If someone is going to whine about a HO, they are going to whine about anything. Even if they win the HO, or if no one hits in the HO or even if they win the fight after a long knife fight.
They'll whine.
Whiners are whiners to the bone. They'll whine till they can't whine no mo', then they'll whine some mo' and keep on whining till you think they can't whine no mo', then they'll surprise you and whine some mo' and keep on whining until their fingers cramp on themselves and they are going to whine to themselves, or to their spouse, or to their sister, or to their brother, or to their cat, or to their dog, or to their fish, or to their turtle, or to their monitor, or to their keyboard, or.....
Hell they'll just keep on whining till the end they die... because they are whiners by nature.
WHINE BABY... WHINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Buncha girly whining dweebs.