Author Topic: somethings been annoying me lately  (Read 702 times)

Offline acepilot2

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somethings been annoying me lately
« on: February 16, 2004, 09:38:09 PM »
heya everyone. acepilot2, aka brenen here ( i know i need to change my sig) been playing aces high 2 years now and I have many skills down, however, there is one thing I can never seem to do.

Was wondeirng if anyone give me a few tips on how to shake an enemy and get him off your 6 at low level or any level for that matter. I fly the p38 and this always seems to be an impossibility to me. Anyone know any good techniques or manuvers to stay alive?  I have a few films of me getting shot down too-i will post them later and try to see if anyone can spot what I'm doing wrong.

Typically when I get engaged at low alt chances are I have already have a previous engagement with another enemy aircraft and therefore have burned e. So in a p38 going 200mph at 500ft, the most I can do is just do yo-yo's.

Offline United

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somethings been annoying me lately
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2004, 10:15:00 PM »
In a 38, you're best bet at low altitude is probably a scissors.  This works especially well if they enemy is going faster than you are.  There really isnt much you can do at low alt other than keep moving.

I have realized flying in a Mosquito lately, which is kinda similar to the 38, that if an enemy con, lets say an La7 (which we see so much of), is going faster than you, yet is slow enough for a shot.  Since the LA7 can turn better than you, you cannot break away from it.  What I would do is this:

Begin a scissors move, and while entering the first roll, cut throttle to 25% which is not too slow, yet slow enough that the LA7 cant get a very clean shot.  Continue the Scissors and try to keep the LA7's roll opposite of yours, meaning if he is banking left, you want to be banking right.  Hopefully, the LA7 will overshoot, and pass you.  Most likely he will try to loop back around, so hit full power and WEP and try to follow him in the loop, if there are no other enemy planes around.  Use the superior stall fighting of the 38 to roll over and hopefully, take a clean shot at him.

Another move that I have noticed an enemy con may take after overshooting is loop halfway, then try to do a vertical scissors.  If he does this, follow him, but do not lose too much E, then when he dives back down, use the long rudder movement of the 38 to manuever into a firing position, and with the superior firepower of the 38 you should easily down, or severly cripple him.

Let's say the enemy aircraft is a spit IX and he is not going faster than you.  In this situation, since he is a better turner and is in the better aircraft, I would try to extend away from him and either 1) he will get tired of chasing and break off or, 2) you will get far enough away from him to turn back and fight him starting off clean with E and a merge.

You may already know this and not get anything out of it, but its just my 2 cents. :)

Also remember, I've only been flying 2 years and have had MA for only 4 months, so take taht into consideration before you try anything this noobie tells ya. ;)

:edit  I just saw the part where you say you have little E because you just finished off a different target.  This is actually to your advantage because it will cause the enemy aircraft to overshoot even more, and give you a better shot.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2004, 10:18:06 PM by United »

Offline Ghosth

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somethings been annoying me lately
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2004, 10:15:53 PM »
Its tough, esp if your low altitude.

If I've got alt to spare I'll go into a nose low scissors.

A lot depends on what plane your in vs whats chasing you.

I'd suggest you talk to ren, soda, or bigmax.

Offline Soda

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somethings been annoying me lately
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2004, 10:48:01 AM »

Typically when I get engaged at low alt chances are I have already have a previous engagement with another enemy aircraft and therefore have burned e. So in a p38 going 200mph at 500ft, the most I can do is just do yo-yo's

Manuevers require speed and under the conditions you describe you've left yourself without any, thus there isn't much that can help.  Depending on closure rate, you may be able to get the enemy to simply overshoot (though with a P-38 that can be tough because it's such a large target).  Scissors may work though the P-38 isn't a great roller (hard to get started-stopped).  Something vertical may work if you can take yourself into the stall realm and then get the enemy at high power and nose up (so he's fighting control problems).  Honestly, going vertical for any serious amount of time at only 200mph isn't going to work though and an enemy who is closing can probably hang right there with you.

I think what you describe is quite a common problem though, defensive actions need to start long before the enemy is behind you in position.  Once you have someone there, under the conditions you describe, then the deck is stacked heavily against you, even against a rookie pilot.

Drop me a note and maybe we can talk some defensive tips/tricks.  I have a couple of notes I've made to help people out.

Offline Estes

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somethings been annoying me lately
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2004, 03:52:17 PM »
It sounds weird, but your best bet is to not let him get there in the first place.

Once he is there, it's more or less a crap shoot. I find it easier to not let them get there in the first place, especially in a big plane like a 38.

Offline Soulyss

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somethings been annoying me lately
« Reply #5 on: February 17, 2004, 06:06:19 PM »
At 200mph on the deck you don't have many options in any plane.  If the closure rate is high  I've found unconventional movements have kept me alive long enough for help to arrive.  Push negative G's, skid, do anything but simply bank and turn, that just makes you a bigger target, unless you begin your turn early enough to get your nose around on him.  

If there isn't a high rate of closure I can't help ya there cause based on my experiences I'd be dead allready.  If you figure somthing out let me know. :D
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