Author Topic: Serious this time: HTC needs to promote AH downunder!  (Read 2647 times)

Offline Westy

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Serious this time: HTC needs to promote AH downunder!
« Reply #30 on: November 20, 2000, 08:30:00 AM »
 Different than MG?  Low blow Jekyll and uncalled for. The differences between myslef and that deranged drool cup wearing bastidge is readily apparant.
 Biggest difference is that at least  I've always defended "my sim of choice" in the forumn of "my sim of choice"    2-3 years ago I felt the way I did about WB's from within the context of the game I was flying in then.   Now I feel the way I do from the experience of flying this sim. WB's finally just went to a decent and long overdue price structure about a month ago. 3 years too late.  Why do you (or anyone esles) feel the need to defend WB's here or on A.G.A-W? I'm on the AH board, defending AH in response. If it means contradicting you with my own opinion of WB's then that is what I'll do. You brought WB's into the discussiont. Not I.
 I'd always had WB's on the HDD up to 2.7whatever. I took it off 6 mos ago because it did not hold a canlde  to this one. It was on my hdd prior because it had many features that my prior affiliation (AW) did not that I liked very much. Not enough to pay an hourly rate however.
 If I needed to save $5.00 a month and felt I could settle for flying the second best sim I'd subscribe to WB's. But the $5.00 a month isn't desperately needed right now so I'm here.
 So where do I get my words of choice like basketball sized bullets?? Right from the WB's community at AGW and from what I remember flying it myself. I've been lurking in AGW for over 2 years now.  I know more about WB's than you may think or give me credit for.


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« Reply #31 on: November 20, 2000, 03:04:00 PM »
I concur with Jekyll over the 1.03 FM. It was waaay better than what we have right now . Ok I could condone a tiny tweak to the FM but now the BNZrs are the prey and the turners don't bleed E for nothing, you can only kill the lil rats when they're almost stalling . Planes just keep accelerating with no ends I MEAN WHERE'S PROP DRAG! Torque now is pratically non existant(in previous versions  it was accurate those engines produce inmense torque in landing and slow speeds almost to cause a rolling tendency). Specially a plane like the F4U I've flown it in the main arena and that plane when in landing config if full power is applied torque doesn't manifest it self,even when it is well known that planes with 2k HP and those type of large props produce gigiantic amounts of torque.

About the WB gunnery I beg to differ Jek it's sometimes screwy, although,something from WB which is more dynamic is  the damage model .  In here it needs  an improvement ,seems kind of generic always the same systems gets damaged and IT DOESN'T EVEN LOOK AS IF IT WAS DAMAGED it looks like someone took it out for repairs.

Another point worth noting , which I think was true , is pilot fatigue the pilot shouldn't be able to pull sustained G's without causing an effect on the stamina or  the pull the pilot in the game can make , a FULL BLACKOUT should  leave the controls inoperable or at least degrade the ability to pull the same Gs IF  the flight model is not fixed to something similar to 1.03,at least give the pilots some limitations.

Good bye all

Glasses---I may have 4 eyes ,but you only have one wing.

Offline Extreme

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« Reply #32 on: November 20, 2000, 11:20:00 PM »
Hiya back online?

Anyway, golf is probably a bit like flight sims.  First you try it and either hate it and never try it again or you keep prodding.  Getting my first PAR in golf is kinda like getting a first kill in Aces High  ...

And like flight sims such as Aces High, you need a lot of practice with Golf to be any good and you need some good teachers.

Besides that, I'm getting fresh air and my missus is nice to me again  


Offline Jekyll

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« Reply #33 on: November 21, 2000, 02:43:00 AM »
OK Westy, I'll try to take this one thing at a time  

The differences between myslef and that deranged drool cup wearing bastidge is readily apparant.

Unfortunately, not as apparent as you might think  

Why do you (or anyone esles) feel the need to defend WB's here or on A.G.A-W?

Read back through this thread. I simply mentioned what I saw as the best mix of features from both AH and WB.  I am neither defending Warbirds, nor am I burying my head in the sand and saying 'AH is newer, therefore it must be better'.

So where do I get my words of choice like basketball sized bullets?? Right from the WB's community at AGW and from what I remember flying it myself.

Well hell Westy, you mustn't have flown it for a HELL of a long time.  BB size bullets haven't existed in WB since 2.5 or so.

Not that they ever compared with 20mm turbolasers anyway  

I mean, lets get real for a moment.  In another thread Wardog mentions how he got a 12 kill sortie in a Typhoon.


Doesn't anyone think that's just a little bit strange?  Check some of the recent threads on this very BBS.

965yd gun kills, 12 kill sorties etc.  Do we REALLY believe the gunnery model in AH is right?

Or is it Westy, that some of the community so dearly love being able to just shoot without worrying about troublesome ACM?

Of course Westy, I would NEVER include you in that quake-mentality group  

C.O. Phoenix Squadron
Aces High Training Corps

Offline Westy

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« Reply #34 on: November 21, 2000, 08:28:00 AM »
"Of course Westy, I would NEVER include you in that quake-mentality group   "

 Don't bother with the smiley's. The discussion went past being civil with your below the belt comparison to MG.  See ya and good luck in your quest.



Offline Arfann

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« Reply #35 on: November 21, 2000, 03:33:00 PM »
Thought this thread was about support for the Aussies!  A friend of mine in Melbourne says Australia's like a middle aged woman. Everyone knows it's down there, but noone gives a damn!



