Originally posted by F4UDOA
5. In the 1944 Joint fighter Conferance the F4U-1D was selected as the best carrier plane in production over the F6F-5 by a wide margin of 61% to 31%. This was Marine, Navy, AAF, RAF, Royal Navy, NACA and contractor pilots.
In almost the same exact number of total sorties flown the F4U had signifcantly less total loss of A/C despite dropping almost 3 times as many tons of ordinance. Also the F4U suffered far fewer operational losses and losses to AAA during the war according to the official Navy records.
To some it up in every evaluation of the F4U and F6F side by side the F4U proven to be superior. Only in annecdote does the F6F grow in performance.
First, let's list ALL of the comparison tests at the JFC.
Best all around cockpit: F6F-5 wins, F4U-1D doesn't even make the list.
Worst cockpit: F4U-1D is up near the top.
Best engine controls: F6F-5 scores ahead of F4U-1D.
Best gear and flap controls: F6F-5 is #1, F4U-1D is 3rd behind P-51D.
Best cockpit canopy: F4U-1D is 3rd, F6F-5 is 4th.
Most comfortable cockpit: F6F-5 is 2nd, F4U-1D is 7th.
Best all around visibility: F6F-5 ranks ahead of Corsair.
Best armor: Corsair 2nd, F6F-5 3rd.
Best overload takeoff: F6F-5 is first.
Best ailerons at 350 mph: F4U is second to P-51D, F6F-5 ranks 4th.
Best ailerons at 100 mph: F6F-5 is 1st, F4U-1D is 2nd.
Best elevators: F4U-1D is first, F6F-6 is second.
Best rudder: F6F-5 is first...Refutes what the SoETPs stated.
Best all around stability: F6F-5 is first, Corsair second.
Best characteristics 5 mph above stall. F6F-5 is first, F4U-1D is dead last.
Best dive stability: F4U-1D is first, F6F-5 is 3rd behind P-47.
Best instrument and night flying qualities: F6F-5 is first, F4U-1D is 3rd.
Best fighter above 25,000 feet: F4U-1D is ranked 3rd, F6F-5 is ranked 4th, and get this, the F4U-4 is ranked 5th! Doesn't this sort of indicate that at least some of these guys couldn't buy a clue if their name was Bill Gates?
Now, a few facts about the JFC. It was dismissed by all three services as a boondoggle. Testing was utterly subjective, nothing was instrumented and most pilots had little or no experience in the majority of the aircraft flown. Corporate test pilots showed where their loyalties lived. Service rivalry was readily apparent. AAF pilots who never took off or landed on a carrier were making judgements about carrier suitability... In short, the JFC was about as useless an event as could be imagined... A waste of time and money. Not only that, less than half of the pilots completed the questionaires, so any concensus is limited to only a segment of the test population.
One participant called the meeting, "an opportunity to play with airplanes, talk airplanes, pat themselves on the back and then go get drunk."
Where did you get that "In almost the same exact number of total sorties flown" stuff?
Facts: F4Us flew 62,051 combat sorties, they shot down 2,140 Japanese and finished the war with an 11/1 kill to loss ratio.
F6Fs flew far more (just over 100,000 I believe) sorties and shot down 5,203 Japanese aircraft and finished the war with a 19/1 kill to loss ratio.
Don't misunderstand me, I have always been a big fan of the F4U. But, if I had to pick one as an "air superiority fighter", I'd take the Hellcat without second thoughts. Unless the F4U-4 is offered, in which case that would be my selection.
My regards,