Author Topic: Task Groups  (Read 959 times)

Offline Grits

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« Reply #15 on: May 26, 2004, 02:07:12 PM »
Originally posted by Arlo
Neh. ALL IJ pilots have been getting their birds (any model) to the stratosphere with ease,

ALL  IJ pilots? You sure about that Arlo? :p

I've made my peace with this set, I like it fine.

Offline Arlo

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« Reply #16 on: May 26, 2004, 05:04:42 PM »

Offline CurtissP-6EHawk

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« Reply #17 on: May 26, 2004, 05:41:46 PM »
Originally posted by Jester
Your "Sense of Adventure" wears pretty thin after the first 30 min. of chaseing Corsair pilots around that won't engage unless they have the advantage. You want the fastest plane out there.

Why turn an F4U? You know it wont last. So, why does me(or anyone else) running in a corsair have to do with you guys hording in N1K2Js? I actually enjoy out turning AND out running the N1K2J in the F6F but thats not my point!:rolleyes:

Offline Squire

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« Reply #18 on: May 26, 2004, 05:51:13 PM »
"Therefore as long as folks run, there will be a need nikis in most Pac set ups..."

Oh right, nobody ever runs in ETO setups, please. I suppose you turn and fight in a Fw190A-5 while dragging a Spit IX? funny I didnt see anybody using those tactics last 1944 ETO setup, where I flew axis all week. Rather the 190s would use better low level speed and teamwork....hmm...sounds familiar. far as the Ki-61 goes its an effective fighter, plain and simple, the N1K2 belongs in those setups where it should be, like Okinawa (vs the F4U-1D), but its not required "in most PAC setups" as the Ki-61 can fight the F4F, F6F, and F4U-1 birdcage.

...btw try HurricaneIs vs 110s next BoF, have fun.
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Offline Squire

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« Reply #19 on: May 26, 2004, 06:02:09 PM »
It also strikes me that there is much whining from folks who expect the F4U pilots to fly like complete morons, in circles, so the N1K2, A6M5 whatever can just close in and blow them into next week. Get real.
Friday Squad Ops CM Team
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Offline CurtissP-6EHawk

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« Reply #20 on: May 26, 2004, 06:08:42 PM »
I already posted that Squire!!!!!!! Nobody has or will coment on it!

Anyway, I thought I would coment on me and the F4U vs A6M5b. I went and looked at me stats so for for the week. This is what I I will explain:

vs A6M5b

F4U-1........1 kill........0 deaths
F4U-1D......1 kill........2 deaths

I will "dogfight" the A6M5. The A6M5 in AH is much different than in warbirds. It is way much better in AH. The thing retains E like you wouldnt belive but you still have a chance if there arent any other guys close by. I was killed both Deej but he died too! Deej is the only A6M5 I had a chance to fight. I ran across a few but would have been dead meat if I tried to fight them.

Lets move on...

Ki-61 I actually fear this fighter more than the N1J2K as a fighter.

F4U-1D.........10 kills........0 deaths
F6F.................2 kills........0 deaths
 It actually fights better at higher speeds!!!!!!!!!!!!

lets move on.....

N1K2J, the so called most feared IJA fighter!

F4U-1D..............18 kills..........1 death
F6F......................6 kills..........3 deaths
FM2.....................2 kills..........0 deaths
F4U-1..................1.kill............0 deaths
P-47D-30.............1 kill............0 deaths

Guys, I am not here to dogfight. I am here to fly-kill-rtb. I dogfight only if I am 1 vs 1 with a good entry to the fight. I am not here to be the best (this is a freaken sim !!!) Leave the best for the guys that did and do this in real life. My fun is shooting down planes not dogfighting. I didnt say I could'nt, I just dont have a use for it!

The F4U is no more ubber in here vs the Zero than the 190 is vs the spit or Hurricane. Nor the 262 vs the Tempest or P-51D. Not only that but the LW planes eccelerate a F!@# he11 of a lot faster than the US Navy planes vs the IJ planes!!!!!! There are still plenty of "other" lanes to fight. We proved this a while back with both the 262 and 163 in the PTO along with the Chog and F4U-4. Again a few set-ups ago in the ETO vs the 262. They are a pain to avoid but they are not stupid enough to slow down. Some guys can dogfight in the F4U. I can hold my own but again, thats not why I fly.

