Author Topic: another whine  (Read 753 times)

Offline fd ski

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another whine
« Reply #45 on: January 14, 2000, 12:25:00 PM »
Originally posted by Fishu:
I wonder whats the talking of Fw190s speed..
Even spitfire catches 190 and bunch of other planes...
Not to mention that real 190A8 did fly as fast as 405-408mph top speed... (never had that fast ride in it..)
Remember that Spit IX top speed is 405mph in the game (tested..)

Spit F IX  should top out around 407. Some HF models as fast as 415  

Do your homework before you whine ;')

190 was fast with spit 5 around. 9 came out and gig was up


Bartlomiej Rajewski
S/L fd-ski Sq. 303 (Polish) "Kosciuszko" RAF  

Offline Swager

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another whine
« Reply #46 on: January 14, 2000, 01:17:00 PM »
The way I see it. There are no uber-planes.  There are execellent pilot who get all from a certain airframe.  Trust me I know, I run into them all the time.

I have beaten every airfame out there. Alot of them had the tactical advantage.  A pilot who knows his/hers plane's weakness will not expose that weakness.  Therefore the plane may seem uber.

Know the strengths of your airframe and gain the advantage.  If not possible then extend and get out!!  If running not possible then fight like a madman until your dead!!  Do not be frustrated, but learn.  Take that experience and learn.

Beating a plane with a tactical advantage is an incredible accomplishment.  Especially when piloted by a good pilot.  Try to get them to fight on your level.

Many pilots are real good but noone is perfect. They do make mistakes. If you can make them work for you they will faulter somewhere.  Then be ready to pounce on them like a savage rabbit!!  

Important: Do not get frustrated or upset, because you'll beat yourself.  Take your time and keep your SA up.

This advice dosen't work for me very well, but someone has to make it work!!  

Damn Ghostrider!  This bogey is all over me!!

[This message has been edited by Swager (edited 01-14-2000).]
Rock:  Ya see that Ensign, lighting the cigarette?
Powell: Yes Rock.
Rock: Well that's where I got it, he's my son.
Powell: Really Rock, well I'd like to meet him.
Rock:  No ya wouldn't.

Offline juzz

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another whine
« Reply #47 on: January 14, 2000, 01:22:00 PM »
One small problem fd-ski. AH Spitfire F.IX does 420mph...

Offline Hangtime

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another whine
« Reply #48 on: January 14, 2000, 01:28:00 PM »
Originally posted by juzz:
If you think the current P-51D is too fast, climbs too well, blah blah blah - just think; the P-51B is lighter and has less drag...

...and is faster, and a better dogfighter...


And it's painted GREEN; has dive brakes, tho these were usually wired shut (hmm maybe that was the apache version A37?? I forget now..) On the negative side; two less .50's, lower tankage capability, and a purely dismal rear view.


"I looked, and behold; a Pale Horse, and it's riders name was Death, and Hell followed with him" Rev 6.8
The price of Freedom is the willingness to do sudden battle, anywhere, any time and with utter recklessness... home, or abroad.

Offline Hangtime

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another whine
« Reply #49 on: January 14, 2000, 01:37:00 PM »
Swager!  What a pleasure it is ta fly near you.. yah get me laughing so hard I get shot!  

Seriously; you underestimate your abilities and capabilities. And; you fight like a tiger in the furball; use your head on the stalk and when yer buds need yah; yah toss the score book out and wade in guns blazing.

JG2 is lucky ta have yah.. yer a good stick  

Salute; sir!


"I looked, and behold; a Pale Horse, and it's riders name was Death, and Hell followed with him" Rev 6.8
The price of Freedom is the willingness to do sudden battle, anywhere, any time and with utter recklessness... home, or abroad.

Offline Hangtime

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another whine
« Reply #50 on: January 14, 2000, 01:58:00 PM »
Quote from Lephturn regarding the P51D in AH:

>>What is blowing me away flying the pony is how much I can pull and still be fast. Damn, I can't slow this thing down. I start working a guy from 15k, keel him, find another, keel him. At this point I'm thinking I'm low and slow.. but I realise I'm still at 10k! <<

Yep.. that Mustang was a wonderful e fighter... but it's gone now; and a poor imposter now stands parked on the tarmac; ready to dissapoint the expectant E pilot.

Climb rates are subtley less, and the biggest change this FM revision for the P51 seems to be that 'e-retention' (i.e. the laminar wing effect) is now gone, and she slows very quickly if AOA is even slightly increased. She also as had her acceleration reduced.. even in the dives. I have not had a chance to closely evaluate the flapped turn performance.. but on first impressions, it seems gone too.

