Author Topic: coverage of Ronald Reagan's death has been excessive,  (Read 1289 times)

Offline NUKE

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coverage of Ronald Reagan's death has been excessive,
« Reply #45 on: June 09, 2004, 08:15:52 PM »
Originally posted by Thrawn
Really?  This graph seems to refute that and it only shows post WW2 Presidents.

Whatt source did you use to reach this conclusion?

Not a fancy poll, but maybe more telling of how popular Reagan was with the Americans and American voters?

1980 LANDSLIDE over Carter.

1984 LANDSLIDE over Mondale

In 1984, more people voted for Reagan than any other President in US history. That number stands today even though there are 30 million more people in the US today. He had over 58% of the popular vote as well.
« Last Edit: June 09, 2004, 08:20:56 PM by NUKE »

Offline Capt. Pork

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coverage of Ronald Reagan's death has been excessive,
« Reply #46 on: June 09, 2004, 08:44:55 PM »
Originally posted by Boroda
Toad, I love the things they installed into your brain in the military :)

You know nothing about life in the USSR, I have to say this again and again.

I envy your irrational, almost religious faith in your twisted values.

Boroda, your ongoing descent into idiocy is more than enough reason to warrant an MRI. I think you've spawned a fast-growing tumor in what's left of your brain.

Toad might not have much first hand experience about life in your ****hole of a nation but I do and guess what, I wouldn't go back there if I were being threatened with dismemberment.

Boasting an average life expectancy of 66 years(having seen the inside of a Moscow hospital in 2001, I'm shocked it's even that high, and BTW, nice going beating-out Bangladesh),

world life expectancy rates

and an average monthly income, in cities, of just over $200 a month, in a nation that is home to three dozen billionaires, monthly income rates, your beautiful proletariat's paradise is anything but.

The world should be thankful that the USSR, that shameful hell-spawn of Lenin and Stalin's collective colon, is gone. It's only regretful that there are humans like you still around trying to preach the inherent beauty of the hammer and sickle.
About ten years ago I was told by a fellow former Russian that it will take at least a generation for Russian society to begin to recover. Reason being, because that's how long it will take for the last of the Communist groupies to either die or go into convalescence.

I think he was being optimistic.

<> RIP Ronald
« Last Edit: June 09, 2004, 08:49:15 PM by Capt. Pork »

Offline Boroda

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coverage of Ronald Reagan's death has been excessive,
« Reply #47 on: June 10, 2004, 06:06:25 AM »
Originally posted by Toad
USSR? No, never went there.

Been to CZ quite a bit though and met a lot of folks. Didn't meet ANY that were glad to have been conquered by you Soviets, didn't meet any that wanted you back and didn't meet any the really had anything good to say about you folks at all.

I suspect most of your conquered satellite states feel the same way. Latvian Love? I think not! Hungarian Hankering for the Rodina? Not likely.

You guys *)*&@#$% Eastern Europe. But you can deny that too.

Heck, you have to; that much truth would drive you to suicide.

And you guys *)*&@#$% every place where you interfere. Please compare modern Vietnam where Red side won and Afghanistan where Blue side won. Then Yugoslavia, and Iraq goes the same way.

Toad, here we come to our argument about who was the right side in the cold war. I have already told you that the reason for Soviet presence in Eastern Europe was the deadly threat from the West. Now, after this quote from your great leader - do you really think you were "defending from communist agression" and USSR didn't have to fear?...

We want to live in our own way. We don't need any stinking democracy that "begins bombing in five minutes". American policy towards Russia and Russian people is very much summed up in Zbignev Brzezinsky's "Grand Chessboard".  Your leaders still dream to "outlaw Russia forever"... Only 15 millions out of 150 must live in Russian Federation according to your ideologists, other 135 millions are waste. This is even worse then Hitler's "Plan Ost".