« Last Edit: May 26, 2004, 06:16:32 PM by CurtissP-6EHawk »

Offline TrueKill

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« Reply #21 on: May 26, 2004, 06:18:23 PM »
it would be a good map if the dam 88mm flak didnt kill you before u get to 5k i just want a cruser fleet so we can take out some of the enemy ships that are just porkin the fields.

Offline Squire

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« Reply #22 on: May 26, 2004, 06:24:43 PM »
Well said Hawk, and remember the golden rule, its only "Bore and Zoom" when its non LW a/c doing it, otherwise its advanced acm yada yada yada.
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Offline Grits

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« Reply #23 on: May 26, 2004, 06:24:44 PM »
Hawk, just fly what you want, how you want and let people complain.

You and I are about as opposite as can be in the way we choose to fly, and thats OK, neither is better or worse, they are just different. I would never accept anyone telling me how to fly and you shouldn't either, do what you want and have fun.

Just ignore people that talk trash to you (even me sometimes). Send them a and move on.

Offline Grits

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« Reply #24 on: May 26, 2004, 06:28:12 PM »
Originally posted by Squire
Oh right, nobody ever runs in ETO setups, please. I suppose you turn and fight in a Fw190A-5 while dragging a Spit IX? funny I didnt see anybody using those tactics last 1944 ETO setup, where I flew axis all week.

Actually, I turn fight the A5, but then again you know yourself that I get kilt a lot doing it. :)

Offline Arlo

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« Reply #25 on: May 26, 2004, 06:50:19 PM »
A8 can turn a bit too.

Ok ... enough of the nonsense .... let's get serious here.

Norton ... I know that you know that I know that you know that the best planeset HT could hope to model would be the planes from the Spanish Civil War.

Offline Slash27

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« Reply #26 on: May 26, 2004, 07:29:50 PM »
It also strikes me that there is much whining from folks who expect the F4U pilots to fly like complete morons, in circles, so the N1K2, A6M5 whatever can just close in and blow them into next week.

Funny aint it?

Offline CurtissP-6EHawk

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« Reply #27 on: May 26, 2004, 07:41:12 PM »
Besides, its the P-38 that the Japs hated, not the F4Us! They did not call it the "Fork Tail Devil" for nothing!!!

Offline Batz

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« Reply #28 on: May 27, 2004, 12:21:56 AM »
Originally posted by Squire
"Therefore as long as folks run, there will be a need nikis in most Pac set ups..."

Oh right, nobody ever runs in ETO setups, please. I suppose you turn and fight in a Fw190A-5 while dragging a Spit IX? funny I didnt see anybody using those tactics last 1944 ETO setup, where I flew axis all week. Rather the 190s would use better low level speed and teamwork....hmm...sounds familiar. far as the Ki-61 goes its an effective fighter, plain and simple, the N1K2 belongs in those setups where it should be, like Okinawa (vs the F4U-1D), but its not required "in most PAC setups" as the Ki-61 can fight the F4F, F6F, and F4U-1 birdcage.

...btw try HurricaneIs vs 110s next BoF, have fun.

There are other options between turn fighting and running. The F4u will out roll any Jap plane just like an a5 will out roll a spit 9.  The a5 out accllerates the spit 9 and is faster. So there's no need to run...... Just fight and kill them....

If you fly a5s and F4us with high speed ho passes and long extensions then you dont know how to fly them.

I know planes run in the eto, just like the main. Especially allied planes... However, because they suck and it maybe "smart" for them to run doesnt equate to fun. Its no fun chasing runners around whether they are in a 110 or an F4u.

I have flown a hurri 1 plenty. In the first BoB set ups in the CT most players flew axis. Folks complained how in the hurri they couldnt get killls especially against the ju88. I went up and shot down 4 ju88s, rearmed upped again and killed 2 109s and a 110... I had np with it... I have said that for the BoF that the 110 we have in ah has a db601n eng and doesnt belong in that set.

But the 110 is not some uber plane.. It has weak mgff guns and a weak tail.

Who said the ki61 isnt a good plane? Its just one on those planes that isnt as good as the a6m5 or niki in a close in dog fight. It lacks the accelleration and climb rate to take advantage of those narrow opportunities to close for the kill. Flown with altitude and energy it can "hold its own" but only if the f4u obliges him.

Offline TrueKill

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« Reply #29 on: May 27, 2004, 02:02:10 AM »
i dont know if yall read the title of the post but its TASK GROUPS not planes. so if you dont have anything to say about the fleets dont post here. i hate when people take the post way off the subject