Still a deadly machine.. but her marvelous sparkle and luster as an E fighter have gone on this rev. I am deeply saddened. I felt that this sim had for the first time anywhere; a damn good interpetation of what the plane could/should do.. (the previous FM to this one) ... and now it's just another ho-hum plane with a hair more top speed than it's adversaries; a poor turner; an average e fighter. In effect.. it's become the WB P51D. *yawn*

anybody wanna by some scrap aluminum??


"I looked, and behold; a Pale Horse, and it's riders name was Death, and Hell followed with him" Rev 6.8
The price of Freedom is the willingness to do sudden battle, anywhere, any time and with utter recklessness... home, or abroad.

Offline juzz

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another whine
« Reply #51 on: January 14, 2000, 02:56:00 PM »
And it's painted GREEN; has dive brakes, tho these were usually wired shut (hmm maybe that was the apache version A37?? I forget now..) On the negative side; two less .50's, lower tankage capability, and a purely dismal rear view.

Reduced fuel capacity won't matter in AH, two less guns not too much either, and the cockpit view can be improved by calling it a RAF Mustang Mk III, with green and grey camo  

The dive brakes were only fitted on the A-36A "Apache".  
A sort of urban legend has sprung up about the A-36A's dive brakes. According to some stories, the dive brakes of the A-36A were next to useless and were deliberately wired shut at the manufacturers so that they could not be used. This story is totally incorrect. On the contrary, the dive brakes proved to be quite effective in combat, and the aircraft was so stable with the dive brakes extended that bombing while in a dive was particularly accurate. The origin of this legend seems to have been in the United States, at a time before the Invaders first went overseas. It seems that A-36A pilots were told by their officers in the USA that their dive brakes would be all but useless in combat and it would be best if they simply wired them shut. This turned out to be incorrect, and the dive brakes were used to great effect throughout the Sicilian campaign and the Italian invasion.

They were hydrualically actuated, I dunno what the maximum speed was for extending them, but I bet you could pull off some "interesting" ACM with them  

[This message has been edited by juzz (edited 01-14-2000).]

Offline Lephturn

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« Reply #52 on: January 14, 2000, 03:22:00 PM »
Hang, the F4U-1D should be one of the best pure E fighters in the game.  In .46 it is.  In .45 in comparison to the Pony it was .. well bad.  Now the two are at least close, as they should be.

You know, I would laugh my bellybutton off if Pyro came on and said he didn't change anything. <G>  It's hard to quantify these things.

I did however test this morning a few planes for E retention.  Didn't do the 109 yet, but I will.  I got them level at 10k with 50% gas at 200 mph.  Then nose over in a 0G dive and maintain until you pass 5k, then start a 3G pull until going straight up and mark the highest point reached.  The Pony managed 10,200 while the Hawg reached 10,100, pretty close.  I'll keep testing and post all the results when I'm done.  So far the Spit came in at 9,300 which seems low so I'll have to run the tests multiple times and be sure it's repeatable.  I wish I'd done this before .45 so we could compare though.

The Flying Pigs

Offline Hangtime

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another whine
« Reply #53 on: January 14, 2000, 05:24:00 PM »
Juzz!  Thank you... I knew I'd read somewhere in my distant past about dive brakes on the Apache.. and remember also hearing that it was considered a very competent AC compared to its early war contempories. Allison power??? No turbo?? Dammo wish I had my library..

Lephturn..  yup.. I don't disagree. The F4U seemed undermodeled in previous rev's when I flew it.. hopeless climb sticks out as my biggest surprise in it. My  memory is rusty but I had it mentally pegged as one of the best sustained climb performers of the war. That sure aint how it felt when I flew it two revisions ago.

In any case.. I would have prefered seeing the F4U upgraded.. (even better: the -4 with those awsome cannon released)...and yes, even give the LW AC their just due with performance adjustments closer to the Mustangs rather than seeing the Mustang made a WB gelding.  

Its franky impossible to judge from my seat in the "interested participants" section of the flight models debating society; (especially since I only have extensive expericence with the P51D/AH) and I'm very uncomfortable about my statements now.. I ain't got a leg to stand on and I know it.

But; the P51D/AH just don't have that "feeling" and I miss it.   I'd rather see 100 overmodeled doras roaring down and have that eager pony to fly against them than this gelding they gave me yesterday against one Fiesler Storch.

"..thats my story; and I'm stickin to it!"

Thank you.. and I'll watch for those performance tables as they progress.



Note: This message to be reposted under new thread " ..where'd my Pony go??"

"I looked, and behold; a Pale Horse, and it's riders name was Death, and Hell followed with him" Rev 6.8
The price of Freedom is the willingness to do sudden battle, anywhere, any time and with utter recklessness... home, or abroad.