Offline Boroda

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coverage of Ronald Reagan's death has been excessive,
« Reply #48 on: June 10, 2004, 06:14:21 AM »
Originally posted by GRUNHERZ
Boroda sees Gorbachov as an evil traitor who ruined the soviet dream state...

In fact I think Boroda is so far out there that even considers Lenin to be a traitor in some way....

Lenin was a German agent, sponsored by Germans and acting to withdraw Russia from WWI, leaving all Southern Russia to Germans... It's a sad fact. He was not a traitor, just a paid agent. The worst traitor in Russian history was the last Emperor, Nikolay II, who deserted in war time, after destroying army and failing to restore order.

As for Gorby - I can suggest him to commit a ritual suicide to be buried in one grave with Reagan, according to old pagan traditions. Sorry, I don't want to offend Reagan... I already said in another thread that I think he indeed was a great leader.

Offline beet1e

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coverage of Ronald Reagan's death has been excessive,
« Reply #49 on: June 10, 2004, 06:19:34 AM »
Originally posted by VOR
Beet1e, did you ever read Nancy's reply? I think it was titled "My Turn". I haven't read either, but am working on my reading list for the next trip to the sandbox.
No, I never did read that. Was it a rebuttal? Patti herself was not all sweetness and light. She went a bit Bohemian and started selling drugs at one point.

Offline Boroda

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coverage of Ronald Reagan's death has been excessive,
« Reply #50 on: June 10, 2004, 06:21:14 AM »
Originally posted by Capt. Pork
Boasting an average life expectancy of 66 years(having seen the inside of a Moscow hospital in 2001, I'm shocked it's even that high, and BTW, nice going beating-out Bangladesh),

This is true :( Our new "democratic" regime is busy destroying what is left from Soviet health-care system. Damn. What goes on in public hospitals now is worse then what we had in 1941. I am glad that my Father is a veteran and enjoys military health-care.

All you saw is only a result of deliberate destruction of Soviet heritage.

What most of you fail to understand is that what we had here in Soviet times was not "good" or "bad", it was just different. And compared to the current state of affairs it was Golden Age. :(

Offline Eagler

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coverage of Ronald Reagan's death has been excessive,
« Reply #51 on: June 10, 2004, 07:15:44 AM »

good hijack, would rather listen to boron cry in his vodka about RR then Dhole Rather whine about the tele coverage

imagine the coverage when slick dies? it'll be a scene from the movie "The Man Who loved Women" :)

"Masters of the Air" Scenario - JG27

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Offline rpm

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coverage of Ronald Reagan's death has been excessive,
« Reply #52 on: June 10, 2004, 07:40:23 AM »
Originally posted by Eagler

good hijack, would rather listen to boron cry in his vodka about RR then Dhole Rather whine about the tele coverage

imagine the coverage when slick dies? it'll be a scene from the movie "The Man Who loved Women"

Gosh, you Neo's are bitter, aren't you?
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Stay thirsty my friends.

Offline Momus--

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coverage of Ronald Reagan's death has been excessive,
« Reply #53 on: June 10, 2004, 07:50:48 AM »
Boroda is at least partially right; the fall of communism might have been good for the economic freedoms of the Yelstin cronies and the western venture capitalists that backed them in their scramble to buy former state assets at a fraction of their real value, but for the man in the Moscow street incomes have fallen in real terms.

Guys like Capt Pork just assume that because there's now an ostensibly western style regime, everyone should be prospering in western style, disregarding the fact that that the so called liberalization of the nation has been translated as a gold rush for few at the expense of the many. But that's ok, as long as he and his ilk can continue to live the sheltered good life, thousands of miles away, right?

Russia has merely followed the established pattern as demonstrated recently in places like Indonesia, Argentina, Chile etc etc. What the IMF would term as Capital Market Liberalisation really signifies is capital flight, asset stripping and increased corruption. But who gives a toss, as long as the West keeps on getting fatter and richer?

Sorry for the hijack, please carry on pontificating about things you haven't even started to understand.

