Congrats to WMLute this months King of The Hill (E).
A well deserved victory after 8 hard fought rounds.
#1 - Tempest - WMLute
#2 - N1K2J - Liquid LP (1st KOTH round win, congrats)
#3 - F6F - WMLute
#4 - Hurri Mk1 - Graenmet
#5 - LA5 - Timppa
#6 - Typhoon - Graenmet
#7 - Yak 9U - Timppa
#8 - P38L - WMLute.
WMLute has chosen the Tempest as round 1's ride for next month.
We were a bit low on numbers this month. Please do come along to this great event. Remember theres an event in US *and* Euro timezones. So be there 'r be square!
WTG again to WMLute.