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« Reply #36 on: November 21, 2000, 09:13:00 PM »
No Extreme ... I'll wait a bit I think.
I tend to agree with Jekyll's assessment  .

Arfann, it sounds like you need a bit of life experience ... I'll go with the beautiful middle aged lady over a twenty something any day  . Have you ever experienced Australia first hand?


Offline Jekyll

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« Reply #37 on: November 21, 2000, 11:28:00 PM »
Apologies Westy.  On reflection it was a thoughtless comment to make.

I think most of my problem is that I had SUCH high hopes for Aces High when it debutted.

Here was a chance, with all new code, to do Warbirds right!  I suppose I just get awfully frustrated by the idea that WW2 flight sim enthusiasts must always be treated to games which pander to the lowest common denominator.

A really good sim is more than just entertainment ... it's the opportunity to learn about real-life tactics, employ them in the sim, and get the satisfaction of seeing them work in the virtual environment.

But it seems that it's always 'game first, sim a distant second'.

But you're right Westy.  I should have kept my big mouth shut.  I'm no apologist for either Aces High or Warbirds.  I just happen to believe that a combination of the best features of both (with a bit of AW thrown in as well) would lead to one hell of an online WW2 flight sim.

But it just ain't gonna happen in my lifetime  

C.O. Phoenix Squadron
Aces High Training Corps

Offline Westy

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« Reply #38 on: November 22, 2000, 08:31:00 AM »
 Sorry for tweaking your nose Jekyll.  I hated crossing words with you this way and if one thing it's done for me is to help put the claws back in the draw and sit back more instead of trying to be in peoples faces on things such as this.   I have a tendency to give a  knee jerk reaction to defend what I like <embarassed blush>.

 You make many, many good points.  As for AH. I think it could or maybe CAN be what many folks want. You've been doing this alot longer than I have and are further along in the online evolutionary scale of things. I'm still the type that's on the fence where as  I still enjoy the MA but I really savour the Historical events. Still,  I'm not sure I'd enjoy a 24/hr a day historical based sim.  
 One thing for sure is that AH is slow (relatively speaking. it's like greased lightening compared to AW and WB's) to develop but with the additions to the program and more historical events I'm hoping the numbers increase to where we can have a choice.
 I'm hoping that HTC will implement many of the requests for tuning the sim towards more realism that we (the AH community) have been asking to have impol,emented for quite some time.  The list you had in your post off the gameplay sections covers the vast majority of the requests.
 For me AH is the best I can do right now until it continues to evolve or something else comes along to capture my imagination and wants. I don;t see that with WB III and I don't in WWII Online. Bother are either / or again. WB III is the same as the old AW, the old WB's and what we have here in AH. WWII Online might be fun, but I'm not sure it's what I want to do each time I log.

Offline Westy

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« Reply #39 on: November 22, 2000, 09:03:00 AM »

 One thing that I have noticed is the heavy drop in community interaction by HiTech and company from the beta and for a short while after the opening of pay-to-play days.  It's hard to say (easy to sit and try to guess though   ) whether it's because the community has grown much larger and there's too much "noise" here now for them to keep up with us?  Or perhaps there's too much bull for them to even try and keep up with al the wrtiting s and postings in here. IT could be they are are even busier these days than even back then to even try to burnt thier time.   I'm not sure. But the absence to many direct and valid questions, not to even mention comment about features for  AH, is very noticable to me.


Offline Spatula

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« Reply #40 on: November 22, 2000, 07:17:00 PM »
I agree, i wish HTC would get involved in more threads. I dont even know if they have even read this (im sure they have). This thread was directed at them.
Airborne Kitchen Utensil Assault Group

Offline Jekyll

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« Reply #41 on: November 23, 2000, 02:41:00 AM »
Your reply got me thinking Westy, and on reflection there's one thing I hadn't considered which may be colouring my responses.

Living in the States, you have the option of flying in either the MA, SEA or scenario environment.

Unfortunately, here in Australia, its the MA or nothing.  Scenarios like 'Afrika Korps' are run on Sundays, which equates to early Monday morning my time.. and unfortunately, I have to work.

So its the MA or nothing, and when I log onto the AH Main Arena and find a grand total of 14 people online I sometimes wonder, "Why bother at all?".

Offline straffo

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« Reply #42 on: November 23, 2000, 03:20:00 AM »
Originally posted by Vulcan:
Yeah HT Kiwis should get it cheap just coz we kicked the Frogs butts in the Rugby. And anyone who kicks Frog-butt is good  

You have seen the last matchs ? all the south hemisphere (spelling) teams got kicked even by Ireland  

Offline Westy

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« Reply #43 on: November 23, 2000, 09:25:00 AM »
 I'd not even though of that Jekyll. I do not know think I could find $30/mo values logging on to "fly" at the time that you do. Even if AH had all those things that many folks have been asking for since quite a time ago. When you log on the arena has 10% in comparison to what I see when I log on and to be absolutely honest, the numbers on at your time of day are not much better than if one was playing H2H.
 Got to run. Wife is giving me the "evile" eye for being on the PC today, of all days. I just got your email btw this am. A recipricol on the way back later from me <S>. And even though your in Australia I hope the holiday spriti we're having here today, Thanksgiving, finds it's way to your and yours "down there" and you folks have a grand day too.

  - Ken "Westy"

Offline Jekyll

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« Reply #44 on: November 24, 2000, 02:41:00 AM »
Ah but Westy, its not $30 a month for Australians .... its nearer $60 a month (when you take into account our pitiful exchange rate).

Would YOU fly an MA only environment with at most 7 opponents for $60 a month?