Steve: Actually that's call fraud, handsomehunk. I am not talking what it may be
called, but what it is. The nature of an act does not change when you change labels. the government takes tax money and gives it to the polyginists.
Anyway, what's so fradulent about it? The woman is really not legally married - shecould not be legally married even if she wanted to. The children are real and even the goverment bureaucrats know that any child must have had a father. Everything is totally legal. You could go and disclose any such case and still the government would continue to pay welfare to them, because they would not be breaking any rules.
Substaniate your claim that polygamy is widespread among mormans. Media reports 30,000 practicing people calling themsleves Mormons in Utah. I believe that number is too low and another one here claims 60,000. Let's split the difference and say 48,000. Total population is about two million. Less than 60% of Utah residents identify themselves as Momon, so that leaves 1.2 million.
48,000/1.2 mil = 4% of the total population in Utah
practice polygamy. One third of Utah population are children who do not practice any marriage arrangement, so among adults the ratio would be 6% - quite widespread in my estimate.
Alternatively, we can consider that fundamantalist mormon families, especially polygamous ones, have many more children per woman than average for the mormons.
So while 4% of Utah Mormons are adults living in polygamous families, it is probably around 10% of people - adults and children - living in such families. Maybe more.
We have 5% of jews in US and saying jews are widespread compared to some other countries would not be incorrect.
We have just twice as many blacks and hispanics - 12% each. They are undoubtedly widespread.
If that is not widesplread enough for you, so be it. It's widespread enough for me.
slimm50: Miko, that would be "polygamy", or are you making a play on words that I'm just to obtuse to see? Polygyny is a kind of
polygamy when one male has several female wives.
The fundamental mormons in Utah engaged in polygamy almost exclusively practice polyginy, not polyandry or other arrangements.