Offline lazs2

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coverage of Ronald Reagan's death has been excessive,
« Reply #54 on: June 10, 2004, 08:03:10 AM »
I don't think anyone was saying that the new russia is thriving or even doing better than before.   Only that it is better for the world and that the soviets at least have a chance to do better.

Alot of people, even here, are afraid of freedom and would move back in with their mom if they could.   kerry voters for instance.


Offline Boroda

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coverage of Ronald Reagan's death has been excessive,
« Reply #55 on: June 10, 2004, 08:31:14 AM »
Momus, thank you! You said what I meant exactly.

Lazs, I am not happy that there is only one super-power left in the world. It couldn't be better if Soviet side have won cold war... In your terms it's "competition", in our terms it's "balance".

As for people afraid of "freedom" - I am sure that 95% of the people on this board could be absolutely happy living in USSR. The problem is that unlike us you didn't see both systems. Soviet system had it's drawbacks, Western system has some too. What we have here now is a beautiful combination of bad things from both systems :(

Offline lazs2

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coverage of Ronald Reagan's death has been excessive,
« Reply #56 on: June 10, 2004, 08:41:18 AM »
and I am happy that there are not soviet missles aimed at me or that they are no longer gobbling up little countries.  

maybe you are right tho... 95% of the people on this board would be happy living in the great soviet womb.   Apparently there were some who didn't like it tho cause you had to have walls to keep em in and guards on every celebrety or athlete who visitied so they wouldn't wander off... Americans didn't fly jets to Russia to escape America.  

Even Mexico doesn't build walls to keep it's people in.  If I couldn't go where I wanted I would not be too friggin fond of my government... If foreign goods were allmost impossible to get I wouldn't be too fond of my government.   If people I knew disapeared all the time I wouldn't be too fond of my government.

boroda... I think you are too young to even know what living under soviet rule was like.


Offline Boroda

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coverage of Ronald Reagan's death has been excessive,
« Reply #57 on: June 10, 2004, 09:05:49 AM »
Originally posted by lazs2
and I am happy that there are not soviet missles aimed at me or that they are no longer gobbling up little countries.  

maybe you are right tho... 95% of the people on this board would be happy living in the great soviet womb.   Apparently there were some who didn't like it tho cause you had to have walls to keep em in and guards on every celebrety or athlete who visitied so they wouldn't wander off... Americans didn't fly jets to Russia to escape America.  

Even Mexico doesn't build walls to keep it's people in.  If I couldn't go where I wanted I would not be too friggin fond of my government... If foreign goods were allmost impossible to get I wouldn't be too fond of my government.   If people I knew disapeared all the time I wouldn't be too fond of my government.

boroda... I think you are too young to even know what living under soviet rule was like.


Do you think the missiles disappeared? :( I am sure American missiles are still aimed at Moscow. In early 90-s Yeltsin declared that Russian strategic weapons are not aimed at the US any more, but then it was forgotten fast :(

You pointed bad things about Soviet regime, the only thing I can argue is "people I knew disapeared all the time". This sings were over a looong time ago. But now look: there are foreign goods availible but very few people can afford them. And now many people prefer to buy native goods because the quality of imports is much worse.

I am 31 now, when USSR broke apart I was 19. Comsomol member since 1987. I remember Brezhnev's times pretty well :) I don't mention worst things about Soviet regime because you'll never understand them... Using common sence on some matters can heavily damage unprepared brain :)

Offline Capt. Pork

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coverage of Ronald Reagan's death has been excessive,
« Reply #58 on: June 10, 2004, 09:47:09 AM »
Originally posted by Boroda
I have already told you that the reason for Soviet presence in Eastern Europe was the deadly threat from the West.

There you have it, ladies and gentlemen... A man who takes the concept of Pravda to a whole new level.

Offline mosgood

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coverage of Ronald Reagan's death has been excessive,
« Reply #59 on: June 10, 2004, 09:54:12 AM »
LOL....  ya I'm sure Poland is relieved to hear that.