebody, its more justified to have progressive fines that go to the victim. This way the victim gets his revenge.
But when you overspeed, you do not hurt anybody, you usually just slightly raise the risk for causing an accident. Even if you drove around kindergarten 200mph for two days, it doesent mean you have harmed anyone or even have had any close calls. WHEN you cause accident and have done such reckless act, you should get your bellybutton jailed for years + big $$ fines for the victim.
Thats just absurd.
The traffic laws are made in order to decrease and prevent the accidents.
I don't want people to drive recklessly, just waiting for the accident to happen.. I'd rather see traffic laws enforced and violaters punished if they break the laws, before something happens.
The risk also increases alot, not just slightly.
If you're speeding 80khp in area with 40-50kph limit, the risk really does increase by a noticeable amount, not just slightly.
Also, if you happen to drive over someone, the person would be almost surely dead, while if you would've obeyed the speed limits, you would either have avoided it or *much* less likely killed the person.
On highways, if theres 100kph limit and you're speeding +180kph in a typical car, you're much more likely to loose control of the car, the risk does increase alot.
When you loose the control, nobody knows where the car ends up and what gets in its way.
Higher the speed, more likely it is to loose control and have more catastrophic consequences if it hits someone elses car.
Public roads are not race tracks, nor do people drive race cars, which are also equipped approriately for racing and high speeds.